
Ancora nessun annuncio.

Goodbye UODreams ...

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  • #16
    see you soon careca, and good luck for the school

    uno col piede caldo :O
    icq 249-068-318 ma cmq in profilo -.-

    Originariamente inviato da Revolucionario
    Non leggo la tag di Moderatore sotto il tuo nick. Ma leggo quella velata di n00b, quindi ti chiedo cortesemente di tornare sul forum UOD, se da li vieni, o cuocere a fuoco lento nel forno.

    Originariamente inviato da Blackhawk19
    La morte, moralmente parlando, la subiranno i tuoi giocatori quando usciranno umiliati dalle mura degli stadi.


    • #17
      Ciao Mr.Fashion Careca!
      Firma Irregolare - Loki Ex GN Admin -
      Bye bye


      • #18
        Saying bye to all the great friends isn't easy ...
        I'll always remember you all, thanks for the support!

        Originariamente inviato da Introvabile
        Careca, I remeber 1,5 years ago when I met you at Luna, and I asked you to join in Jolly Jokers. From that moment, you have been simply the best person that I know in the game: nice, honest, always ready to help everyone.....simply a BIG friend!
        There are very very very little persons as you, and in this moment I'm writing with a little tear on my eyes...
        There are things more important that UO, like school and now you must study hard to obtain your good results.
        But there are things more important that school, and those are I hope that you sometimes log on Messenger to speak with me and other SDF.
        I'm sure that you will obtain soon good results to the school, beacause you are very intelligence and clever!
        Then you will can again log on UO and run with me in Sosaria !!

        You are a big friend Careca, my best friend in UO.

        Don't cry little Careca...SDF and me will be always near you.

        Gloria e onore ... a presto!

        Ps: sorry for my English
        You have been a grat friends trough the small time we know each other...
        Seems strange for other people, but we've become good friends. and I hope we keep in touch. You are the most respectful,loyal and helpful guy I met trough the game, don't change man



        • #19
          Nooooo.... Careca Nooooooo!!!!

          uff... i'm sorry ... i have broke your shield !!!


          GL for the Real Life ...

          Bye Careca
          Tempesta Bianca

          Msn :


          Legendary SDF Member


          • #20
            GoodBye Careca, good RL
            Xavier [SÐF]


            • #21
              C u. I wish you the best for school and your Real Life.

              Ali G. [SDF]


              • #22
                Good Bye and Good Luck in your real life


                • #23
                  bye bye, maybe a day you'll return here!!
                  Good Luck!!! ^__^


                  • #24
                    Hi man,

                    I've never played uo with you, but from the posts you've made in the forums since i came on this shard you have always been an honest and friendly person...

                    Maybe I don't know you as much as the others do, but I want to make you my best wishes...

                    Ola Careca!

                    P.S:Maledetto Lokiau Brasiliau

                    Benevent // Bladedancer 5x


                    • #25
                      You're the funniest guy i've met here, i'm sad that you leave uod but from what i read you have good reason to do that.
                      However we'll keep in touch via msn of course
                      See u man
                      ICQ 155767608


                      • #26
                        beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllla bye


                        • #27
                          good real life


                          • #28
                            Originariamente inviato da LoST
                            You're the funniest guy i've met here, i'm sad that you leave uod but from what i read you have good reason to do that.
                            However we'll keep in touch via msn of course
                            See u man
                            Tough you are not in SDF ( ) you are a great friend aswell! You and Mael helped me not only in game but in RL too, I'm sure we'll keep in touch, SO THAT I CAN INFORM YOU HOW GOOD THE BRAZILIAN SOCCER TEAM IS, AND HOW MANY TITLES WE'LL GET IN THE NEXT YEARS...
                            Bye my friend


                            • #29
                              good bye and good RL
                              Originariamente inviato da Doomtrooper
                              cioè cagate in mano e datte na pizza koper!!!
                              RoMa,RoMa, BeLLa T'Ho DiPiNtA io... GIALLA COME ER SOLE,ROSSA COME ER CORE MIO!!!


                              • #30
                                Speranzini, you are lucky
                                Not cause you leave uo, but leaving the real life you'll see lot of Brasilians girls.
                                here in italy thay look kile nun
                                Sun Tzu dice: ​ Sconfiggere il nemico senza combattere è la massima abilità


                                Sto operando...