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Discussion about the new fix for english speaking players

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  • Discussion about the new fix for english speaking players

    So ever since the new fix there have been countless blablabla discussions in italian, which for people like me are exactly as written - blablabla.

    As for the part that bothers me the most, since I am playing only pvp, the bottle's weight fix is totally OK. It makes more sense that a character cannot carry 70 explo pots and others 20 of each kind. Also now it will be necessary to loot a dead bastard's corpse to get your restock back, instead of just doing it because of greed or to prevent him from resurrecting fast. This is the good part of the fix, imho.

    Now the funniest part - the monster AI. You guys have been poking this stuff around since forever, and never succeeded to make it any better than it was originally. You made it "harder to play" ? Sure ! But was that the whole point ? It doesn't make sense that the ONLY thing that monsters do is just lame combo launching (paralyze, explo, fs, pain spike). Does that even include the word Artificial Intelligence ? Where is the intellect in that stuff ? So in my opinion it would be much better to go all the way back to the original AI, rather than trying to ride this dead beat horse which you are trying to bring back from the dead so desperately.

    And of course the last, but not the least, especially for most of the community, both english and italian speaking: the tanker build rape. Yes, exactly, It's not a fix, It's not a nerf, It's a rape what you guys have done. The server depends on these guys who run around with their sampire characters.
    I get your idea - you disabled the T2A champspawns in order to make it easier to find where someone is doing a champ. Only dungeons - only 5(6 including oaks on t2a) spawns to check, much more pvp. Plus the thingy with SOP decay. That was all nice, but did it work entirely ? All the russians/bulgarians that were champing daily on T2A just left the server. They weren't interested in fighting guys like me, they were interested in making champions, getting some cash and only then fighting guys like me.
    So that was just a little bit offtopic, but it will make sense soon.
    By nerfing (raping) the sampire template you are trying to achieve the impossible - make people play together a video game which is like 14 years old. In my opinion this attempt failed with champion spawn nerf. And now this will fail too. People are lazy, mostly they play this game only because of addiction (like me). Deleting the only solo-build there is (tamers were raped long before this), you are just plainly saying to people "no more easy shit for you, sir". It won't miraculously make them form new guilds which go to kill paroxysmus, melisande and raid doom like hell together.
    People love to play this game like tetris - solo playing, scoring the shit out of the game. At least that's how it works for pvm.

    There have been these builds on OSI running around since forever. It is not like the para-normally genius people of UoDreams have come up with a brand-new never-seen-before template to win the online game.
    Did OSI nerf them ? Hell no, because I will say it again - the game, the server depends on loners who farm artifacts, jewels and reagents, which they can sell to other people.

    In case if anyone has read so far - my opinion about all this stuff is - we are playing a game of the last century, and we are playing it the way we like it. Staff shouldn't make such harsh decisions without asking opinion of the whole community which makes this game possible to exist.

    Also I will state it again - I do not care about PVM, I have everything I need, but this way more people are going to leave this game forever, and that's the part where I start caring, because these very people are the ones I kill on champion spawns. Guns don't kill people - I do.

    Hoping to hear an answer from staff,
    Ultima modifica di Demigod; 30-12-2011, 14:09.

  • #3
    You are kidding, right ? Those sub forums have been forgotten. Nobody ever goes there. Besides I have as much rights to post on general forums as you do.


    • #4
      Originariamente inviato da Demigod Visualizza il messaggio
      You are kidding, right ? Those sub forums have been forgotten. Nobody ever goes there. Besides I have as much rights to post on general forums as you do.
      You are totally right.


      • #5
        Just try: learn english like the whole world did.
        Asgard's opinion is valid like yours and MUST have the same visibility that yours have.
        Karasho cheat

        Originariamente inviato da carrasuperevil
        IL programma di karasho è' consentito ed è' uguale ad altri programmi esterni come inj ,razor,steam ecc..
        Non è che con quello spari fulmini dagli occhi e saette dal cul0
        È' come easyuo con un interfaccia diversa e una scrittura diversa!
        È' sicuramente più prestante di easyuo (come la nuova mappa) ma resta comunque un programmino che fa quello che altri programmi già fanno!
        Haldir c.i.t.


        • #6
          Oddio.. Ma sarete voi a scherzare.
          Mica ho detto che non avete gli stessi miei diritti... Ci mancherebbe.
          Non era una critica, era solo per ricordare che esistono sub-forum appositi creati dallo staff, per chi magari non lo sapesse già.. Tutto qua.
          Alla fine è come se io posto le mie domande su "generale" anzichè usare "dubbi e domande"...
          Esistono sub-forum creati appositamente, usateli (se non li usate poi è inutile che dite che son caduti nel dimenticatoio, è normale - che poi non è vero perchè in quello inglese l'ultimo reply risale a ieri).
          Credevo fosse meglio per voi, non peggio... Non volevo fare un torto, ecco.

          Non ho più parole... Lasciamo perdere.


          ps per chi mi dirà di scrivere in inglese: so leggere, scrivere e parlare benissimo l'inglese ma penso di avere anch'io il diritto di parlare e scrivere la lingua del mio paese (senza contare il fatto che UOD è nato come shard italiano poi aperto anche agli stranieri.. mi fa un po' girare le balle sentirmi dire "impara l'inglese").
          Ultima modifica di gramoz; 30-12-2011, 15:24.


          • #7
            I totally agree with asgard's opinion, expecially for the sampire part. In fact, the very foundation of this shard is pvm, which is basically what creates the market and the economics for other players. By nerfing the tanker template we reached two main conclusions.
            First, mobs now are really harder to kill - mobs that count, im not talking about greater mongbats. Mobs that give as a prize for their kill money and artifacts. So, doing them solo it's fairly impossible now. And this goes straight to the point: fixes cannot force people to change equipment and template, cause tons of money and time are being spent on this templates and by doing so we are directly trashing all the stuff we invested, throwing on the ground (quote for asgard).
            Secondly, and I think this is the major point, people dont want to spend too much time on a videogame without having fun, and unfortunately people are a rare commodity nowadays on this shard. So, if the game becomes harder and more nerfed on and on, people will just simply stop playing or switch shard where to play, cause there are not just enough players to create mass pvm gaming. Besides, what will happen to the new and young players who want JUST to try? Discovering the difference between themselves and other players already rich and started up (who made money in a easier period of time), they'll simply give up pronto.
            So, my humble opinion is - this shard needs something to be enhanced with, some incentive, something positive, some system which will lure people to it, not nerfing and just weakening templates, causing people to give up and stop playing ( which I think it was the very implementation of SE/ML, but it's an opinion of mine).
            Alexander [AoT]
            Ghost [M/A]
            SpritZ AperoL [AoT]


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