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Hi new guys!

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  • Hi new guys!

    Hi new folks!

    Welcome 2 the largest UO free shard in hole Europe :P Now u can finally enjoy this Italien shard thanks to the staff's continous effort of making you feel at home

    Though much has been done there r allways some problems...

    I bet a lot of u become crazy when u need to ask something but no one understands !! LOL!!

    Especially when u need help in getting back ur corpse and u can't ask someone to aid u!! LOL!!

    Yeah... it's a nightmere...

    I know... there isn't anything of funny abou this... (I won't repeat lol anymore! I'll just say ghghghgh ^^)

    So I'll give u a hand inviting you to our in game community, it will be an entertaining way to get in contact with other country folks, partecipating to many adventures (hunts, champs, ecc... )

    I would be glad to lend u a hand by assisting your play and by making u feel at home ( I really hope so)

    For more information you could contact me by icq number: 220-754-122 or by posting a message.

    http:// [img]http://[/imga]
    contatto msn:
    x Web Applications o Designs UO related (gilda, etc..) - offro servizi per beni in-game (kk, oggetti, ...)!

  • #2

    it's a matter of fact that our aim is to give to foreign users the same help we give to other players, so feel free also to do english page on game to get help, Staff also spoke English

    have fun!


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