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  • Hi everyone

    Just making a post to see how many English players there are or how many that do speak english?

    I play on a Russian shard at the moment because it is the only one I could find that uses the Kingdom Reborn Client and it's getting to the frustrating stage..

    And finally coming across this shard that is Italian/English, I feel that Italians are, well, you know, better?

    Just want to know if there are English players here before I decide to move across, any other posts regarding the game play and what not are very appreciated.


  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da Dryzak Visualizza il messaggio
    Just making a post to see how many English players there are or how many that do speak english?

    I play on a Russian shard at the moment because it is the only one I could find that uses the Kingdom Reborn Client and it's getting to the frustrating stage..

    And finally coming across this shard that is Italian/English, I feel that Italians are, well, you know, better?

    Just want to know if there are English players here before I decide to move across, any other posts regarding the game play and what not are very appreciated.

    Hi! It's Gossip Girl from Uodreams I welcome you to the shard, YES there is english players, I myself are from Finland, theres player from Czech, Bulgarian, Latvia, Russia and USA your welcome to start the shard with me, please contact

    Xoxo, Gossip girl.


    • #3
      internation uod forum: General Discussion about UODreams and UO - Gamesnet Forums

      Rina Darkblade
      - RiINa - Amrael Darkblade
      Scambio Bod di ogni tipo - Vendo Premi Collections - Compro White Pearls

      Teorema del Fantauo:
      Chi e' Fantauo non ha bisogno di loggare, esso ha gia fatto tutto prima di farlo.
      Fantauo fa' esperienza con la fantasia.
      Al Re dei Fantauo basta guardare per 10 secondi la schermata di login per ownare tutti.
      Non c'e' righello abbastanza lungo per il Re del Fantauo.
      Esso ha vinto a priori.

      icq: 325516135


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