yo its me again with a big problem. First of all i said "i wish to duel" ten clicked somebody he accepted it and etc... i press on okay and ten i saw the ready slittlke screen with the green light next to my chars name. te challenged one has a red one. he asked me to cancle the duel and i tried. but i cant...??? how do i cancel a duel and quit from the reay screen. thats the biggest problem ever. maybe it could be a bug???
Ancora nessun annuncio.
duel bug ????
Originally posted by Dark_Jonathan
i still got the ready screen on a day later ...... it wil not disapear, i cant game properly with that screen just above my character please and i cant go to the help forum its all italian and im ust halfblood italian whocant speak italian.
so give it a try!
It is NOT a bug, just type "I Yield" (without quotes) and you can left the duel, however next time for a fast help, please follow what Gardwick suggest Youand for more information regarding uo commands, check out our site, COMMANDS LINK!
vielen Danke!