We are as one, yes, we all are the same fighting for one cause leather and metal are our uniforms protecting what we are joining together to take on the world with our heavy metal spreading the message to everyone here come let yourself go!
We are as one, yes, we all are the same fighting for one cause leather and metal are our uniforms protecting what we are joining together to take on the world with our heavy metal spreading the message to everyone here come let yourself go!
Hai sbagliato a fazionarti, se sei nuovo su felucca dovevi prima farti un po le ossa da sfazionato
good luck cmq il vero pvp lo impari a fare da fazionato..i primi periodi soffri ma poi impari e ti diverti...non fare mai il gater..e vedrai che impari a fare pvp!
good luck cmq il vero pvp lo impari a fare da fazionato..i primi periodi soffri ma poi impari e ti diverti...non fare mai il gater..e vedrai che impari a fare pvp!
LeGo CoNtAdInO
CoNtAdInO Family
Von Luen Family
EOS nel cuore
[LvX] Member
TB Reborn Project
Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.