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  • #16
    a me non patcha proprio... mah...
    Declino [The Grinch]

    Sempre Kill, ovunque. A piedi e non. Sempre full Loot, sempre Horse Kill.
    Anche di secondi pg. Fine della storia.


    • #17
      Ma perchè non lo chiedi direttamente alla Origin? Cmq la connessione in LAN potrebbe essere un problema.

      Gli amici mi chiamano Cip.... ma tu... bhe tu puoi chiamarmi Ciop


      • #18
        alice adsl in lan -.-, adesso formatto tanto nessuno mi sa aiutare...
        che noia...
        Declino [The Grinch]

        Sempre Kill, ovunque. A piedi e non. Sempre full Loot, sempre Horse Kill.
        Anche di secondi pg. Fine della storia.


        • #19
          aaaaaaaaa origin mi dice

          If you are seeing a message "Error applying patch" while trying to patch UO, please check the version number on your login screen. The current versions should now be 4.0.0e (2D client) and 4.0.0e (3D client). If this is not your version, you need close UO and restart it to patch the game.

          If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:

          1) A problem while the patch was downloading caused a file to remain in the patch folder, which will cause the patch to fail. Locate the Patch folder within the Ultima Online directory on the hard drive and delete any files contained in the folder. Once completed, launch the game from the Windows Start menu, this will re-start the patching process.

          2) The PC is infected by the Win32 Spacefiller virus. The particular virus infects certain types of files that are resident in the UO directory, making them unable to be updated. Search for "CIH", which will return results for software designed to specifically detect and remove this virus.

          3) If there is not enough space on the drive, there will be nowhere for the files to go. When the PC is free of all viruses, launch the game from the Windows Start menu; this will re-start the patching process. Ensure that the drive where UO is installed has plenty of free space, as well as the swap file on C:\.

          4) A poor Internet connection will cause the patch to fail. Run uopatch.exe as many times as necessary to get all required files, be sure to check the uo\patch folder and delete any files left after each failure. You should also run a traceroute to the patcher, to determine the quality of the connection. If the connection is chronically poor, you should consider trying an alternate ISP. You can get the UO Trace program using this link:

          5) Playing from a Free Internet service provider (freeinet, juno, netzero, etc...) can cause you to have trouble patching. IF you are using one of these and cannot connect, then you will need to uninstall the software and then reinstall both your dial up networking adapters, and your TCP/IP protocols. Let us know if you need specific instructions for that.

          6) Running Background programs in addition to UO can cause you to have trouble Patching. If you are running any programs, please disable them and try to connect again. Background programs include but are not limited to Real audio Player, ICQ, UOAM, MultiUO, UO Assist, Shockwave, etc...

          7) Playing on AOL or another similar service with the parental controls or internet restrictions active will not allow you to connect. Ultima Online has an Adult rating, so you will need to configure your settings to allow you to play. Please let us know if you need assistance with that.

          8) Attempting to connect to Ultima Online from behind a firewall or proxy server that does not have the correct ports open is not possible. This also applies to networks using a LynkSys Router. If this is the case, please let us know and we will provide you with the correct port information.

          9) If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at

          10) If the PC is virus free and you have enough space, your connection to the patch server may be suspect, run a trace and adjust your modem settings. If that doesn't work, try disabling "read-ahead optimization". Right-click "My Computer" and select "Properties" then the "Performance" tab. Click "File System" then the "Hard Disk" tab and set "Read-ahead optimization" to "none" and reboot. If the patch completes, re-enable read-ahead.

          If none of these steps fix the problem, then you should completely uninstall Ultima Online from your machine, run a scan disk and disk defrag on your hard drive, and reinstall the latest version of UO that you have a disk for. Please follow these steps to do this:

          1. Click on the [start] button, go up to [Settings] and select [Control Panel].

          2. Click on the icon for [Add / Remove Programs].

          3. Find Ultima Online in the list of programs, highlight it, and press the [Add / Remove] button. If it asks whether you are sure you want to remove the program, click "yes". If it prompts you to select either automatic uninstall or manual, select automatic.

          4. When the uninstall is complete, close all open windows.

          5. Click on [Start], then [Programs], the [Windows Explorer].

          6. If the C: drive is not expanded already on the left hand side, click the + symbol next to it to expand it. Locate the folder named [Program Files] and click the + next to it to expand it.

          7. Locate the folder named UO. Highlight it and click the right-side button on your mouse. Select [Delete]. If it asks whether you are sure you want to do this, select "yes".

          8. After deleting it, close all open windows.

          9. On your desktop, right-click on the recycle bin and select [Empty Recycle Bin].

          10. Click [Start], [Programs], [Accessories], then [System Tools]. You will see both scan disk and disk defrag listed here. Run both of these.

          11. Finally, insert the UO disk and reinstall the game.

          sciegli tu...
          Declino [The Grinch]

          Sempre Kill, ovunque. A piedi e non. Sempre full Loot, sempre Horse Kill.
          Anche di secondi pg. Fine della storia.


          • #20
            ... prova a cercare dal registro le voci ULTIMA ONLINE li cancellli, disinstalli il gioco, lo installo in un'altra cartella, crei la cartella patch e fai partire -.-

            Gli amici mi chiamano Cip.... ma tu... bhe tu puoi chiamarmi Ciop


            • #21
              lo avrò fatto si e no 40 volte... mi sto veramente scocciando
              quasi quasi formatto... poi però se non va mi inc...
              Declino [The Grinch]

              Sempre Kill, ovunque. A piedi e non. Sempre full Loot, sempre Horse Kill.
              Anche di secondi pg. Fine della storia.


              Sto operando...