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Operation "Jail Population"

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  • #31
    Look, we've gone too far away from our topic.
    Ill try to return it back: You say that this way of earning money is too fast and some players who didnt use it feel offended. OK, youre right. if it is too fast - reduce the gains or totally remove it - there would be no problem. While there was no rule describing this chaos - just fix it and forget. But nooooo...... Your GM that used to be a scripter told me that it is known bug but it wasn't fixed. The only explanation of this mess i see that this "bug" was used by "right" people and when came unauthorized people it was called a bug and only, I repeat ONLY that people's accounts were wiped and jailed. Some guys just got frightened of concurrence on market they considered their own.
    I ask you, where one man can earn hundreds of millions to buy doom artifacts not using one of the loopholes. Jailing last ten users of one of the loopholes isnt a method to correct the situation.
    The right way is to load a Worldsave made in a day of activisation faction system. It is unacceptable way. You cannot correct this situation. You cannot punish all users of this loophole or any other bug cause many of them already spent hundreds of millions and you can't get them. So you got nearest ones.
    Finally, I see more "unfair advantage" in {wiping part of "fast earning guys", I accent: new foreign part} compared to {guys that could but didn't make money this way}
    If you have something to object these facts - Youre welcome.
    Thank You.


    • #32
      Well, damn I make my money by killing monsters or doing BODs and now I read this. Now that I hear about this shit, I feel bad knowing that someone makes the same amount money in a few hours, which I make in months. Unfair, isnt it? Be honest towards others, please.
      Find & loot.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ZhogVaavere
        Well, damn I make my money by killing monsters or doing BODs and now I read this. Now that I hear about this shit, I feel bad knowing that someone makes the same amount money in a few hours, which I make in months. Unfair, isnt it? Be honest towards others, please.

        Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!
        And another guy will say that he makes money by begging 602gp in Luna and that it takes him a year to earn 10k and will ask GMs to punish You for earning 10k in ten minutes. It is your choice how to earn money and not other's fault that You choosed not optimal way.
        Lets be just (in the meaning unprejudiced) and punish all shard population except ZhogVaavere or punish noone.


        • #34
          Goodfella - seems like you didnt get my point? I havent been jailed cause:
          1. I dont have multi account
          2. I didnt even know that this is working here aswell
          3. I havent earn even 1gp with AFK macroing

          all I was saying that dudes who do that suck and they are ruining this game from others.

          ps. My account is almost 400 days old and I have builted my pvp, house and everything I own with pvm and selling items on forum. so please! you are fucking with wrong person.
          Ultima modifica di Ospite; 08-11-2005, 20:05.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Lubba
            Goodfella - seems like you didnt get my point? I havent been jailed cause:
            1. I dont have multi account
            2. I didnt even know that this is working here aswell
            3. I havent earn even 1gp with AFK macroing

            all I was saying that dudes who do that suck and they are ruining this game from others.
            Lubba - I was agreeing with make a very good point which I support and it seems theres growing support too. I agree fully with you - exploiting stuff isn't the way the game was intended.

            I don't really have much more to say on this topic that I haven't already posted - so I am gonna take a less active part in this one now as I can't add any more.....


            • #36
              Originally posted by Lord-Goodfella

              so I am gonna take a less active part in this one now as I can't add any more.....
              You decide to remove yourself from discussion at the moment you should reject charges of staff/several loyal players, showing logs where they kill blood elementals/cyclops/lizardmans for months and slowly growing balance reaching hundreds of millions.
              I suppose that several players could get a Totem/Jackal/Insight in the Doom, sell it for good price and feel themselves aggrieved, but where did the buyer get this money? why these money (undoubtedly earned not looting and completing BODs) should not be wiped? a GM asked me if I had feeling that earning money so fast is illegal. I ask you if you had feeling that it is impossible to earn such amount of money in common ways? Shouldn't you ask GM about origin of this money?

              another question: is it normal that staff, that has possibility to change game mechanics, plays on own shard, buys and sells artifacts? of course they don't make artifacts using GM chars, that will be logged, but what impedes them from using this, if not creating and using this "bugs"?


              • #37
                " kill blood elementals/cyclops/lizardmans for months and slowly growing balance reaching hundreds of millions."


                enough ?


                • #38
                  I'm talking about money.
                  these all don't add money to the game (maybe except champs)
                  i dont speak about exchange artifacts or sops. Im talking exactly about astronomic GP sums thrown into shard's economics before most of jailed people even registered on GamesNet.


                  • #39
                    Just cut the crap ok? ADMINS/GMS/DEVELOPERS Whoever is able FIX this "Bug" or wha ever it is and stop jailing ppl of taking advantage of it just forbid and remove the whole shit ok? My opinion = It is not illegal if it isnt on rules.
                    THANK YOU <3 Luv and kisses to Koper my favorite woody <3 fix this it getting really boring -.-


                    • #40
                      Ok people - I have news, please take a look at the following thread its highly releated to the issues of this thread:


                      Happy reading.....


                      • #41
                        erm the bug has been fixed temporary removing all faction taxes, more than one week ago.


                        • #42


                          • #43
                            Thank You!
                            From 10th of November You can begin to call Our Shard "Riva Style".

                            If rules got changed AFTER the action i suppose i've done nothing illegal and can expect releasing from jail with admin's apologizes and restitution of my money?
                            And while AFK macroeing is not totally prohibited, please, check my presence before releasing


                            • #44
                              By the way here are two ways to fix it and keep faction infliction on prices -
                              1) with every 1000 bought item's price changes as "price = price + 1" replace this with "price = price * 1.1" or for selling replace "price = price - 1" with "price = price * 0.9"
                              this will allow gain a little gold by buying/selling, but strictly limited amount. negative moment is that it should work only in felucca to avoid price unbalance in malas and trammel.
                              2) the other way is to keep purchasing from npc as it is now, but forbid faction infliction on selling-to-npc prices and fix it at minimum value - this will completely remove ability to earn money this way.
                              First, second, or something third? The decision is yours.
                              Thank You.


                              • #45
                                Ok, I'm here again and posting to let you have some facts then. Is it possible to earn 98kk in a very small amount of time from "normal" play? I think mostly not unless you go to Doom and are seriously lucky by getting a hunters headress or 5 and a couple of Ornaments!!

                                As for you doing your exploit before the AFK new rules deadline - sadly you are mistaken as our exploit of mechanics rule has been in place for as long as we have been running, so sadly you cannot dodge the charges against you.

                                I just have to ask this - do you believe in all honesty that it is right to earn that much cash so quickly? I think we all know the answer to this. It is an exploit of mechanics to earn so much so fast - and you can only earn that much in the time you did by exploiting.

                                As for your allegations against the staff - I do believe they are totally unfounded. I have never once seen staff killing lizardmen in order to make 100kk or whatever figure you're touting. If this was possible then why aren't you doing it? And I must also ask, how long it would take someone to earn 100kk killing lizardmen - I must take my hat off to the person that spend 10 years doing that in order to make 100kk.....seeing as your average lizardman has 36 gold or more......but from the AFK deadline, it won't be possible anyway.....

                                I must also point out that the faction taxes system is legal if used properly like it should be. It was implemented to give the controlling faction a benefit from taking the town or else why would they bother doing it? But it wasn't implemented so people had the ability to exploit it - although it was possible, we would have hoped people wouldn't take liberties and goldmine off of it - which is an exploit if you are caught. Its all about player discretion which seems to be lacking.....

                                Now - I hope this will be the final post I add to this thread as I am a little bored of sounding like a stuck record and I am sure everyone is sick of reading the same points being bantered about along with unfounded allegations.

                                I just wanted to apologise to those players who do earn their money legally and in normal in-game methods. And I just wanted to assure you all that the balance has returned to the shard and this is how it will stay.....

                                (And all the UoDreams Staff)

                                ***THREAD CLOSED***


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