Dopo tanto lavoro siamo riusciti a far tornare vive le Lost Lands con un meccanismo innovativo.
L'estate è ormai arrivata,
i gelidi venti che soffiavano sulle Lost Land sono spariti.
Piccole creature ripopolano le vaste lande, molte si spostano
dalla vicina Trinsic, passando per le grotte di Delucia.
Un giorno un viaggiatore in sella al suo destriero giunse
alle piccole mura di Papua uralando:
<< La terra si muove al cimitero abbandonato di Delucia!>>.
Subito il capovillaggio si allarmò e organizzò una spedizione
verso il faro per avvisare le città del vecchio continente.
La formazione giunse fino al ponticello di legno che porta
nelle aride lande di Desert; il silenzio cadde sul gruppo,
il cigolio del ponte si faceva insistente.
I cavalli procedevano a passo irrequieto fino a che,
poco distante dall'altra sponda, si ebbe la percezione
di un flebile suono, quasi magico seguito da tanti
piccoli passi ovattati, quasi impercettibili che alzavano
la sabbia calda di Desert.
Il sole alto davanti ai loro occhi allungava l'ombra di un uomo lontano;
si distingueva un lungo mantello e un cappello da giullare!.
Subito i più vecchi capirono che la loro pace era ormai terminata,
riconoscendo in quell'ombra il pifferaio.
Fu subito notte nelle terre di desert.
Solo un avventuriero tornò alla piccola cittadina stanco
e segnato da una lunga battaglia, lo accolse il capo del villaggio,
comunicandogli che anche nella lontana Terra Sanctum
si erano alzati in volo dei draghi.
Studiosi del territorio hanno però limitato il problema in quanto,
nelle Lost Land non ci sono abbastanza forze
per una rinascita completa.
Queste sono le parole di un bardo che recitava la sua storia
nella locanda di Skara!
Si comunica a tutta la community di UOD che da 26/06/2012 saranno riattivati i champ nelle Lost Land.
Saranno disponibili, oltre quelli già presenti al momento, altri quattro spawn random dopo ogni server restart*, (potete riconoscerli dalla presenza dell'idol al centro dell'altare)
In tutti i champ presenti sulle Lost Lands è stato disattivato il drop dei champion's artifacts, fatta eccezzione per Forest Lord (Oaks) che è sempre attivo.
Sta a voi scoprire quelli che sono attivabili e cercare di portarli a termine nel minor tempo possibile
cercando di non essere raidati dagli astuti pvp.
*che è alle ore 6:55 di mattina. Se state facendo uno dei quattro champ random attivi correte il rischio che venga disattivato, quindi cercate di finirlo in tempo.
Un grazie a Onision per i codici XML e Valnyr per il fix dei drop.
Stay Tuned on UOD!
After a hard work we were able to bring back alive the Lost Lands with an innovative mechanism.
The summer has now arrived,
the chilly winds blew on Lost Land disappeared.
Small creatures repopulate the vast plains, many moving
from the near Trinsic, passing through the caves of DeLucia.
One day a traveler came near the small
walls of Papua screaming:
<< The earth moves to the cemetery abandoned of DeLucia! >>.
Now the village chief became alarmed and organized an expedition
to the lighthouse to alert the cities of the old continent.
The formation came up to the wooden bridge that leads
the Desert arid lands.
The silence fell over the group,
the creaking of the bridge was insistent.
The horses proceeded to step restless until,
not far from the other side, there was the perception
a faint sound, almost magical followed by many
small steps muffled, almost imperceptible, which raised
the hot sand of Desert.
The sun was high before their eyes the shadow of a man stretched out;
stood out a long cloak and a jester's hat!.
Now the older they realized that their peace was over,
recognizing in that shadow the piper.
It was immediately night in the land of Desert.
Only an adventurer returned to the small town tired
and marked by a long battle, the village chief received end
informing him that also in the distant Earth Sanctum
had risen in the air a lot of dragons.
Experts of the territory, however, have limited the problem because,
Lost Land there are enough strength
for a complete rebirth.
These are the words of a bard who recited his story
in the inn at Skara!
the chilly winds blew on Lost Land disappeared.
Small creatures repopulate the vast plains, many moving
from the near Trinsic, passing through the caves of DeLucia.
One day a traveler came near the small
walls of Papua screaming:
<< The earth moves to the cemetery abandoned of DeLucia! >>.
Now the village chief became alarmed and organized an expedition
to the lighthouse to alert the cities of the old continent.
The formation came up to the wooden bridge that leads
the Desert arid lands.
The silence fell over the group,
the creaking of the bridge was insistent.
The horses proceeded to step restless until,
not far from the other side, there was the perception
a faint sound, almost magical followed by many
small steps muffled, almost imperceptible, which raised
the hot sand of Desert.
The sun was high before their eyes the shadow of a man stretched out;
stood out a long cloak and a jester's hat!.
Now the older they realized that their peace was over,
recognizing in that shadow the piper.
It was immediately night in the land of Desert.
Only an adventurer returned to the small town tired
and marked by a long battle, the village chief received end
informing him that also in the distant Earth Sanctum
had risen in the air a lot of dragons.
Experts of the territory, however, have limited the problem because,
Lost Land there are enough strength
for a complete rebirth.
These are the words of a bard who recited his story
in the inn at Skara!
It communicates to the entire UOD community in day 26/06/2012 champ will be reactivated in the Lost Land.
Will be available, beyond those already present at the time, four other spawn at random after each server restart *, (you can recognize them by the idol presence in the center of the altar)
In all the Champs present in the Lost Lands the drop off the champ artifacts is deactivated, made exception for Forest Lord (Oaks) that is always active.
It is up to you discover and finish them as quickly as possible or PvP we raid you!
* which is at 6:55 a.m.. If you are doing one of the four active random champ, you have the risk that it being turned off, so try to finish it on time.
Thanks for the XML codes to Onision and for the fix on the Champion's Artifacts drop to Valnyr.
Stay Tuned on UOD!