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RunUO Beta 25 released (changelog)

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  • RunUO Beta 25 released (changelog)

    • Added commands:
      - [Admin : Opens an interface providing server information and administration features including client, account, and firewall management.
      - [Freeze : Makes a targeted area of dynamic items static.
      - [FreezeMap : Makes every dynamic item in your map static.
      - [FreezeWorld : Makes every dynamic item on all maps static.
      - [Unfreeze : Makes a targeted area of static items dynamic.
      - [UnfreezeMap : Makes every static item in your map dynamic.
      - [UnfreezeWorld : Makes every static item on all maps dynamic.
    • Bug fixed where BaseBoat.RemoveName did not work correctly
    • Hits/Stam/Mana regen rates tweaked to more accurately match OSI
    • BaseInstrument.GetDifficultyFor tweaked : creatures with special abilities are now a bit more difficult to bard
    • Fame and karma are no longer given when town guards kill a creature
    • Added FruitBasket item
    • Bug fixed where using a runebook recall charge did not work if the runebook was not in your backpack
    • Players can no longer attempt to cast a spell with a scroll that is not in their backpack
    • Added virtual bool Mobile.CheckContextMenuDisplay : Players can no longer open context menus while customizing houses
    • NPC corpses no longer turn to bones (before they turned to bones if the npc had a human body)
    • Pack horses/llamas now have proper sounds
    • Orc bombers' special attack now checks line of sight
    • Slayer weapon loot changes :
      - Silver weapons can now be found on -all- creatures that drop magic weapons
      - Other slayer weapon types will no longer be attached to magic items
    • Client refresh issue fixed (notable when selling to vendors)
    • Weapons now change hues when their resource property is altered. Crafting system updated to reflect the change
    • Utility.Insensitive* is obsolete, use Insensitive.* instead
    • Internal gump sending routine redesigned to be less memory intensive
    • BaseVendor.MaxSell changed to 500
    • Bug fixed relating to hued-item-consumption in vendor sell script
    • Ore elementals now dispel summoned creatures
    • Bug fixed where explosion potions did not properly damage targets
    • Bug fixed where delayed house placement (using house placement tool) could cause invalid item/mobile repositioning
    • Controlled pets or summoned creatures now have harmful restrictions in Trammel
    • Added pet taming restrictions : pets can only have up to 5 different owners (BaseCreature.MaxOwners)
    • Attempting to retame a pet you've already tamed will no longer have a chance for skillgain
    • Bug fixed where a house could be turned private while it contained player vendors
    • Mindblast maximum damage is now capped
    • Animate and Broadcast commands moved to AccessLevel.GameMaster
    • Begging skill changes :
      - 10-second skill delay on fail/success
      - Karma is lost on each successful beg
      - Players with negative karma now have a chance to fail without a skillcheck
      - Gold amount exchanged is now 'totalGold / 10' with a maximum of '10 + (beggerFame / 2500)'
    • Bug fixed where smelting did not properly handle ore piles with Amount=1
    • Added documentation attributes to Vis and VisClear commands so they'll now show up in [DocGen
    • Added BoundingBoxPicker.Begin : method for commands that take two point targets (tile/incgroup*/wipe etc)
    • Added Mobile.GuildClickMessage : should the core display guild title and abbreviation overhead? Default: !Core.AOS
    • Added Mobile.AsciiClickMessage : should the name message displayed overhead on single click be ascii (true) or unicode (false)? Default: !Core.AOS
    • Bug fixed where changing BaseCreature.*ResistSeed did not update internal resistance cache
    • Bug fixed where skill check script did not properly compute cap/total portion of gain chance
    • Ogre name changed to 'an ogre'
    • Bug fixed where light level changes were not properly sent on login
    • BaseCreature.PackMagicItems changed to PackWeapon if PackArmor failed, rather than if it succeeded
    • Bug fixed where Loot.RandomArmorOrShield would only return shields

  • #2
    non ho capito le ultime due righe...

    scusami ma x poter giocare su uod bisogna essere un inglese col bollino D.O.C. ?


    • #3
      Originally posted by ZuLuX
      non ho capito le ultime due righe...

      scusami ma x poter giocare su uod bisogna essere un inglese col bollino D.O.C. ?
      No anzi quelle informazioni sono relative al server che girerà sotto UOD ma ai giocatori non interessano.
      DiE - ex sindaco di Ocllo on UOI
      DiE - pippa di UOD
      Volturno - ex staff di UOD
      Volturno - staff UOShards
      Webmaster: Comitato Regionale FITET FVG


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