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Annuncio fix - 07/01/2012

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  • #31
    Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
    English version, please ?
    Mantis 0001155: runebook's delay was the reproduction of a bug - delay removed.

    Mantis 0001165: Spellweaving bugs - Arcane circle, Thundestorm and Wildfire now works more similar to osi

    leech brought back to normality

    peeled bananas obtained from cornucopies cannot be turned anymore to be re-transformed to normal bananas.

    Karma token now brings karma correctly to 20k/-20k

    statuette's sounds corrected.

    - monster's FCR has been slowed
    - a variable delay between combo'scasting di combo
    - monster's won't have any problems when attacking a player on a boat or behind a fence.

    "Grande legame di amicizia che unisce questo gruppo che è come una famiglia" is not skill.

    E poi avete perso lo skull come fessi, gran bell'idea avete avuto. (cit.)


    • #32
      By the way a question to staff. When will you guys fix TAMERS ? Tamer template has been dead since monster AI got fixed the first time.
      Yesterday I tested a warrior tamer. Used all kill on balron paragon: First ~20 seconds it was attacking the pet only, then it switched to me, pet was still attacking, but balron was targeting ONLY me for like a minute, then switched back to pet.


      • #33
        Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
        By the way a question to staff. When will you guys fix TAMERS ? Tamer template has been dead since monster AI got fixed the first time.
        Yesterday I tested a warrior tamer. Used all kill on balron paragon: First ~20 seconds it was attacking the pet only, then it switched to me, pet was still attacking, but balron was targeting ONLY me for like a minute, then switched back to pet.
        I have tamer-tanker and i kill Balrons Para, ok with some problems but i can do it
        I think the staff have done a good work for the tamer, now it can be playable!!!!!!

        e nulla brucerà più, come il fuoco ardente che mi ha dannato.


        • #34
          Yes, I can kill it too, but the way how AI acts switching targets from pet to tamer is kinda funny.
          Because of this fact there is ONLY ONE template in pvp - tanker. Tanker can solo anything, tamer cannot (used to).

          So it has been DESIGNED that ONLY tankers can kill monsters ?
          Tanker - solo anything, with luck set and good weapon - no problems
          Tamer - kills some mobs, the toughest switch target kills them. Luck suit = suicide.
          Ultima modifica di Demigod; 07-01-2012, 15:56.


          • #35
            Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
            By the way a question to staff. When will you guys fix TAMERS ? Tamer template has been dead since monster AI got fixed the first time.
            Yesterday I tested a warrior tamer. Used all kill on balron paragon: First ~20 seconds it was attacking the pet only, then it switched to me, pet was still attacking, but balron was targeting ONLY me for like a minute, then switched back to pet.
            This is how it has been designed to work, the monster might switch target from the pet to the player depending on who deals most damage, the distance, a random probability and how much life remains.

            Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
            So it has been DESIGNED that ONLY tankers can kill monsters ?
            Tanker - solo anything, with luck set and good weapon - no problems
            Tamer - kills some mobs, the toughest switch target kills them. Luck suit = suicide.
            It has been designed that a monster has a right to target the player once in a while.

            - Valnyr
            Ultima modifica di Valnyr_Staff; 07-01-2012, 16:12.


            • #36
              Yes, but the difference is:
              A tanker doesn't give shit about the monster's dealt damage, he is the target all the time, he heals up with no problem.
              A tamer has ~ 220 (+ veterinary) skills, problems with healing himself unprotected by the pet.
              Also a tanker deals MUCH more damage than the pet.
              There is only ONE working pvm template, the tamer is quite useless, not like it used to be.

              P.S. Also the "All guard me" command works improperly.

              The thing is - I can do a regular tanker, that's not a problem, but I get bored of playing the same template over and over again. A tamer is a way to randomize things, but currently It's useless.


              • #37

                adesso manca solo rivalorizzare skill come begging, cosi quando verra' implementata la skill throwing di stygian abyss la gente potra lanciarmi le monete addosso,comprendomi d'oro
                balordi mi avete segnalato una firma bellissima


                • #38
                  - Rallentato il FCR dei mostri


                  • #39
                    ICQ: 7881871 (quando mi addate specificate che siete di UOD)


                    • #40
                      Non ho ancora avuto modo di provare i fix, ma entrando in ts ho sentito si considerava di rispolverare il tamer "originale"...

                      Penso che tutti siano d'accordo con il non voler indicare allo staff la strada da seguire perché è solo lo staff che sa le cose che devono essere fixate prima, ma sicuramente ascoltando più chi gioca e quindi chi è a contatto reale con i fix non si potrà fare altro che bene a questo shard.

                      GRAZIE STAFF!

                      Icq 223-493-903

                      I only use the brakes so I can accelerate all over again.
                      « Guardati dalla furia di un uomo tranquillo » John Dryden


                      • #41
                        ICQ 439 370 378


                        • #42
                          Grazie mille GM!

                          Doomtropper io ti devo fare una domanda, ma perchè parli in così se non fai mai pvm? Cosa t'interessa? Io nella sezione duelli battaglie non ci metto piede perchè non faccio pvp e non m'interessa, perchè non fai anche te alla stessa maniera, anzichè scrivere questi post inutili? Grazie mille


                          • #43
                            Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
                            Yes, but the difference is:
                            A tanker doesn't give shit about the monster's dealt damage, he is the target all the time, he heals up with no problem.
                            A tamer has ~ 220 (+ veterinary) skills, problems with healing himself unprotected by the pet.
                            Also a tanker deals MUCH more damage than the pet.
                            There is only ONE working pvm template, the tamer is quite useless, not like it used to be.

                            P.S. Also the "All guard me" command works improperly.

                            The thing is - I can do a regular tanker, that's not a problem, but I get bored of playing the same template over and over again. A tamer is a way to randomize things, but currently It's useless.

                            yes i'm agree with you, i think that real problem is that the tamer doesn't resists to attacks like a tanker. Probably with the easy dispelling of nature fury, tanker work more hard to kill a boss... while a tamer dead easy also with succubus, the only thing good for the tamer is that also with a not very expensive equip you can have a good one, carapace, mittens, scrapper, folded are good items at a low price; for the tanker is different, fire 95 for vampiric, fc fcr, lmc, hit & def not easy

                            i think that mob shuold prefer to attack pets, so tamer could heal them and is not killed while is dismounted. But if a tamer attack with pets, and cast wod, it's right that mob attack tamer... staff should balance this thing in the right way.

                            Currently with tamer we cannot kill much mobs, but is very very funny

                            p.s. sorry for my bad english ^^


                            • #44
                              vorrei solo fare una domanda ai gm (ma non è nè una critica nè una polemica,voglio solo sapere se è stato fixato cosi o è solo un errore),volevo sapere se il danno è stato ridotto solo al doppio slayer o in generale perchè io ad esempio ora dai 100hp circa di danno che facevo nella prima stanza di doom ora ne faccio 65 con solo il trinket che ha bonus undead mentre appunto prima ne facevo sui 100hp...ripeto non è una polemica voglio solo sapere se è stato fixato proprio cosi...spererei in una risposta di un gm che mi da più sicurezza...grazie
                              Droppati a DOOM:

                              ICQ: 597889197

                              Mille grazie a Akkarin per la firma XD ...


                              • #45
                                ma tutta questa lag?


                                Sto operando...