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proposta to all big sop sellers

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  • #16
    Originariamente inviato da Sergej Visualizza il messaggio
    that's ridiculous. Why should i be forced to sell at higher prices that newbies (and smart ppl too) would never accept or cannot afford?
    If i sell for honest prices and get enough money to do whatever i want, i don't feel the urge to rob player just to make YOU richer!

    I fully quote BlackBraveKnight
    just pretend that u never saw this thread


    • #17
      Yeah, right. Lets bring the communism to the server. ROFL

      Just another topic by fnurov that is filled with dumb ideas and broken english.


      • #18
        Arnis, mi traduci?


        • #19
          Originariamente inviato da fnurov Visualizza il messaggio
          just pretend that u never saw this thread
          Was I rude? Sorry but i have my problems with english as well :P

          But for me a proposal like that is a nonsense. It's happened something that moved the wood market some months ago, a lumberjack decided to take the average prices and started selling logs at a lower value, now ALL the lumberjacks sell wood a lower prices, but i bet they still have their pocket filled. That's the way balace is found, when selling begins to be a loss the price adjust itself to be an income but still honest...
          If you raise your prices too high you risk to stop selling at all


          • #20
            Originariamente inviato da Sergej Visualizza il messaggio
            Was I rude? Sorry but i have my problems with english as well :P

            But for me a proposal like that is a nonsense. It's happened something that moved the wood market some months ago, a lumberjack decided to take the average prices and started selling logs at a lower value, now ALL the lumberjacks sell wood a lower prices, but i bet they still have their pocket filled. That's the way balace is found, when selling begins to be a loss the price adjust itself to be an income but still honest...
            If you raise your prices too high you risk to stop selling at all
            u weren't.
            just there is nothing to discuss: bad idea or not. if u dont like it - it's up to u. there is no problem here. i like having earnings from champs i do and want to maximise it and there is no problem here.
            i havn't even thought that this thread would have so many replies. actualy people who are big sellers already new about that prices - just list in some place was needed )


            • #21
              Ok, i'm a lumberjack and a miner, so... Folks! Let's start selling a plain board at 10 coins, and an iron ingot at 15!

              "I like having earnings from resource gathering i do and want to maximise it and there is no problem here." (quote)

              Just. Like. That.

              Anyway, here as well as in real life, "one market to rule them all, one market to lure them, one market to contact them and in Umbra bank take them".

              P.S.: La frase in grassetto, in italiano, dovrebbe essere pronunciata con marcato accento romagnolo e dovrebbe iniziare con "Zittadini!!", Assessore Palmiro Cangini's style.
              "Garmr latra feroce dinanzi Gnipahelli, le corde si spezzeranno ed il cane si libererŕ.
              Ella conosce molte arti, lŕ lontano scorge il Crepuscolo degli Dči, frammenti della fine.
              I fratelli si scontreranno e si uccideranno, i cugini spezzeranno i legami di parentela, il mondo č crudo, il tradimento č grande.
              Tempo d’asce, tempo di spade, gli scudi s'infrangeranno, tempo di venti, tempo di lupi, prima che il mondo finisca nessun uomo risparmierŕ l'altro.
              I figli di Mímir si agitano, il fato si compie al suono del potente Gjallarhorni.
              Heimdallr soffia con forza nel suo corno, Óđinn parla alla testa di Mímir."


              Sto operando...