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Rules (in english???)

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  • Rules (in english???)


    First of all, thank you VERY much for creating this english forum. UODreams is so good a shard that it attracts a lot of non-italian players and I am one of them. I am Canadian. I am also very happy to see that some of your web site has allready been translated to english.

    I have tried reading the italian rules through a WEB translation service. It helped but some things are still confusing.

    1. Rule 7 reads: Come da contratto della Epyx S.p.A. anche UOD si avvale delle regole stipulate. Per ricordarne una ad esempio è vietato possedere più account o usufruire di account di amici e/o parenti per scopi personali. Là dove si possieda una lan, oppure dalla stessa connessione si connettano comunque due o più utenti, si è invitati a contattare immediatamente lo staff con page sul sito per segnalare la cosa e le username interessate.

    The very rough translation that I had was too blurry to make out. I am guessing that it talks about multi-accounts from the same IP address. Can someone give me a good translation? In other words, can me, my wife and my son have different accounts on our home LAN?

    2. What is a shared account? I have read in the news that it is forbidden but to obey the rules, one should understand them first!

    Right now, I must admit that I have more than one account at my home. I have one for me and one for my son. My wife plans on joining us as she is getting bored by the other shard that she is playing on right now. I hope that I do not risk being banned for this!

    Thank you in advance for your comprehension.

    Pierre Guilbeault
    a.k.a. Rictus
    a.k.a. Actarus
    Ultima modifica di fetcher; 08-10-2004, 02:40.

  • #2
    Yeh, the website is coming along quite nicely, still quite alot to do however. As for the multi accounts thing i thing your in the green, its only if (as far as i know) you are using all the accounts for yourself, but as you said its for family they should let it go.
    A.K.A: Celestian


    • #3
      The rules say that you can only have one account per person and in the case you have multiple people playing from your place (LAN or through the same pc) you should notice the staff through the page system on the site.

      The matter about the shared account is (roughly) that you cannot lend your account or never use another account beside yours.

      "I can't seem to see through solid marble eyes -Sparklehorse"
      "Come on along with the black rider, we'll have a gay old time -Tom Waits"


      • #4
        Thank you very much for your fast responses!

        I will page the staff soon. Actually, I will open my wife's account first to make matters simple.

        It's a good thing to know about the shared accounts rule as one of my friends and I did share accounts from time to time. At the time, I had the only GM blacksmith of our group and he had the only GM tailor. Fortunately, we both have our GMs in each category now.

        I was lucky anough not to get caught breaking the rules up to now. I will abide by them now that I am fully aware of them. I don't think they are harsh rules anyway.

        I will forward this thread to my (english) friends though!

        Thank you!

        Ultima modifica di fetcher; 08-10-2004, 02:44.


        • #5
          everything said is correct

          when you write your page, remember to say:
          - that you have a LAN/a single pc with multiple users
          - what kind of internet provider you're using
          - all usernames involved


          • #6
            Well, there is a rule missing...

            Worship and Love Admin Gwineth as Your Mother and Your Goddess.


            Mind as she's very mean!!


            • #7
              Danka I LOVE U


              • #8

                It's that Belial I used to know?

                If so , I'm amazed by the fact that you'r still playing Ultima

                Btw it's late, gotta go home.



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