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Fuck Ive Been Scammed

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  • Fuck Ive Been Scammed

    THIS guy named Stasio just fucking scammed me out of 4.2KK
    OMFG he told me he would sell me an ethereal horse. We traded and everythin looked fuckin normal. I accepted and now i cant see the fuckin horse

    I paged a GM a gave him the guys name and everything, he said he cant do shit about it.

  • #2
    You can be banned or jailed for typing a curse word, but you can scam someone and get away with it??????


    • #3
      I'm sorry for that - its nasty when this happens. Just by the way what was the name of the object that you were trading for? The best thing you can do is let everyone know what happened and give as much details - main problem is that they normally wear disguise kits so they change names like they change underwear. Unfortunately as the GM correctly stated to you at the time - we can't do anything about it because in this situation you accepted the trade. Its like buying a second hand car and then finding you don't have an engine in it - after the sale you find you can't drive away but its too late as the deed has been signed. Its the same ingame what you did was a trade that both sides accepted. I'm sorry as we are hearing more and more about this kind of thing. My best advice is use the marketplace forum, this way you have security to your deals.


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