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Operation "Jail Population"

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lord-Goodfella

    but you still come back for more and I am starting to not like the tone you are taking with this whole thing.
    look, im sorry if you find my tone "offensive", i didnt mean that its all about staff. its just that I DON'T see a bug or loophole described in The Rules. I took advantage over npc - vendors, not over other players. And i dont think i MUST tell staff about all, they possible may name a bug. I thought "bug" is something different from OSI, that breaks the balance? If it is a runuo idea, and it is on all shards with active faction system, why you and now call it "bug"? if you think that it breaks the balance just fix it in one of the ways.
    I insist that me and all these people didnt do something forbidden or illegal.


    • #17
      ye its in every shard that got factions please stop making it look like a bug when its not , runuo 1.0 which is a live publish and not a beta set factions to be like that everyone know about faction taxes who are you kidding? , if you didn't want it to be abused then just remove it or say its not allowed but dont blame us for it.

      also i'm not in jail for a day allready without ANYONE talking to me even the sec i got in i just got a page in italian which i cant read i asked a guy to translate he said i'm jailed for some checking or somthing and i read this and i guessed that's what its all about so can any one come ingame allready and talk to me ffs :\
      cant talk italian...


      • #18
        Certainly it is "bug" and it is necessary to struggle with it
        and i hope GMs struggle with it as they can.. but in my opinion they have chosen bad way.. it's not effective
        that's why from it there are more irritations than advantage
        imho who used it will continue to use but will be more cautious
        seems to me all problems because of a "doze"


        • #19
          hmm. According to our source's Pyrotechnichs [AoT] was insanely doing that "bug", there were 60k gold stacks on the ground around him and he just gated to some place and took the stacks with him. Did he lose his billions too? I dont think so...

          In the end, THIS SUCKS! you guys are ruining the beauti of the game with macroing. How fun can that be? maby this leads us to times where we dont use money at all. All buying and selling happens with using items, ONLY. You are disgrace...


          • #20
            Lubba - I feel you have hit the nail on the head. The game isn't meant to be played by AFK macroers who "goldmine" like this. This is why this instance is treated as a bug exploit and imagine if you had illegal multi-accounts. Your average beetle holds a large sum of cash and if you had 2-3 accounts doing this (Yes it is illegal but some do it! - YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WE DO TOO!!). It wouldn't take too long for you to make 100kk or so doing this and in my view - this takes the jam out of everyones doughnuts!! Seriously though, you have to strip this down to the core which is - its not fair on everyone who plays the game like it is meant to be.

            For example - when I first started playing on Dreams, I made all my money by running my shop near minoc. I made a lot of money doing this and this gave me the cash I needed (Along with PvM gold collecting) to make my PvP character. Obviously it takes time and you have to have patience - but I put that down to being part of the game, building up your cash, stock, artis, house etc - its part and parcel of the game.

            I understand your annoyances at being jailed for doing this - on some shards it allowed (I know this), BUT and its a big but - if you played the game like it should be played for a long period (1 year or so) and then someone comes along and spends 1 - 2 weeks afk macroing solidly day and night and amasses over 200kk - would you be happy? - I think not! I just don't think its fair - and I would say that thats an exploit on their part, because you are exploiting the fact that the prices on faction controlled towns change from their counterparts - and thats game mechanics!

            I will go on record again and say - whether you are AoT, NoX, OvK, BoS etc - if you are caught doing this, you will get punished. Nobody is exempt from this - nobody is above the rules and nobody gets away - like the Russian proverb a thief is a thief only when they are caught. Well I would like to offer you an German proverb - "Ohne Fleiss kein Preis" which loosely translates to "You get what you earn".........


            • #21
              Do u understand that while even one person use this way of earnings every one will use it ?
              It is inevitable
              one old italian? expression says :
              "when there is an enemy you should choose between three "S"
              "Schiopetto, stiletto, strada" "

              (* schiopetto - rifle , stiletto - stylet , strada - flee )

              Russian never surrender -) may be u even know about this ;-)
              Ultima modifica di Ospite; 08-11-2005, 15:27.


              • #22
                Originally posted by RexMundi
                Do u understand that while even one person use this way of earnings every one will use it ?
                It is inevitable
                one old italian? expression says :
                "when there is an enemy you should choose between three "S"
                "Schiopetto, stiletto, strada" "

                (* schiopetto - rifle , stiletto - stylet , strada - flee )

                Russian never surrender -) may be u even know about this ;-)
                If there is 1 person using this method - they can expect jail.

                Another German proverb for you - "Wie man in den Wald hineinschreit, so hallt es wieder. " - loosely translated - "Your words can come back to haunt you."

                And my favourite of all just to end this whole thing is:

                "You made your own bed, now lie in it."


                • #23
                  Do u understand that while even one person use this way of earnings every one will use it ?
                  i don't see the answer to this question.

                  i think that it's not bad to lie on a bed assembled from 1kk checks.

                  "Your words can come back to haunt you."
                  as one man says - "the word is given to a person to hide the ideas"
                  so i remember this all time -) and never say more than i should


                  • #24
                    dude earning money in 2 weeks what takes another 1 year is power gaming and its a vet who does it , let me explain to you how i plan to continue making such ammount of cash :

                    okay first i have to wait for an admin to respond my quesstion then i get a theif into factions get all sigils place ore vendors , buy ore sell iron ... i caculated it and its 5kk per restock or so.

                    it can easly be made as a script which gets me 200kk in two weeks also if this is illegal then its just a joke since you can do that too in osi.
                    cant talk italian...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by RexMundi
                      Do u understand that while even one person use this way of earnings every one will use it ?
                      i don't see the answer to this question.

                      i think that it's not bad to lie on a bed assembled from 1kk checks.

                      "Your words can come back to haunt you."
                      as one man says - "the word is given to a person to hide the ideas"
                      so i remember this all time -) and never say more than i should
                      The point is - jail those who use this method and scare away the rest who think to do the same, you can 100% take it we are watching very carefully the actions of people and this exploit so do it at your own risk......

                      Its nice to lie on a bed of 1kk checks, provided they are still there after jail time.......

                      1 more proverb for the road:

                      "A fool and his money are soon parted."

                      Not that I am calling you a fool - its the point of the moral I want to express.


                      • #26
                        i think everyone in this topic know how to earn kk's... that's why we all r here

                        goodfella looool
                        this is so funny
                        because i know some things that u don't know..
                        and this knowledge force me to doubt in any effeciency of ur straggle against this loophole
                        as u can see i'm not in delight from this loophole
                        but i don't understand what i can oppose it
                        just ore as Blue Demon say.. but this is the same way i think.

                        use it or be nobody because everyone who something costs is engaged in such business
                        AoT old nox and so on..

                        my point of view - this is loophole..
                        but i don't agree with the way of straggle
                        in my opinion punishment is not the way..
                        most part of money remains not noticed


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by RexMundi
                          i think everyone in this topic know how to earn kk's... that's why we all r here

                          my point of view - this is loophole..
                          but i don't agree with the way of straggle
                          in my opinion punishment is not the way..
                          most part of money remains not noticed
                          I agree - jail isn't the way of this, afterall its a game for us to play. I was wondering while we were on the topic, what would you recommend as punishment then?


                          • #28
                            one russian expression says :

                            on every ass with carving will be found dick like a screw %))

                            so still loophole is not fixed everyone who knows about it will use it. at his own risk certainly ^^

                            "fix is all weee need " Beatles -)

                            i think that old players are more cautious or know machinery how to stay unnoticed


                            • #29
                              i don't know
                              because i'm not a developer
                              i think that u can regulate somehow prices.
                              but only on items which bring the most profit

                              for example u can take away opportunity to buy infinitely quantity of resources

                              this is the best method i think


                              • #30
                                I think something is being worked upon as far as a fix goes - but really that isn't my area.

                                "on every ass with carving will be found dick like a screw"

                                Is that expression like - people in glass houses sink ships?

                                Or don't count your eggs until the chicken crosses the road?

                                We need a book of UO proverbs (Would make a grand thread).

                                Furthermore the info I don't know, is it because you think I don't know it, or just you assume I don't?


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