Is there a command i can use to see the online players from my guild ? like the old ]GL.
And please post all guild commands (if there are any else than \).
If you click the Guild button on your paperdoll it tells who is online inside the guild roster, the rest of it I haven't figured out yet - probably on stratics tho
Ultima modifica di fishinexile; 05-10-2005, 20:50.
You can use \ to talk to guildmates, and | to talk to allies. The rest is done via the guild gump, accessible from the paperdoll.
In italiano, i vocaboli che terminano in -cia e -gia al plurale mantengono la i solo se prima della c/g c'è una vocale, altrimenti la perdono. Il plurale di freccia è frecce. E si scrive arciere, non arcere. "Qual è", "qualcun altro" e "nessun altro" si scrivono senza apostrofo. Leggere: #1, #2.
Si scrive Felucca. Non Fellucca. E nemmeno Felluca. Haven, non Heaven. Despise, non Despice. OSI, non OSY.
Is there any way we can change the colour of our messages to the guild?
from the paperdoll press OPTIONS, the the EYE button on the right side, then scroll down until u find the "Guild message color" option, (You can also change other chat related colors here too), choose the color that suit your eeeyes needs and then press APPLY and OK
that's all
::Netplayer since 1992:: Progetto Palladium
sigpic :.Nulla e' per sempre.: