Oggi aggiornando uo con l'autopatch ho letto una news che mi ha fatto sorridere. Ma come! Osi ha un bug che noi non abbiamo? Naaa..e invece è proprio così.
Gingerbread houses - do not redeed!
We have found an uncommon bug with the Gingerbread house that causes it to break/disappear when it is redeeded. It is unlikely we'll get a fix out before the holidays, so please avoid redeeding your Gingerbread house at this time.
Gingerbread houses - do not redeed!
We have found an uncommon bug with the Gingerbread house that causes it to break/disappear when it is redeeded. It is unlikely we'll get a fix out before the holidays, so please avoid redeeding your Gingerbread house at this time.