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"case Closed"

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  • "case Closed"

    Yeah, good work closing previous topic. Why didnt you close it after your first message? why it is finished now? what was changed? Ill tell you:
    previous discussion shows that method of earning money, beyond controversy too fast, cant be considered illegal cause there is no rule forbidding earning money in available to all way as fast as you can. Adding new rule obviosly showed that you (i mean staff) understood this fact. new rule includes these method, but it is not still active for now. and your last post in previous topic showed that you even didnt try to understand what ive been saying.
    I understand your position, staff are gods and anything they do is for our pleasure.

    lyrics: you found 100euro in the street, pick it up, and been jailed cause a man who wrote tax law meant that found money are "illegal profit". only meant, not described it in the law. youve been not only jailed, but jailed for "indefinita" period with confiscation of your property. What will you say on the court? That it is no law forbidding picking money on the street. Judge's answer you know, its infair for other citizens.
    No, that was too easy, what if there was no court on your case? you got "case closed" stamp on your case before you explained your position. And youve been told to be happy just jailed instead of execution on the place you found money.
    This is your country? your democratic country? Im happy to live in Russia if it is so. But it is not, ive been to Italy last year, it is not "police state" as Germany.

    As you said, your previous post was your last post on this topic. You may not answer if you dont want, But all I wanted to make my position clear to You and others.
    Thank You.

  • #2
    I just want to clarify one thing you don't seem to have noticed - this is not real life, it's a game - where I come from games have different rules to real life, hence the confusion here.

    What you guys and others were doing was not in principle illegal as far as I can tell - however it is seriously going to screw up the economy of the game if the only people who can afford things are the ones who macro money for weeks on end 24/7.

    I am with the staff on this one for once - anything to improve the gameplay environment rather than turning this into an afk-only shard - if all you want to do is trog from one town to another selling goods for profit then go play Civ my friend, it's a fine game. If having eight-figure bank balances floats your boat then go do your hacking somewhere real, it will be more satisfying in the end and you're probably less likely to get caught...

    FFS I have been playing on Dreams for almost 1 year now, and have never had more than 10 mil in the bank, and I don't feel deprived - I have a nice house, lots of items, and my characters are good at what they do - I'd say my doughnut's still got a fair amount of jam in it - the problem with some people is they try to pack too much jam into one doughnut and end up getting caught with sticky fingers...
    No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


    • #3
      100 euro is this treasure ?))) 25% for u 75% for Russian Federation -)))
      so bad example.. and this is just morals question -_-
      for 100 euro noone will judge u. but for 100 000 000 euro... :-p
      Do u know SERGEY VIKTORovich STEPASHIN ?))))
      lol ^^


      • #4
        Originally posted by narcof
        I just want to clarify one thing you don't seem to have noticed - this is not real life, it's a game - where I come from games have different rules to real life, hence the confusion here.

        What you guys and others were doing was not in principle illegal as far as I can tell - however it is seriously going to screw up the economy of the game if the only people who can afford things are the ones who macro money for weeks on end 24/7.

        I am with the staff on this one for once - anything to improve the gameplay environment rather than turning this into an afk-only shard - if all you want to do is trog from one town to another selling goods for profit then go play Civ my friend, it's a fine game. If having eight-figure bank balances floats your boat then go do your hacking somewhere real, it will be more satisfying in the end and you're probably less likely to get caught...

        FFS I have been playing on Dreams for almost 1 year now, and have never had more than 10 mil in the bank, and I don't feel deprived - I have a nice house, lots of items, and my characters are good at what they do - I'd say my doughnut's still got a fair amount of jam in it - the problem with some people is they try to pack too much jam into one doughnut and end up getting caught with sticky fingers...
        Good position, and if you noticed i never sceamed "Turn factions on again and let me make money!" I agree that it is not good for shard and for gameplay on it. BUT all GMs needed to do just fix the "bug", write about "another bug fixed" in news and forget it. and about screwing down shard is a big exaggeration cause it had been made by several people and guilds for monthes if not years...
        about afk shard - last year i was playing on shard with totally prohibited afk macroeing - it is very strict, but not meaningless rule, and when i didnt find here this rule I just started to play according Your Rules. I guess I helped staff to become aware of situation they were leading shard to, but its not important.
        Your staff showed that not rules drive your shard, but their long hands and short tongues.

        About real life and UO - if you play to f*ck all moving and kill all breathing, that you cannot do in real life, i believe you coosed wrong game. I play UO to improve my ideal community model, my comprehension of shard and world mechanics, to improve my programming and other skills. I see no difference between which we want to see our shard and which we want to see our world. Thinking more of this i see less differences.
        And while i don't want to see my scenary in real life, I don't want to experience it in UO.

        About money itself - as I told i earned it while testing and correcting my macro, I even didnt find a way to spend it. For me is no difference between 10kk, 100kk, 1^18kk. Youll tell me now about real life? thats the same goal - i dont see difference between 10kk USD, 100kkUSD, etc. Im just living my life in the way Rules permits me. or The Law permits me...


        • #5
          Originally posted by RexMundi
          100 euro is this treasure ?))) 25% for u 75% for Russian Federation -)))
          so bad example.. and this is just morals question -_-
          for 100 euro noone will judge u. but for 100 000 000 euro... :-p
          Do u know SERGEY VIKTORovich STEPASHIN ?))))
          lol ^^

          Lets do not make bad *historical* examples... do you know ROMAN ABRAMOVICH? While the law does not determine "less than 1000 euro is allowed, more is prohibited" there MUST BE NO difference between 100 euro and 100kk euro...

          *and in rightful state there IS NO difference.*
          *text marked * was added*
          Ultima modifica di Tokot; 09-11-2005, 17:20.


          • #6
            for case we need a victim. and i think staff can show u many of victims

            i know abramovich. don't mix up politics and economics. 91-95 don't touch this years. this is period of our country when there was no law totally.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tokot

              Good position, and if you noticed i never sceamed "Turn factions on again and let me make money!" I agree that it is not good for shard and for gameplay on it. BUT all GMs needed to do just fix the "bug", write about "another bug fixed" in news and forget it. and about screwing down shard is a big exaggeration cause it had been made by several people and guilds for monthes if not years...
              about afk shard - last year i was playing on shard with totally prohibited afk macroeing - it is very strict, but not meaningless rule, and when i didnt find here this rule I just started to play according Your Rules. I guess I helped staff to become aware of situation they were leading shard to, but its not important.
              Your staff showed that not rules drive your shard, but their long hands and short tongues.

              About real life and UO - if you play to f*ck all moving and kill all breathing, that you cannot do in real life, i believe you coosed wrong game. I play UO to improve my ideal community model, my comprehension of shard and world mechanics, to improve my programming and other skills. I see no difference between which we want to see our shard and which we want to see our world. Thinking more of this i see less differences.
              And while i don't want to see my scenary in real life, I don't want to experience it in UO.

              About money itself - as I told i earned it while testing and correcting my macro, I even didnt find a way to spend it. For me is no difference between 10kk, 100kk, 1^18kk. Youll tell me now about real life? thats the same goal - i dont see difference between 10kk USD, 100kkUSD, etc. Im just living my life in the way Rules permits me. or The Law permits me...
              You sir are a visionary philosopher, and your principles are admirable.

              This shard, as I have found, is run on the idea that everything is permitted in the beginning - its only when things get out of hand and affect either the global economy or the quality of opportunity for emerging players that they become illegal, and proscribed by law. This can appear like 'long hands and short tongues' to the casual observer, but its actually just the natural progression of the way laws come into being - after all there were no speeding laws unti Henry Ford decided to improve his knowledge of mechanics and other skills, and kickstarted the industry into building cars that were capable of actions which whilst not illegal at the time prompted the introduction of new laws to deal with the actions of those who used them!

              So, I guess now we all agree in principle then?
              No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


              • #8
                about those 100 dollars or euros.
                u should go to policy and told them about ur find. isn't it ? but because of that noone will search their 100 dollars.. especially in policy.. u can take them and drink for health person who lose them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RexMundi
                  for case we need a victim. and i think staff can show u many of victims

                  i know abramovich. don't mix up politics and economics. 91-95 don't touch this years. this is period of our country when there was no law totally.
                  Its offtop, were discussing not past of Russian Faderation.
                  About victim it is dictatorship method - punish one and other will fear you. All civilized world forgot it tens of years ago. Not forgot, but rejected to use.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by narcof

                    You sir are a visionary philosopher, and your principles are admirable.

                    This shard, as I have found, is run on the idea that everything is permitted in the beginning - its only when things get out of hand and affect either the global economy or the quality of opportunity for emerging players that they become illegal, and proscribed by law. This can appear like 'long hands and short tongues' to the casual observer, but its actually just the natural progression of the way laws come into being - after all there were no speeding laws unti Henry Ford decided to improve his knowledge of mechanics and other skills, and kickstarted the industry into building cars that were capable of actions which whilst not illegal at the time prompted the introduction of new laws to deal with the actions of those who used them!

                    So, I guess now we all agree in principle then?
                    Was Henry Ford been fined for exceeding 60km/h in the city before this rule was established?
                    If Koper would come to me and say "look, it seems to be not fair for others, we fixed this bug, maybe youll return all money left, and instead get rare-coloured shroud with your name?"
                    its in the past, and first action they made was wiping and jailing despite the rules. That makes me indignant.


                    • #11
                      the best state system - dictatorship
                      just learn philosophy.. for example Greek
                      just than talk on such theme

                      than why u asked me about abromovich ?


                      • #12
                        about victim
                        for case in court we need victim and the accused
                        without victims nobody will start case against you
                        just state if they found that ur income illigal or questionable

                        ignorance of law does not relieve from responsibility
                        Ultima modifica di Ospite; 09-11-2005, 17:49.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RexMundi
                          the best state system - dictatorship
                          just learn philosophy.. for example Greek
                          just than talk on such theme

                          than why u asked me about abromovich ?
                          If you see our world in the future as a dictatorship with you as a dictator - talk about it to psychiater.
                          About abramovich it was a rhetorical question, not needed to be answered. he just made tens of billions of dollars ot of several thousands in few years without being jailed cause he didn't break law of that time. its another historical example, but we should stop this flood.


                          • #14
                            he didn't break law of that time

                            he did ^^ but
                            DON'T MIX POLITICS AND ECONOMICS!
                            this is not rhetorical question.. this is stupid question.

                            take away again and devide ?
                            DON'T MIX POLITICS AND ECONOMICS!


                            • #15
                              You know, no answer is an answer too. I understood what you mean.
                              Don't be surprised to be executed for closing the door loudly by an order of dictator like Rex or Koper.
                              P.S. Close this thread and forget it except conclusion above.


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