era appena uscita la vers21.. come previsto ecco che è già uscita la 22
per chi fosse curioso ecco il changelog
* Added UseAntiMacro table to SkillCheck.cs to allow certain skills to not use anti-macro code.
*Removed objlist command; docgen now generates a much nicer list of constructable objects
*Dropping items now checks line of sight
*Added BaseClothMaterial, ILoom, DarkYarn, LightYarn, LightYarnUnraveled, SpoolOfThread, Cotton, Flax
*Weavers now sell yarn
*Tailors now sell wool, cotton, flax, and spools of thread
*Added ISpinningWheel, wool/cotton/flax can be spun into yarn/thread
*Many more context menus now check if 'from' is alive
*Bank command now calls box.Open instead of box.DisplayTo if from==target
*Table which converts body values to item numbers is no longer nested in the tracking skill. It's now defined in Data/shrink.cfg, accessed via ShrinkTable.Lookup
*Shrink table updated to support new AOS creatures
*Added AnimateDeadScroll, BloodOathScroll, CorpseSkinScroll, EvilOmenScroll, HorrificBeastScroll, LichFormScroll, MindRotScroll, PainSpikeScroll, StrangleScroll, SummonFamiliarScroll, VampiricEmbraceScroll, VengefulSpiritScroll, WitherScroll, WraithFormScroll
*Added CurseWeaponSpell, VengefulSpiritSpell, BloodOathSpell
*Keep house region is now proper
*Added IncGroupX, IncGroupY, IncGroupZ, IncGroupXYZ commands
*Added BaseCreature.CheckTeach( SkillName skill, Mobile from ) : *Should we teach this skill to that person?
*Wandering/Healers now teach anatomy, healing, forensics, and spirit speak
*Armorers and blacksmiths now sell metal shields
*Carpenters now sell wooden shields
*Bug fixed where the first entry of firewall.cfg was overlooked
*Party members can now loot the corpse of a fellow member who has specified 'Party can loot me'
*Added Tanner and Furtrader NPCs
*Added TaxidermyKit items, sold on tanners
*UOAMVendors generates tanners and furtraders instead of leatherworkers, and now generates mapmakers as well as shipwrights
*Replaced Utility.DataPath with Core.DataDirectories and Core.FindDataFile : now supports multiple search paths
*Added SeekerOfAdventure
*Added EscortableMage
*Added pet control restrictions : BaseCreature.GetControlChance, BaseCreature.CheckControlChance
*Pet loyalty no longer drops if the owner is within the pets line of sight
*Log structure changed : Logs/<type>/<date>.log
*Bug fixed where anatomy and tactics did not gain properly when using weapons if Core.AOS was enabled
*Bug fixed where weapon quality was not properly serialized
*Contrary to OSI, bank checks and commodity deeds no longer have to be in the root level of the users bank box
*Added gump helper functions : Mobile.CloseAllGumps and Mobile.HasGump
*Equipable lights can no longer burn when they are in a container
*Added to BaseCreature : BardImmune, Unprovokable, Uncalmable
*Armor name property format now : [exceptional] [resource] [name] (was: [resource or color] [name]\n[exceptional])
*Added a few more variables to BaseInstrument.GetBardDifficulty
*Added BaseInstrument.PickInstrument : encapsulates code to pick an instrument ('What instrument shall you play?')
*As OSI, peacemaking now has two modes:
- Standard : momentarily calms everyone within range
- Targeted : calms a specific target for a longer duration
*Target based peacemaking CheckSkill now based on GetBardDifficulty, and duration is scaled by difficulty
*Removed RandomMagicItem and RandomScroll classes, added Loot class with similar effect
*Encapsulated many PackItem calls into specific Pack* BaseCreature calls
*There is now a 5% chance for a magic weapon to have Slayer set
*Added offset relative based on current hitpoint percent to BaseCreature.TransformMoveDelay
*Mage vendors now sell all scrolls
*Mage vendors now sell necromancy reagents/spellbook if Core.AOS is enabled
*Mage AI now uses fight range properly
*Added better scriptability for 0xD7 packet : *PacketHandlers.*Encoded*
*EvalInt now has a proper fail message
*Armor now properly handles stat requirements when Core.AOS is enabled
*[props, [set, and [get now support static properties
*WarriorGuard and ArcherGuard can now be added ingame
*Added ingame player-customizable housing
*Bug fixed where TileRXYZ did not offset Z properly
per chi fosse curioso ecco il changelog
* Added UseAntiMacro table to SkillCheck.cs to allow certain skills to not use anti-macro code.
*Removed objlist command; docgen now generates a much nicer list of constructable objects
*Dropping items now checks line of sight
*Added BaseClothMaterial, ILoom, DarkYarn, LightYarn, LightYarnUnraveled, SpoolOfThread, Cotton, Flax
*Weavers now sell yarn
*Tailors now sell wool, cotton, flax, and spools of thread
*Added ISpinningWheel, wool/cotton/flax can be spun into yarn/thread
*Many more context menus now check if 'from' is alive
*Bank command now calls box.Open instead of box.DisplayTo if from==target
*Table which converts body values to item numbers is no longer nested in the tracking skill. It's now defined in Data/shrink.cfg, accessed via ShrinkTable.Lookup
*Shrink table updated to support new AOS creatures
*Added AnimateDeadScroll, BloodOathScroll, CorpseSkinScroll, EvilOmenScroll, HorrificBeastScroll, LichFormScroll, MindRotScroll, PainSpikeScroll, StrangleScroll, SummonFamiliarScroll, VampiricEmbraceScroll, VengefulSpiritScroll, WitherScroll, WraithFormScroll
*Added CurseWeaponSpell, VengefulSpiritSpell, BloodOathSpell
*Keep house region is now proper
*Added IncGroupX, IncGroupY, IncGroupZ, IncGroupXYZ commands
*Added BaseCreature.CheckTeach( SkillName skill, Mobile from ) : *Should we teach this skill to that person?
*Wandering/Healers now teach anatomy, healing, forensics, and spirit speak
*Armorers and blacksmiths now sell metal shields
*Carpenters now sell wooden shields
*Bug fixed where the first entry of firewall.cfg was overlooked
*Party members can now loot the corpse of a fellow member who has specified 'Party can loot me'
*Added Tanner and Furtrader NPCs
*Added TaxidermyKit items, sold on tanners
*UOAMVendors generates tanners and furtraders instead of leatherworkers, and now generates mapmakers as well as shipwrights
*Replaced Utility.DataPath with Core.DataDirectories and Core.FindDataFile : now supports multiple search paths
*Added SeekerOfAdventure
*Added EscortableMage
*Added pet control restrictions : BaseCreature.GetControlChance, BaseCreature.CheckControlChance
*Pet loyalty no longer drops if the owner is within the pets line of sight
*Log structure changed : Logs/<type>/<date>.log
*Bug fixed where anatomy and tactics did not gain properly when using weapons if Core.AOS was enabled
*Bug fixed where weapon quality was not properly serialized
*Contrary to OSI, bank checks and commodity deeds no longer have to be in the root level of the users bank box
*Added gump helper functions : Mobile.CloseAllGumps and Mobile.HasGump
*Equipable lights can no longer burn when they are in a container
*Added to BaseCreature : BardImmune, Unprovokable, Uncalmable
*Armor name property format now : [exceptional] [resource] [name] (was: [resource or color] [name]\n[exceptional])
*Added a few more variables to BaseInstrument.GetBardDifficulty
*Added BaseInstrument.PickInstrument : encapsulates code to pick an instrument ('What instrument shall you play?')
*As OSI, peacemaking now has two modes:
- Standard : momentarily calms everyone within range
- Targeted : calms a specific target for a longer duration
*Target based peacemaking CheckSkill now based on GetBardDifficulty, and duration is scaled by difficulty
*Removed RandomMagicItem and RandomScroll classes, added Loot class with similar effect
*Encapsulated many PackItem calls into specific Pack* BaseCreature calls
*There is now a 5% chance for a magic weapon to have Slayer set
*Added offset relative based on current hitpoint percent to BaseCreature.TransformMoveDelay
*Mage vendors now sell all scrolls
*Mage vendors now sell necromancy reagents/spellbook if Core.AOS is enabled
*Mage AI now uses fight range properly
*Added better scriptability for 0xD7 packet : *PacketHandlers.*Encoded*
*EvalInt now has a proper fail message
*Armor now properly handles stat requirements when Core.AOS is enabled
*[props, [set, and [get now support static properties
*WarriorGuard and ArcherGuard can now be added ingame
*Added ingame player-customizable housing
*Bug fixed where TileRXYZ did not offset Z properly