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Pay Attention!

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  • Pay Attention!

    Once more we ask you the complete cooperation.

    There is a bug concern the pet.

    Signal us as soon as possible the details of the problem.

    At the moment the only thing we know is that if you get down from the animal which you ride there are high possibilities that It disappears or It becomes again free.

    Now you haven't to write 1000 pages or 2000 post to have the animals again.

    We are searching to understand where the problem is and as solve it limiting the damages.

    We ask you a help for maximum cooperation.

    You have to write pages only to give detailed info.


  • #2
    Problem is now fixed !

    All the pets which had as last command all stay were released.

    Such command was becoming release.

    Now give us time to decide what we have to do concerning pets disappeared.


    Sto operando...