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RunUO Beta 23 released (changelog)

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  • RunUO Beta 23 released (changelog)

    Dynamic house fixtures are no longer visible when in house customization mode

    Added easier season support : Map.Season, Mobile.GetSeason

    Bug fixed where retrying compile after compile error did not work properly

    Bug fixed where treasure map chests did not properly add magical items

    Bug fixed where changing levels in the house designer did not properly refresh the client

    Contrary to OSI, double customized house doors are now linked

    Bug fixed where houses placed on extreme Z levels (such as those in Malas) did not properly handle commands

    Replaced setting Kills to a high value for murderer NPCs, instead : virtual bool BaseCreature.AlwaysMurderer

    Renamed Beetle from 'a beetle' to 'a giant beetle'

    Entering house customization mode now ejects all mobiles inside

    Added BaseRegion.OnMoveInto

    Mobiles can no longer enter a house when it is being customized

    Added to Mobile : virtual CheckResurrect, OnBeforeResurrect, OnAfterResurrect

    Mounting an ethereal no longer clears the casters hands of weapons/shields

    Dropping items onto yourself ingame now plays the pack rustling sound

    Added house placement preview and confirmation gump

    Gazer loot toned down

    DocGen command now documents speech keywords

    DocGen command now contains a body list

    Implemented proper 'damage increase' for weapons if Core.AOS is enabled

    Implemented proper 'hit chance increase' for weapons if Core.AOS is enabled

    Removed tactics statmod for weapons if Core.AOS is enabled

    First circle spells can now be interupted if Core.AOS is enabled

    Fizzle effect is displayed when a spell is disrupted if Core.AOS is enabled

    If Core.AOS is enabled, attempting to cast a spell will disturb any previously targeting spell

    Added bestiary stats for ratman archers, executioners, orc captains, and healers

    BaseCreature damage min/max values are now used even if the creature isn't using fists

    Earthquake now checks line of sight if Core.AOS is enabled

    Added damage type and resistance support

    No longer 2x damage scalar against creatures if Core.AOS is enabled

    Added many glass item scripts (beakers/bottles/jars/flasks)

    Closing list of house placement entries now shows house category gump

    Added to Mobile : OnSkillChange, OnWeightChange

    PlayerMobile instances are now notified when their weight is over what they can carry

    Bug fixed where players could drop items into treasure chests if dropping onto the world item

    When in house customization mode, players can no longer : talk, use skills, cast spells, mount/dismount, use items, open their paperdoll

    Vendor keywords changed :
    - vendor buy : Open buy list
    - vendor sell : Open sell list
    - <name> buy : Open buy list for specific vendor
    - <name> sell : Open sell list for specific vendor

    Human NPCs in town now respond to '<name> move' and '<name> time'

    World item lift/drop redone; should stack better, no longer allows dropping on non-surfaces, and now supports shifting items down when an item below them is dragged away

    Nightmares will now sound like dragons (prepatch nightmares still use old sounds)

    Bug fixed where poison was not properly applied to double bladed staves (and perhaps other two-handed infectious weapons)

    Bug fixed where inscription did not display the correct message when the crafter didn't have all the reagents

    Added (BlackSolen/RedSolen)([Infiltrator]Queen/[Infiltrator]Warrior/Worker) and AntLion (queens/warriors/ant lions don't yet have their special abilities)

    Added helper functions : Timer.DelayCall and Mobile.BeginTarget

    Internal timer queue no longer uses Queue.Synchronized: this may reduce cpu utilization for large worlds

    Added EtherealRidgeback, EtherealUnicorn, EtherealBeetle, EtherealKirin, EtherealSwampDragon

    Added support for Necromancer and Paladin professions

    Added music support to Region, implemented for towns

    Runebooks are no longer sold on scribes

    If Core.AOS is enabled, house ownership (not co-ownership) is shared to characters on the account

    Added cost to commit a house (500gp per tile)

    Added cost/refund for converting an old-style house to a customizable plot

    Cross-facet recall/gate is now allowed if not Core.AOS

    Added preliminary support for new housing systems if Core.AOS is enabled

    Crafting is now a DisruptiveAction

    Added gump to confirm releasing a non-summoned pet

    avanti di questo passo e che serviranno a fare gli scripter?

    All'inizio non esisteva la Terra, né il Cielo, né il Mare.
    Tutto era mescolato alla rinfusa, indistinto, senza luce né ombra,
    senza ordine alcuno nello spazio infinito. Questo era il Chaos

  • #2
    Ahhhh eresia!!

    Come a cosa serviranno gli scripter?!?! Occhio che subirai l'ia di Phenos!!!!
    Vai Phenos, attacca!!!

    Hehehe, beh, in ogni caso mi pare una buona cosa, e sopratutto gli sviluppatori di runou sono gente con le P.ALLE, altro che queli di sphere...

    Bella Phenos, t'è ritornato il picci, sei riuscito a salvare qualcosa?

    Dice il saggio:
    "Quando la fatica supera il gusto...
    molla la patacca e attaccati al lambrusco"

    Ultima Online è una droga.... non uscire dal tunnel.... ARREDALO!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gostram

      Bella Phenos, t'è ritornato il picci, sei riuscito a salvare qualcosa?
      da buon programmatore avrà fatto un backup

      All'inizio non esisteva la Terra, né il Cielo, né il Mare.
      Tutto era mescolato alla rinfusa, indistinto, senza luce né ombra,
      senza ordine alcuno nello spazio infinito. Questo era il Chaos


      • #4
        okkio che programmatore != sistemista
        "Non fare alcuna distinzione tra gli amici e i nemici.
        E' importante trattarli allo stesso modo.
        Il tuo nemico e' il tuo maestro."
        (Gyalsay Rimpoche)


        • #5
          Originally posted by McAuriel

          da buon programmatore avrà fatto un backup
          E' uno scripter, mica un programmatore... provaad indivinare la risposta... dai Phenos dimme se è tutto a posto che non mi va aspettare sabato sera per saperlo?!?!?!?!

          Dice il saggio:
          "Quando la fatica supera il gusto...
          molla la patacca e attaccati al lambrusco"

          Ultima Online è una droga.... non uscire dal tunnel.... ARREDALO!


          • #6
            per la cronaca, dela versione 23 è uscita la release 2

            All'inizio non esisteva la Terra, né il Cielo, né il Mare.
            Tutto era mescolato alla rinfusa, indistinto, senza luce né ombra,
            senza ordine alcuno nello spazio infinito. Questo era il Chaos


            Sto operando...