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"case Closed"

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  • #16
    The gm closed previous thread gos we all saw how noooob he was ;D "Its im possible to get that much money unless you get hunters heardresse or 10 Please how noob ppl do you take at uod staff? You get like 150kk from spirit of totem if someone even sells it ^^ jackals collar is almost the samem hunters is useless shieet-.- Aand they treated you wrong so they want to cover up :e happened to me many many many many many many many times ;D

    p.s your not getting your cash back -.-


    • #17
      Originally posted by Keffu
      p.s your not getting your cash back -.-
      Its all not about money. Its about staff-player relationship.
      For now i think that none of those, this thread was dedicated to, visited and read it. Maybe I should contact them personally and give a link to previous and this threads? I should do it if not
      Originally posted by God
      It's also prohibited to voluntarily attract the attention towards another player who does not wish it.
      As staff are players too, I can expect to be banned for that.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Keffu
        The gm closed previous thread gos we all saw how noooob he was ;D "Its im possible to get that much money unless you get hunters heardresse or 10 Please how noob ppl do you take at uod staff?
        Theoretically speaking in the terms as I did, I just wanted to give an example of how to make quick cash as much as the exploiters did - imagine 10+ people all doing the exploit day and night for over 1 week solidly - I think a hunters headress or 10 might come close to the figure but I doubt it severely - the amount of money that was made exceeds anything I have ever seen or heard of ingame on any shard, anywhere in the world. I doubt you have even 0.000001% of the amount in your bank Keffu.

        ROFL - noob eh? I don't like to lower myself to sniping levels where I take shots at people so I shall let that one slide, but I doubt severely that any of the staff are noobs - most of the UOD staff are staff for various reasons and one of the main ones is that their knowledge of the game and they use this to advise ingame and debate on the forums and generally help the shard to run smoothly. Its easy to sit on a high horse and blast people with lamer tags and noob tags - I believe the staff do a very good job of keeping everything together. Its a case you can only please some of the people some of the time, and not all of the people all of the time. Its a shame you didn't understand my point or my concept or else you would be agreeing with me on the exploiters cash issue. But as I said, I am more than happy to debate on the forums and give my point of view as well as a point of view as a staff member. Afterall this is what the forums is all about - discussion, discussion and discussion.

        Originally posted by Keffu
        Just cut the crap ok? ADMINS/GMS/DEVELOPERS Whoever is able FIX this "Bug" or wha ever it is and stop jailing ppl of taking advantage of it just forbid and remove the whole shit...fix this it getting really boring -.-
        As Koper said - its fixed. I closed the thread as I had complaints from users including yourself as quoted above. The thread had descended into a justification match of the exploit, and it was going nowhere. With each side of the equation saying they were right - one hand Staff and the other the people who exploited a game mechanics issue to make themselves unhuman quantities of cash by exploiting this. This is why I closed the thread and ended it with an apology to all the respectable players of UODreams. And I must add, thanks for all the PM's from people who didn't want to get involved, who agree with the outcome - I am not going to name anyone as I feel its unfair to bring them into a heated discussion as it may cause biased words being thrown their way.
        Ultima modifica di Ospite; 10-11-2005, 17:14.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Lord-Goodfella

          Theoretically speaking in the terms as I did, I just wanted to give an example of how to make quick cash as much as the exploiters did - imagine 10+ people all doing the exploit day and night for over 1 week solidly - I think a hunters headress or 10 might come close to the figure but I doubt it severely - the amount of money that was made exceeds anything I have ever seen or heard of ingame on any shard, anywhere in the world. I doubt you have even 0.000001% of the amount in your bank Keffu.

          Even moderator didn't read my posts. What we are talking about if you do not hear me. Getting 100 Spirits of the Totem will not let you earn even 1 gp. another player needs to earn 150kk to buy it. You didnt add money to game, you recieved it from other player. And this price says that it is faster and easier for someone to earn 150kk than make rounds in doom not afk. and show me a man that earned this sum not afk using "normal in-game methods".
          And about 10 people and a week solidly - I made it two days, opposite to many people doing this for months. All you needed to do just fix it in 5 minutes.
          Seems I repeat myself. If your duty is to calm down players, not to investigate cases like this, I'm wasting my time here.

          I ask Goodfella - give this links to Volturno, Koper, Nessuno and especially Gwineth. And I want finally hear their explanation of all we discussed in these threads.
          Ultima modifica di Tokot; 10-11-2005, 14:57.


          • #20
            Bottom line: the fact is by your own admission you worked this solidly for a week with 10 people once you found it, rather than reporting it to staff straight away. Problem is staff were watching whilst you guys were doing this and making up their own minds about your honesty, and whether you were in fact going to report this 'bug' to them...

            We too found a bug a few weeks back, reported it to Goodfella who got the necessary action taken and it was fixed overnight before anyone could exploit it.

            If you were staff, which of these 2 situations would encourage you to look more kindly on the people involved?

            Oh and another thing - true most people can't make that kind of money playing normally - however there are ways and means of everything - our guild went out mob-handed for a couple of hours a day at least whilst treasures of Tokuno was running - sharing the arties and cash, running vendors to fence some of the arties, trading the rest, and that my friend made us probably somewhere in the region of the kind of funding you are looking for from the game. Legally. Point is there is always a way to make money in this game, most people trade small things for money and other small things, for medium things, and then onto the big stuff - this way we have got more artifacts than the British Museum to show for it and it never cost us a cent - all through teamwork and pooling guild-resources to get things off the ground. Why you thing big guilds do so well?
            No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


            • #21
              Originally posted by narcof
              Bottom line: the fact is by your own admission you worked this solidly for a week with 10 people once you found it, rather than reporting it to staff straight away. Problem is staff were watching whilst you guys were doing this and making up their own minds about your honesty, and whether you were in fact going to report this 'bug' to them...

              We too found a bug a few weeks back, reported it to Goodfella who got the necessary action taken and it was fixed overnight before anyone could exploit it.

              If you were staff, which of these 2 situations would encourage you to look more kindly on the people involved?

              Oh and another thing - true most people can't make that kind of money playing normally - however there are ways and means of everything - our guild went out mob-handed for a couple of hours a day at least whilst treasures of Tokuno was running - sharing the arties and cash, running vendors to fence some of the arties, trading the rest, and that my friend made us probably somewhere in the region of the kind of funding you are looking for from the game. Legally. Point is there is always a way to make money in this game, most people trade small things for money and other small things, for medium things, and then onto the big stuff - this way we have got more artifacts than the British Museum to show for it and it never cost us a cent - all through teamwork and pooling guild-resources to get things off the ground. Why you thing big guilds do so well?
              We start to repeat it again.
              This assumption was made by goodfella
              This "bug" (it is considered so only here) is NOT included into the rule, describing bugs necessary to be reported
              I didnt find this "bug", it was exploited before, during, and after me. but youre right that staff was wathing it all the time and didn't fix it, wondering how smart they are and showing themselves their advantage over other players, who didnt use it.
              If ill find a bug that bandages finish to apply at closing the backpack without waiting several seconds depending on your dex, Ill report it too, cause it is a bug.
              If i was staff, ill read the rules before starting the cliet. actually I did so regardless i am not staff
              From the rest of your message I understood that all shard was earning money and buying your stuff for it to let one person earn 150kk?


              • #22
                UO Dreams Rule 11:

                "It is prohibited to take advantage of, or abuse, any type of bug, exploit or loophole in the game mechanics which allows profit or unfair advantage over other players. It is moreover prohibited to communicate such bugs, exploits or loopholes to other players either via the game, forum, or any other means. It is obligatory to inform the staff immediately upon discovery of such a bug, exploit or loophole."

                So this means the following:

                The Factions taxes are a part of game mechanics.

                The exploit is the using of this part of game mechanics to turn a profit which greatly outweighs any other method of earning cash. Like you openly said, you made more money than most do in a year and you achieved this in 2 days.

                Did you report what you were doing to staff to clarify the you didn't!

                Instead you informed your friends and they worked along with yourself to earn an extroadinary amount of cash in a week long spree.

                So on all counts - you not only broke this rule - you hit it that hard that it shattered it into a million pieces.

                The outcome was of course - you were jailed and the cash removed.

                No way of justifying your actions will change the staffs minds on this - no matter how much discussion in the forums will change this situation, no matter how many pages you put ingame will change the staff's minds and of course the only way to have stayed away from jail would have been to have not taken the actions you did when you began abusing the system.


                • #23
                  If your post was third in previous topic - it would be in its place, but now I should repeat at third time:
                  Taxes are part of game mechanics
                  Using ANY part of game mechanics to turn a profit amount of which isn't described in the rules is not prohibited. Like I openly said, I made more money than most do in a year and I achieved this in 2 days. And I did it using common game mechanics. And you tell about my friends, forgetting about your friends.
                  About reporting I said four times, I guess it is enough for most of people.
                  About Im still in jail for abusing server - I send no empty or not game packets so it can be considered "abusing" along with all afk macrosers. It is NOT prohibited to move in jail, speed of movement isnt limited and i have no "unfair advantage", Im using EasyUO as external macro program - it is allowed. I have made only 379582 rounds that equals 3036656 packets. as it is not prohibited or limited i think it is not real reason of keeping me in jail for undefined period.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Tokot

                    As staff are players too, I can expect to be banned for that.
                    You mean staff members have player accounts/pgs? Isnt that forbidden? If it isnt it should be..Exept if you want uod to be like shit defiance with gms boosting their own pvp pgs -.-


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Keffu

                      You mean staff members have player accounts/pgs? Isnt that forbidden? If it isnt it should be..Exept if you want uod to be like shit defiance with gms boosting their own pvp pgs -.-
                      Of course they have, I know at least two staff members that have player chars - Goodfella and Aldur. I guess that GM is an account status, so they must have two accounts (I don't know GN rules - it was not translated, but it seems to be illegal), and they cannot transfer anything from one to another (I didnt find this rule, but it has to be prohibited). So they didnt fix infinite gold mine while it was used by "permitted" players. When came other players it was fixed and that other players were jailed and wiped.


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