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Please Admins

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  • Please Admins

    Amdir is busy... So nobody of Admins cant help me? I posted on facebook, I text to Amdir to icq to email. No answers.....
    (The problem is: I was living in another country.
    And I have there my old account with all my pgs witch still existing cause person looked after it.
    Now I am living in different country and nowadays I have my new account about 4 months. I want to get my old one instead of new one, but before that i want transfer all my items from new one to old one and after that you can to delete my new one account. But I need time, about 1 day...I worry not to be banned for 2 log in in same time for that time while doing transfering all my things, items and etc... Who is from all staffs can give me green signal to start it..)

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da Speedwolf Visualizza il messaggio
    Amdir is busy... So nobody of Admins cant help me? I posted on facebook, I text to Amdir to icq to email. No answers.....
    (The problem is: I was living in another country.
    And I have there my old account with all my pgs witch still existing cause person looked after it.
    Now I am living in different country and nowadays I have my new account about 4 months. I want to get my old one instead of new one, but before that i want transfer all my items from new one to old one and after that you can to delete my new one account. But I need time, about 1 day...I worry not to be banned for 2 log in in same time for that time while doing transfering all my things, items and etc... Who is from all staffs can give me green signal to start it..)
    I think they will not allow it


    • #3
      Giiiiggi, You think I cant play by my account? I have all rights to play.... But it will be 2 account on one IP DD Thats illigal here. What I want? I want swap my new one to my old one... THATS ALL............


      • #4
        Have no idea what the problem not to give me back my account, Example i was playing on this server about 5 years. When I was living in Lithuania, I was playing on my account. Now I moved to Ireland and create a new one. Now I dont like to play on this account and want to swap accounts before it to transfer items by myself. If you dont understand what I m talking about tell me..... (account in Lithuania) to (account in Ireland) ... give me just 1 day to transfer my items... There is nothing illigal. Be people...

        icq 493-739-367



        • #5
          So basically you have two different Gamesnet accounts and you're asking to transfer items from one to the other?
          Originariamente inviato da Dj_Amix
          odio tutti.


          • #6
            Exactly but they have different IP adress, so It is liggal, Now I want transfer items and play on my old account. But i need to inform admins that i am going to do it.


            • #7
              I'm no admin but i think that letting another person log in with your account to refresh is not legal.
              According to the contract that you have to sign in order to create an account:
              "UTILIZZO DELL'ABBONAMENTO: Il cliente potrà utilizzare l'abbonamento per un singolo accesso. In particolare è espressamente esclusa la possibilità di cedere il contratto di abbonamento a terzi, a titolo gratuito o oneroso, temporaneamente o definitivamente, senza il consenso scritto di EPYX s.p.a.. "
              That means that you are not allowed to give access to your account to another person (not even for a short period of time), with or without being paid for it. Unless you asked for a written permission to EPYX s.p.a.
              But then again i could be mistaking, since i'm only a player...

              The best thing you can do is to patiently wait for a private answer from Amdir or another GM.
              Originariamente inviato da Dj_Amix
              odio tutti.


              • #8
                nobody answered


                • #9
                  You got your answer on facebook. I replyed to you.

                  Actually why you made another account? It's not a problem that you moved you could've still used your old account. The important is that on your account NO OTHER IP ADDRESS of a UoD user has logged in.

                  The only thing i can suggest to you and which is the least illegal is to give all your stuff to a friend of yours and trade in (you must give your data of the old account to a trustworthy friend,YOU CAN'T LOG IT IN) with the other account. Then mail Amdir\Amon and asks (very politely) to delete the new account.

                  If you are talking of sop\sos on the pg,well you will lose those pgs. A pg transfer is not permitted.
                  Ultima modifica di Dj_Amix; 17-12-2011, 21:41.
                  Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                  Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                  Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                  ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                  credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                  C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                  • #10
                    if i transfer items my self cuz i have permition to my old account house, and ask gms to delete my new one account, but start to use old one after transfering items immetialy but always be online in the game?


                    • #11
                      It is not very clear your english. You first say you wanna trade items from old to new,then the opposite.

                      However if you want any permission to trade items by yourself you must write Amdir and wait for his answer (i doubt that the GM will allow you to do that so i think it will be "no,you can't").

                      As far as i know a simpler and secure way to manage the problem is to make a TRUSTWORTHY friend of yours (WITH NO ACCOUNT ON UOD) logging in with your account that must trade in the items and then make him give all your items to you who are logged with your receiver account.
                      Then you can ask to delete the other account if you do care about it.
                      Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                      Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                      Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                      ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                      credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                      C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                      • #12
                        AHHHHHH, I had never told about trade my items.... RRRRRRRR If you understand as transfering like trading, it means not it...... I mean just move items to my old one account and play on... But exactly to delete my new one because i dont want to be banned... Did you get me now? Simple story, I have two accounts one here and one in Lithuania, move items from here to account which I left in Lithuania and play in Ireland on Lithuanian account, thats stupid explain for who did not understand what do I mean Sorry if I told in real life you would straight away understand what I was talking about

                        Sorry for my English.....

                        Thanks for any help


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