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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sebastian Soprano

    the spell is BUGGED!!


    • #17
      min is not minus, but is minumum.

      Spirit=120, then strangle hits 120/10=12 times;
      Spirit=20, then 20/10=2, so the spell hits 4 times. [min 4]



      • #18
        Originally posted by Dj Gaspa OF
        min is not minus, but is minumum.

        Spirit=120, then strangle hits 120/10=12 times;
        Spirit=20, then 20/10=2, so the spell hits 4 times. [min 4]

        qualcuno che le cose le capisce...
        Declino [The Grinch]

        Sempre Kill, ovunque. A piedi e non. Sempre full Loot, sempre Horse Kill.
        Anche di secondi pg. Fine della storia.


        • #19
          u p
          Declino [The Grinch]

          Sempre Kill, ovunque. A piedi e non. Sempre full Loot, sempre Horse Kill.
          Anche di secondi pg. Fine della storia.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Dj Gaspa OF
            min is not minus, but is minumum.

            Spirit=120, then strangle hits 120/10=12 times;
            Spirit=20, then 20/10=2, so the spell hits 4 times. [min 4]



            • #21
              Se non capisce neppure l'inglese che glielo devo scrivere in turco?

              Vabbè che me frega dal mio punto di vista il post è stato anche troppo esauriente lo considero chiuso bye bye.

              Ultima modifica di gaspa; 18-08-2003, 02:19.

              MY PGP PUBLIC KEY


              • #22
                Originally posted by Dj Gaspa OF
                Se non capisce neppure l'inglese che glielo devo scrivere in turco?
                I understand what you write.


                • #23

                  I swim through a sea of stars
                  Without looking back to shore.
                  Faster than light, bending time


                  Tessera N.3 del Mucchina's Fans Club:
                  Seconda e Unica Fan del Coltellino di Mac Gyver™
                  Fondatrice del Comitato per la diffusione della "Zappa in draconite" nel Mondo


                  • #24
                    Stratics says about Strangle:

                    Temporarily chokes off the air suply of the target with poisonous fumes. The target is inflicted with poison damage over time. The amount of damage dealt each "hit" is based off of the caster's Spirit Speak skill and the Target's current Stamina. The less Stamina the target has, the more damage is done by Strangle. Duration of the effect is Spirit Speak skill level / 10 rounds, with a minimum number of 4 rounds. The first round of damage is dealt after 5 seconds, and every next round after that comes 1 second sooner than the one before, until there is only 1 second between rounds. The base damage of the effect lies between (Spirit Speak skill level / 10) - 2 and (Spirit Speak skill level / 10) + 1. Base damage is multiplied by the following formula: (3 - (target's current Stamina / target's maximum Stamina) * 2). Example: For a target at full Stamina the damage multiplier is 1, for a target at 50% Stamina the damage multiplier is 2 and for a target at 20% Stamina the damage multiplier is 2.6.
                    Monsters will take additional damage from the Strangle spell, about twice as much.

                    I swim through a sea of stars
                    Without looking back to shore.
                    Faster than light, bending time


                    Tessera N.3 del Mucchina's Fans Club:
                    Seconda e Unica Fan del Coltellino di Mac Gyver™
                    Fondatrice del Comitato per la diffusione della "Zappa in draconite" nel Mondo


                    • #25
                      Temporarily chokes off the air suply of the target with poisonous fumes. The target is inflicted with poison damage over time. The amount of damage dealt each "hit" is based off of the caster's Spirit Speak skill and the Target's current Stamina. The less Stamina the target has, the more damage is done by Strangle. Duration of the effect is Spirit Speak skill level / 10 rounds, with a minimum number of 4 rounds.
                      Declino [The Grinch]

                      Sempre Kill, ovunque. A piedi e non. Sempre full Loot, sempre Horse Kill.
                      Anche di secondi pg. Fine della storia.


                      • #26
                        This is last thing I write in this post, I hope you finish to misunderstood:



                        Duration of the effect is Spirit Speak skill level / 10 rounds, with a minimum number of 4 rounds.

                        Please pay attenction to math syntax.

                        MY PGP PUBLIC KEY


                        • #27
                          Ma da quel che ho capito dovrebbe funzionare in quel modo su OSI, ma è buggata in runuo, o no?


                          • #28
                            No, è implementata correttamente.

                            MY PGP PUBLIC KEY


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Dj Gaspa OF
                              This is last thing I write in this post, I hope you finish to misunderstood:



                              Duration of the effect is Spirit Speak skill level / 10 rounds, with a minimum number of 4 rounds.

                              Please pay attenction to math syntax.

                              anyways, a good thing when u make a statement is to post the source.


                              • #30
                                Disse Goria a Davide: "Ma c'avevi i tacchi!"

                                MY PGP PUBLIC KEY


                                Sto operando...