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  • Hi there guys!

    Well, i'd like to introduce myself here ^^

    My in-game name is Eros, i'm a beginner necromancer.
    I'm from poland, but don't worry, i speak english well but unfortunately i can't speak italian, sorry guys

    Currently i'm looking for a guild, possibly international or polish.
    Also, where can i buy a full spellbook (searched through some vendors but no luck )

    Cya in game ^^

  • #2
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
    Try the vendors around Yew gate/Luna, or the Marketplace Forum for the spellbook, theres lots of scribes on the shard so Luna's a good place to look.
    No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


    • #3
      Welcome to Dreams - if anytime you need any help etc, just post and I am sure one of us will be able to help you.

      Good luck and have fun!......


      • #4
        Well actually i have a question, will ML be impemented somewhere in the future?

        And about the spellbooks, i either find full spellbooks with 3 props for horrendous (for me at least) money, or blank 3-prop spellbooks for not-so-horrendous money, maybe some exact vendor? (sext. coords very likely)

        Oh, and are the ati-macro coords on eval INT
        Ultima modifica di Kumagoro; 30-11-2005, 22:02.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kumagoro
          Well actually i have a question, will ML be impemented somewhere in the future?

          And about the spellbooks, i either find full spellbooks with 3 props for horrendous (for me at least) money, or blank 3-prop spellbooks for not-so-horrendous money, maybe some exact vendor? (sext. coords very likely)

          Oh, and are the ati-macro coords on eval INT
          I think yes - there were some ML 'previews' at the server war, and around the forums the rumours say so. Question is when?!?!

          Dunno any more about the spellbooks, but I took Eval to 1XX standing in Luna bank in about the time it takes to drink a crystal glass of 150 year old brandy and smoke a hand-rolled organic blend Havanna seegar, walk the cow to market and return with a magic bean and stub my toe on the new tree... about a day or so in that case I think!
          (One of the few skills I find more fun to macro than play...)
          No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


          • #6
            How I said to many polish users, you've to looking for [Poet] guild at Britain bank. They are all polish members and they play really at a good level pvm.


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