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  • Jail

    Hello, I got jailed for 2 days 2 days ago, now when I logged in my jailtime is 2 days 20h 14min, so someone added 3 MORE days to the jailtime for a reason I dont know.

    Who is this idiot changing jailtimes?

    I was supposed to get out in about 2 hours, but I guess Ill have to spend another 2 days in jail because of some idiot GM who wants to play.

    So the rules are same for everyone, ehh?

  • #2
    Why you got jailed ?


    • #3
      You tell 'em A - they are sure to let you out early after reading that!

      (yeah why ARE you jailed btw?)
      Ultima modifica di fishinexile; 19-07-2005, 23:44.
      No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


      • #4
        I got jailed because I said that "You look like dick" to some aot.

        First jailtime was 2 days, today now I was supposed to get off from jail, but the jailtime increased to total of 5 days, which 2 of them have already spent.


        • #5
          That does sound a little harsh actually.
          No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


          • #6
            But still: first they give jail, then when I am in the point of getting out, they give me more jail.


            • #7
              You think i can get jail if i pass my time to say to the loot stealer people that they are ASSHOLE ? lol


              • #8
                Quick question - were you auto-jailed in-game by some form of word-filter?

                I heard of these on some shards, can be unreliable - I was just thinking of a scenario where by someone gets jailed for saying the bad word 'fish' for example, then his jail-time gets increased each time he says to a guy in the next cell "I got jailed for saying 'fish'"...
                No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


                • #9
                  But I hadnt logged in for 2 days, exept now. And no, there are no auto-jail-for-word script, because on OSI there arent.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by eViLs
                    You think i can get jail if i pass my time to say to the loot stealer people that they are ASSHOLE ? lol
                    Ya you can get jailed :F But the jail% is more bigger if you tell some truths about for example Aot players.. But i think that if you get jailed they should give you the final jail time right when you get jailed and not give you more time when its time to get out becourse that realy annoing and pisses people off >


                    • #11
                      A mate of mine got jailed for 2 days for saying alot worse things that that. 5 days seems very unfair,

                      However, have you been in jail before??? or is this a first offence


                      • #12
                        First offence, but Im off the jail MUAHAHA


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by narcof
                          Quick question - were you auto-jailed in-game by some form of word-filter?

                          I heard of these on some shards, can be unreliable - I was just thinking of a scenario where by someone gets jailed for saying the bad word 'fish' for example, then his jail-time gets increased each time he says to a guy in the next cell "I got jailed for saying 'fish'"...
                          Woah - that bit of halibutt was good enough for Jehovah - WHACK JAIL FOR SAYING HALIBUTT!


                          Nice thought......


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SIC98
                            A mate of mine got jailed for 2 days for saying alot worse things that that. 5 days seems very unfair,

                            However, have you been in jail before??? or is this a first offence
                            HAHAHAHA, i think this is someone we both know :P, am i right?


                            • #15
                              just make a page to the gm or use the pm instead of posting here.
                              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                              Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                              ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                              credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                              C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                              Sto operando...