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Questions and suggestions about Bulk Order Deed(BOD)

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  • Questions and suggestions about Bulk Order Deed(BOD)

    1) In UOD, is there a point system that records the number of BODs submitted?
    I used to play UO in an other server. There, if i submit a small BOD I can get 1 point, and a large BOD maybe more points. When I get 100 points, I can get a exceptional small BOD; 200 points, a large BOD, ect... And the more points I have, more chance to get a good BOD.
    I don't know whether here is a similar system.

    2) Is it possible to sort the BODs in the BOD books? Now the BODs are unsorted, and it's very difficult to search.

  • #2
    1) Well, the idea isn't what bad, but the problem is what everyone will make even more dupers than now with minimum craft skill and recieve enormous amount of BODs, when they'll give the BODs to their main craft pg and it will complete them all and get points for it. It will make rare BOD prizes much more accessible, an this is not a good thing.
    As i remeber, we have fully random BOD getting.
    Only, if u've got appropriate skill value, u'll get chance of getting colored BODs, or exceptional ones - I don't remember exact numbers.

    2) Well, where's a quite nice BOD filter in the book's menu at the top left corner, and i don't think this is worth changing. Besides, where's a same system on OSI, and we are OSI style, u know ;D
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    • #3
      then, could anyone tell me what is the minimun skill requirement to get a colored BOD and exceptional BOD? thx!


      • #4
        to get a colored bod i guess you mean spined/horned/barbed etc well the same lvl it takes to USe the leather same with smith and the % doesn't change i'm not sure about the EXC chance but at 120 tailoring the % is almost 100

        about the BOD book well there is a good filter just click up left and there is a filter just change to what you like lets say you want to check what's up with your barbed kit reward bods so you filter it to check only spined 20x and EXC then it only finds the barbed kit reward bods quite easy and usful.
        cant talk italian...


        • #5
          it is not enough with just a filter, i think. I usually keep 2 copies for each type of small BOD. For the 3rd ones, I would finish and submit them. so, I feel the BOD system with an automatic sorting function is very convinient, and I used to play in a shard with such a system.


          • #6
            i dont quite understand what this auto organize bod does.. so if you could say , also the bod filter is perfectly fine i could even say very good .
            cant talk italian...


            • #7
              For example, using the filter, and the dialog box would show all the small 20 cloth BODs. In the dialog box, all bods will be sorted by an ascending order of their names. Then maybe bandana comes first, and wizard's hat is the last. So I can easily find how many small bandana 20 bods I have....


              • #8
                ah i see , well i dont think it will come here because this is an osi clone .. alltho it does sound nice but imo the normal filter is a good system and no need for aditional one but i guess you could post it in suggestion forum ;|
                cant talk italian...


                • #9
                  okay i was thinking about what you wanted there is no need for them to add it .. just download a easyuo script to do that for you

                  this is a really good script if you need help about how using the program or the script so ask me :x

                  edit : also this script is good
                  Ultima modifica di eyal12; 29-07-2005, 10:09.
                  cant talk italian...


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