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[Trivia game] Collecting

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  • [Trivia game] Collecting

    From tomorrow we will begin collecting questions for the well known
    game "trivial pursuit". All may contribute by leaving a question and,
    obviously, the correct answer.

    Tomorrow when you login for the first time you will be asked to leave
    a question and the relative answer, you may decide to not participate,
    participate straight away, or to wait until your next login.
    The gump that will appear will have two spaces, one for the question
    and one for the answer, it is preferred if you leave a one word answer
    in lower case.


    Q: What colour was Napoleon's white stallion?
    A: white

    The questions must obey the following rules:
    • They must not contain, directly or indirectly, vulgar or
      inappropriate language or meaning.
    • Everyone must have a chance to be able to answer.
    • They must not contain : racist phrases, political or religious slogans.

  • #2
    Q: What is the difference of an italian and a monkey?
    A: a Monkey has Brains!

    More like these!

    EDIT BY ANTARES: don't worry, I've read what you wrote before your edit
    Ultima modifica di acenik; 05-05-2005, 19:31.


    • #3
      Q: What moves in the mind of an italian?
      A: " "

      w00t? ITS ALL EMPTY <3

      EDIT BY ANTARES: Spammer mark for 1 month
      Ultima modifica di acenik; 05-05-2005, 19:37.


      • #4
        Q: Find the errors:
        All may contribute by leaving a question and, obviously, the correct answer.
        you may decide to not participate
        straight away
        The gump that will appear will have two spaces
        it is preferred
        Everyone must have a chance to be able to answer.

        not to
        we suggest you
        has to be able

        btw I think it's too simple.. My 11 yrs old brother was able to find them all
        Ultima modifica di aott; 04-05-2005, 23:53.


        • #5
          Koper, of course its simple, its made by italians .

          EDIT BY ANTARES: you are on the right way to the ban
          Remove that sentence from your sign
          Ultima modifica di acenik; 05-05-2005, 19:34.


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