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Banned Account

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  • Banned Account

    I'm sorry for this misunderstanding, that was only my fault that I filled the data incorrectly. I didn't read or i didn't find the rules - actually I don't remember. Anyway that was somehow strange that a gameserver asked even for my address. Is there anyway to get my account unblocked ? You could make this a warning or jail me for a few days as punishment. If there is anyway to correct the data, and fix this mess up - tell me.
    ICQ: 472-231-512

  • #2
    do u understand russian ?

    они не восстанавливают подобные акки.. было забанено уже много таких..
    вряд ли ты много потерял.. начинай заново и ставь нормальную инфу.

    p.s. more simple for me write him in russian if he understand it ^^


    • #3
      temo dovra' attendere il ritorno di loki

      Wait admin loki return
      Rina Darkblade
      - RiINa - Amrael Darkblade
      Scambio Bod di ogni tipo - Vendo Premi Collections - Compro White Pearls

      Teorema del Fantauo:
      Chi e' Fantauo non ha bisogno di loggare, esso ha gia fatto tutto prima di farlo.
      Fantauo fa' esperienza con la fantasia.
      Al Re dei Fantauo basta guardare per 10 secondi la schermata di login per ownare tutti.
      Non c'e' righello abbastanza lungo per il Re del Fantauo.
      Esso ha vinto a priori.

      icq: 325516135


      • #4
        I have a tamer, necro-mage, craftsman with 5 crafting skills, fisherman, archer-ninja on acc you blocked. They're very precious to me and i wouldn't like to leave them because of one stupid mistake - datti falsi. When i registred on NG webpage, I didn't think that my data is so important to you, I'm from another part of europe. While filling the data i was possibly in hurry, I don't think that I normaly could fill address field like "wfiugv,vuyvyv". As I already told, i wouldn't like to leave my old account, If you want - punish me another way, put me into jail for a month, or do something else, but please don't ban me. I don't cross your server rules any other ways, I have only 1 Account. This server is too good to get banned for such a small, unimportant "datti falsi"
        ICQ: 472-231-512


        • #5
          If your account has been BANNED, it's lost forever.

          If it has been BLOCKED maybe you can have it back.

          Either way, ask an Admin about it.
          ***** Detesto OSI per aver dato ai suoi mob la capacità di vedere attraverso le pareti *****


          • #6
            "Dati falsi" (fake data) are a ban from GamesNet, if you want speak with a GN staff mail to and explain the situation.

            On uod you dont result banned, your account (GN) is banned



            • #7


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