did somebody stole ur password?
it's no possibile that ur account has been purged,moreover is possible that it has been cracked by somebody.
there have been some of these problems unfortunally.
edit:u're the guy who has been banned for false data...it's normal that everything got screwed up,since the account doesnt exist anymore the house will disappear after sometime.
Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
yea im that guy, but i was told that my house will stay till my uo account purges, and as of yet, my GN account is not deleted, so i dont understand why my uo one is...
send an email to the staff, send a pm to volturno loki gwineth,and pray
Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
noone from stuff will talk to me except for Aldur (who is extremely helpful and assuring, keeping my hopes up, but he has no access to that kind of stuff) and gwineth, who is in charge of GN but nothing to do with UOD, so only thing i got news from gwineth was 15 days after account banned, it gets deleted so i can remake account
aldur said it mite be possible to remake account and keep all stuff
i tried other staff (3 or 4) but no response and i have been waiting a week... i hope aldur can ask for me but i dont want to ask too much of him, i know hes a gm to help, but im not sure how much he can do.
+ iv been hopin n prayin since the day i was banned, my accound had ~ 9 million worth of stuff, and my bro ~5 million, and the day after i was banned i was supposed to win 2 7th ann. stuff wit 3 mill cash.... what terrible luck
It would be pretty terrible if they did not restore your houses and everything; if things are so screwed that they can't then they should tell you straight away so you can rebuild.
In My Humble Opinion.
Anyways I am sure most of us here will help you in any way we can when we see you in game.
yea, i didnt put my real last name in, thats the ban reason
if me and my bro got alteast 2/3 of the worth value back on account from admin id be grateful and understand i deserved to get banned for putting some fake last name
its been bad enuf i had lets say 15 day suspension from the game, but lose everything while at it just for not giving last name (i gave first name, address, age everything but last name, cuz quite frankly, i never use it, not even in school, dont like to use it)
and i get punished for that
i think my bro got punished for first and last name, something like dat not sure. :'(
anything possible to get atleast SOME of my stuff back or part of a reimbursement, as comeon, i was a uogamer for over a year, had it all, so many event items, i was a strong suporting player in uo, and also it was a piece of my life, i played about 20% of the day away in uo.... not to mention so many all nighters and getting screwed and punished in school for it...
has it come down to me starting from scratch?
i can tell u that my rough estimate of what i said i had is kinda low, cuz i had many, many rares, artifacts, event items, decorations, and just items that are that damn good i wish i did all my bod's... i wonder what kinda prizes id end up with
feels like a part of my life has been ripped out :'(
Hey man - don't fret; if you do end up starting from scratch I will give you a helping hand. A missed last name is a bit harsh, but you have to go with the rules and it states - you have to be 100% truthful when it comes to giving data and applying for an account with GamesNet.
I am the same as you - I have many gifts, rares, artis, bods etc etc and if I lost my account, I would probably quit playing UO altogether as I am the same as you - I play around 20-40% of the day on UO, MANY all nighters (With Narcof and co) and I have been a member for a long long time here on Dreams. I know you already have Narcofs ICQ number - mine is in my profile, I can try and help you the best way I can.....Keep us posted with your account situation.....
just to keep you guys posted , i got banned 10 days ago (feels like a lifetime of not playing uo already!) and my account still "exists" in gamesnet, thats what it says when i try to register it again, i will see once the 15 days are up, then... if its all doomed.. i dono, if i dont get any reimbursement or anything, prolly wont be playing for some time, who knows, still hoping for the best
it's all doomed...sorry to tell ya in this way,bro....but if u put false data even just another surname,ur contract with gn expires immediatly and everything done will just be cancelled....
sorry to tell ya
make another account if u wanna start back
Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
well, gwineth told me 15 days it gets deleted nope its still there
and now tokuno artifacts goign away soon
well i just got jewed from gamesnet, guess i wont be playing uo here again, maybe start up diff server sometime (year maybe, maybe more) well, thx for those who helped cheer me up
all i can say is, i got jewed by gamesnet.it (doesnt even say in english u gotta put real data)
id only play if i get atleast some compensation from admins but i doubt id get that, get lied to by gwineth, so i doubt ill get anything
next server i choose wont be on a server wit gay rules about privacy, crappy ads (is that a pregnant man.. omg) maybe ill pay for the real thing, who knows
bye all, thx all those who helped, who i knew as close friends
boo to gamesnet.
Ultima modifica di TMKF_Patryk3; 16-10-2005, 23:55.
ur account is just a contract u made over the internet.
when u dont respect a clause,the other part may\must delete it.
the fault is urs,not gn's
Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")