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Any Foreigns Guild ?

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  • Any Foreigns Guild ?

    Does Exist ?
    A strong campaign it's starting to expand foreign users, so it can be usefull for me give a look our actual situation...
    According with our new expanding politic, it will be nice if some one of our old foreign users will accept some sort of collaboration with us (moderating, animation...).
    Skills required

  • #2
    I from Brazil and I showed the shard and UO to my friends.

    Later we'll do a guild

    But till there will be some time because we don't play too long ago

    Hm and i want to say one thing that the staff always put messages in italian and we can't understand it well if it's possible the staff put some messages in game in english it'll be more than great for us.

    Thank you.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blequi

      Hm and i want to say one thing that the staff always put messages in italian and we can't understand it well if it's possible the staff put some messages in game in english it'll be more than great for us.

      Thank you.
      I don't know about all the staff members but Nion usually says the messages in italian.. and then in english.

      ALPHABiT maybe explained himself a bit strangely.. in the title it seems as if he wants to know if there's any foreign guilds... but the thread seems to ask if there are any experienced foreign players who are willing to join the staff as moderators etc.... but maybe I'm the one who understood wrongly


      • #4
        Hi you all... There is a guild of people from Argentina. I knew all of them so I joined Uo dreams... I few friends also joined with me so.. in future we may join the argetina´s guild or we may make another one...


        • #5
          Do they post in this forum ?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Joe

            ALPHABiT maybe explained himself a bit strangely.. in the title it seems as if he wants to know if there's any foreign guilds... but the thread seems to ask if there are any experienced foreign players who are willing to join the staff as moderators etc.... but maybe I'm the one who understood wrongly

            both of them!

            1) Due a strong campaign it's starting to increase the amount of foreign users, it could be usefull for him to figure out our actual situation regarding how many foreign guilds we have, how many foreign people plays here and so on;

            2)Accordly with our new expanding politic, it will be nice if some one of our old foreign users will accept some sort of collaboration with us (moderating, animation...), but at least we are looking for people who got some skills regarding all the whole aspects of ultima online; So if you think You could suit one or more of the above positions, don't esitate to contact him


            • #7
              Originally posted by ALPHABiT
              Do they post in this forum ?
              My friends?? Yes...but not much...

              This is the guild...


              • #8


                • #9
                  About one week ago about 15 Russian players have joined your shard. And more of Russians are comming. At least two guilds from are moving here. One is PvP guild and another is PvCh.

                  Soon i will post here the names of the guilds.

                  p.s. how can i change th&e flag of country where i'm from (near my name)?


                  • #10
                    how can i change th&e flag of country where i'm from (near my name)?

                    I have to do that Everytime i see a flag country is not present i search and ad dit in our DB.
                    Welcome to u to.
                    Wll be nice if all foreign users will start to use this forum to know us better and make a strong community.


                    • #11
                      how can i change th&e flag of country where i'm from (near my name)?

                      It results u was born in Moscow, JAMAICA .
                      I think it's a mistake, but u need to pay attention because we delete all false or wrong data in accounts.


                      • #12
                        I was smoking that little green thing while registering this accont. Sorry. I was born and still live in Moscow (Russia). All i want to change - is that my flag would be Russian.


                        • #13
                          Matvey i fixed u.


                          • #14
                            Are you sure? I still have no flag )
                            Ultima modifica di Matvey69; 20-01-2005, 13:21.


                            • #15
                              u have.
                              take ur shift key pressed when u refresh.


                              Sto operando...