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Need i minig for dig treasures?

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  • Need i minig for dig treasures?

    I successfully open and dig an Adeptly Drawn map, but when i came on _Cleverly Drawn_ location, i see ony this message - "You dig and dig but no treasure seems to be here" and "You dig and dig but fail to find any treasure". I am strongly shure, that i were in right place.
    So, i need mining for digging? and how much?

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da OlegF
    I successfully open and dig an Adeptly Drawn map, but when i came on _Cleverly Drawn_ location, i see ony this message - "You dig and dig but no treasure seems to be here" and "You dig and dig but fail to find any treasure". I am strongly shure, that i were in right place.
    So, i need mining for digging? and how much?
    I think not. Far as I know if you have gm mining you can dig it out even if your 10 tiles away from it, but with 0 mining you must be in the right place within 1 tile.


    • #3
      Correct, mining helps a LOT. Although somewhere I recall that theres some sort of Easy UO treasure hunting helper, if you are into that.

      Sorry I cant be more spacific but its better than nothing!



      • #4
        Don't forget the UOAM (Automap) has the exact locations of treasure spots so its quite easy to get the exact location of the tresure spots.


        • #5
          i used this tool when i was adventurer.... you can download it here , one advice... sometimes you need to last click on the map instead of the tile for digging it.. tell me if this works


          • #6
            Hmm.. I was on right place, i am sure. I use automap for locate me on the treasure spot, and dig many tiles around. Maybe bug? Is there some kind mappers, that can help me, may be i am wrong??


            • #7
              call me on icq, i will help you find the treasure icq : 233-371-911


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