Ancora nessun annuncio.
*** Tokuno Event 2012 ***
Originariamente inviato da OnisionStaff Visualizza il messaggioITA
Hai tutto il diritto di dire la tua è capito, vi abbiamo risposto...però state iniziando a rompere le "uova di Pasqua" adesso
You have the right to say what do you think about the event...we understand it and we answer you with our opinion...but now you (not only you, all people that ask about old pigments) are breaking our "Easter eggs"
Onision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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GM Kriegstreiber Käse® Discord: Jack___#9551
Dexter is not right just in saying Easy drop of lack pigmentswhat do you think in statistic?
before your opinion, people were writing and discussing about chance of drop pigments on this Event
as for me I got 9-11 ( I dont remember exactly ) pigments of 170-180 arts drop, I think I just got a luck of that, because according of people who is gotten more than I drops and just got 2-3 pigments, thats not right
... It means that to get pigments, whatever which ones, that unbelievable hard, when you see 40 same gloves of sun, but could be 40 chaos pigments, Ultima Online is chance, patient and personal luck in time :P ....
Remind, Stop doing something and share with opinion. Lets be like should be and let give a big thanks to Uodreams Staffs for their greate-greater job. They are doing everything to save this server, and I respect them for that.
Happy Easter Guys :P breaking eggs<<< Contact me via email: >>>
Game Nicknames: Vis, Viska, CnopTcMeH, K'ammoR SayyaF
I am also expressing my opinion.
So you don't like the event, nobody is forcing you to go to tokuno and try to gets lesser tots. The event was directed at anyone who was interested and in my view it was a sucess for the new players and to a few of the old players that wanted a few more tots.
You just can't please everyone dexter727, there have been some past events that I didnt like but I was still happy that we had them in uodreams.
Lots of other shards the staff simply doesn't make events or very few, we have a staff that volunteers a lot of time into the shard, we all should learn to appreciate it and not take it for granted.
Why do you think that I did not appreciate the work of the administration?
I respect the administration, I appreciate their work.
I know that Onision - Volunteer and 1000 thanks to him for the work he has done!!!
but it has nothing to do with the fact that I had another look at the organization of events
onision if I offended you with my message, I apologize
Originariamente inviato da superbuzzmetal Visualizza il messaggioI am also expressing my opinion.
So you don't like the event, nobody is forcing you to go to tokuno and try to gets lesser tots. The event was directed at anyone who was interested and in my view it was a sucess for the new players and to a few of the old players that wanted a few more tots.
You just can't please everyone dexter727, there have been some past events that I didnt like but I was still happy that we had them in uodreams.
Lots of other shards the staff simply doesn't make events or very few, we have a staff that volunteers a lot of time into the shard, we all should learn to appreciate it and not take it for granted.Happy Easter
<<< Contact me via email: >>>
Game Nicknames: Vis, Viska, CnopTcMeH, K'ammoR SayyaF
Originariamente inviato da dexter727 Visualizza il messaggioonision if I offended you with my message, I apologize
But I think that the argument is finished after our first now is unuseful continue talk about it :P
c'è qualche altra novità in programma? no perhé state facendo bene, sarebbe un vero peccato interrompersi ora...Regan Draka [AoT] - RegaN Enk'Varr [AoT] - Regan of PietaS [HaTe] - VanadiS []
"Grande legame di amicizia che unisce questo gruppo che è come una famiglia" is not skill.
E poi avete perso lo skull come fessi, gran bell'idea avete avuto. (cit.)
Originariamente inviato da randy88 Visualizza il messaggioc'è qualche altra novità in programma? no perhé state facendo bene, sarebbe un vero peccato interrompersi ora...
Figurati se lo diciamo prima del tempo
quando, e se, ci saranno novità, verrete come sempre avvisati :*
up -_-' xD :*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GM Kriegstreiber Käse® Discord: Jack___#9551
Rapite gli animali domestici e i partner dei componenti dello staff, e estorcete informazioni!"Garmr latra feroce dinanzi Gnipahelli, le corde si spezzeranno ed il cane si libererà.
Ella conosce molte arti, là lontano scorge il Crepuscolo degli Dèi, frammenti della fine.
I fratelli si scontreranno e si uccideranno, i cugini spezzeranno i legami di parentela, il mondo è crudo, il tradimento è grande.
Tempo d’asce, tempo di spade, gli scudi s'infrangeranno, tempo di venti, tempo di lupi, prima che il mondo finisca nessun uomo risparmierà l'altro.
I figli di Mímir si agitano, il fato si compie al suono del potente Gjallarhorni.
Heimdallr soffia con forza nel suo corno, Óðinn parla alla testa di Mímir."
Originariamente inviato da BlackBraveKnight Visualizza il messaggioRapite gli animali domestici e i partner dei componenti dello staff, e estorcete informazioni!
“ Se dovessi rinascere, farei l’idraulico ” – Albert Einstein