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Polish people on UOD

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  • Polish people on UOD

    Hey Polish can speak english! I can. I met Italian people and ask they for somthing they also says "asd" and something like that, so that is discrimination other nations...

  • #2
    Re: Polish people on UOD

    Originally posted by Izzie
    Hey Polish can speak english! I can. I met Italian people and ask they for somthing they also says "asd" and something like that, so that is discrimination other nations...
    I've never discriminated you and other foregn players...
    the idiot and fools have no nationality, remember this.

    I usually talk to Polish players at Britain and I've never found the problem you're saying


    • #3
      My Italian is real bad and basically I limit myself to using it in the forums for buying or selling etc.

      I found when I first started playing UoD I got more and more annoyed about things I don't consider any longer annoying. For example theres a great habit of people coming along when you are taming and killing your chosen animal. Theres also a habit of coming along and "helping" you kill something and then stealing all the cash etc with their autoloot scripts - regardless of if you want them to help or not.

      Now all I do is mainly play in Felucca where I cut their heads from their lifeless bodies and this is my payback and its a B****H!
      Now these people rosik about me in the Italian side of the forums. Its a case of what goes around, comes around.

      But I have found one thing - if you try and speak very bad Italian to people, they are more than likely to switch to a language you may know (English for example) or struggle through the situation.

      I will go on record by saying (Like Narcof did on another thread) it takes all sorts to make a world. These sorts come together to make our game - yes theres annoying little S***S, theres amazing players with courtesey and just have to sort these all out and then you will enjoy Dreams as much as I do. Theres some phenomenal players on Dreams who play all charactertypes and this is truly what makes Dreams a good place to play. If you stumble into the other category of person mentioned, just turn the other cheek and be safe in the knowledge that one day you will be standing above their corpse with their ghost spamming "NOOB" over and over.....!


      • #4

        Originally posted by Goodfella

        Now all I do is mainly play in Felucca where I cut their heads from their lifeless bodies and this is my payback and its a B****H!

        yeah you cut heads from corpses of people that someone other has killed...
        i dont wanna discriminate anione but if i see some similar things written blood comes me to head


        • #5
          Re: right

          Originally posted by Conan Free Spirit

          yeah you cut heads from corpses of people that someone other has killed...
          i dont wanna discriminate anione but if i see some similar things written blood comes me to head
          Hi there, sadly I don't do that as its quite a sad thing to do. But I think you missed my point. My point being that it takes all sorts to make a world. Theres good and bad - and generally being bad will come back to haunt those that choose the dark side - thats all.

          Oh and by the way - I forgot to add, my previous post was a generalisation of playing - I wasn't pinpointing any particular race, nationality etc - its just a generalisation of my playing time.
          Ultima modifica di bowlhead; 30-11-2005, 17:57.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Goodfella
            These sorts come together to make our game - yes theres annoying little S***S, theres amazing players with courtesey and just have to sort these all out and then you will enjoy Dreams as much as I do. Theres some phenomenal players on Dreams who play all charactertypes and this is truly what makes Dreams a good place to play. If you stumble into the other category of person mentioned, just turn the other cheek and be safe in the knowledge that one day you will be standing above their corpse with their ghost spamming "NOOB" over and over.....!
            very very right


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