- The system records most UO actions (clicks, gump responses, targets, etc) and also allows some other more advanced features. Right click on the macro actions list to see a list of possibilities.
- Macros recorded by the system are shard across all profiles. (Razor/Macros directory)
- Macros are stored as text, but it is not recommended that you edit the text file, as you my break your macro.
- You may only play one macro at a time, and you may not record while playing another macro.
Added "Dress by Type" option on DressList (Right Click an item)
- Selecting this will make RunUO use the first item of the same art value that it finds in your pack, rather than the specific item.
Added many new hotkeys, including: All spells and skills, Random Target options, and more potions.
Added a screen shot manager
- Screen shots are stored by default in Razor/ScreenShots
- Screen Shots have the Razor icon/logo in their top left corner (shameless plug)
- You can optionally add TimeStamp information in the top left of all screenshots
- ScreenShots are stored in .jpg format, a 1024x768 screenshot is approximately 150kb. Beware your diskspace.
- When the "Auto Death" option is enabled, razor will automatically take a screenshot when something dies on your screen. (Good laughs after a tourney)
- If there is a window in front of the UO window (such as Razor itself) Razor will include that window in the screenshot. This is a limitation of Windows.
Added a "Status" tab
- This tab provides useful information like current bandwidth usage, as well as Razor memory usage.
Added "Filter Spam" option. This option attempts to ignore all repeating text after the first time it is displayed. (So if a person says "SHOES FOR SALE" you will not see them say it again until they first say something else.)
The razor window is a bit taller (for the 2nd row of tabs), but also a little bit skinier
Moved Search exemptions to an Agent.
Changed HotKeys to use a Tree View control for better organization.
Spells.def has been GREATLY modified:
- Spells now store their # and circle information (for macros)
- Spells also have a Beneficial/harmful/Neutral flag.
The more options tab now contains a text box for each of these options.
Arm/Dress agent now has buttons to Dress Now and Undress this list.
The sell agent now has an "Enable/Disable" button to allow you to turn it off when not in use.
Fixed bug where counters would not automatically update.
Fixed bug where containers would sometimes skip the object delay.
Fixed bug where the welcome screen would sometimes crash due to blank lines in Login.cfg
Attempted (again) to fix the bug where razor would not find your backpack (or anything inside it)
Spells now display as Ascii text
Paladin spells should now display spell names & hues like other spells
E' assurdo.... RunUo non mi accetta + il login x scaricare Razor.... qualcuno sa dirmi perchè???? username e password son giusti...e l'account è attivo, ci ho scaricato tutte le versioni precendenti di RAzor.....
PS. Visto che x il momento non posso scaricarmelo...non è che sapete dirmi se hanno aggiunto anche la funzione x comprare reagenti in automatico ??
credo sia a causa del fatto chequalche giorno fa l'admin di run uo ryan ha cancellato x sbaglio degli account..
prova a re-registarrti con gli stessi dati
Nepheleregetes: Un arciere! Un bardo! Un paladino! Un aeroplano! Un missile! No un detersivo!
Originally posted by Nihil IMHO no , the path towards the worst is neverending.
Se i tinker's tools si fanno con i tinker's tools, chi avrà fatto i primi tinker's tools ?