Hi peeps - just wanted to detail what happened this afternoon. My brother was trying to tame a white wyrm (WW) in trammel ice when someone gates in with their own WW and before you could say "STOP" starts commanding their WW to kill the one my bro was taming. Now I don't generally mind this rudeness - I have seen it that many times now on dreams, I am pretty numb to it. But what happened next gets up my nose - the WW comes out of peace and nails my brother, leaving me to fend it off (No problem) but then after I have dealt with the WW I go to get my bros stuff. This guy loots my brothers corpse and wears his kit before gating out of there. It seemed to me like all he was doing was just hitting the peaced WW to get it to come out faster. This person then goes to Luna and starts to taunt us both and theres not a damn bit of anything we can do! I felt this was a minor incident that may need consulting with the gamemasters - so I paged them. What came back absolutely threw me at the wall and back. They said the guy (The Pipper) did do something wrong in terms of the rules - well I thought, we may be getting somewhere. But then the GM goes on to say, unless I saw him do it - theres nothing I can do. Hmmm I think, as I am getting taunted by The Pipper in Luna with our guild uniform on. So I just wanted to put out the word, if you are an arsehole and want to make the game crap for anyone - do what you please, the GM's won't do anything unless they witness it! Currently, my bro has had a knee jerk reaction and quit dreams for the time being. I can understand his feelings as it seems the GM's are powerless to stop anything going down.........
Si aka Goodfella
Si aka Goodfella