Elita (03.30 AM): Hello! Anybody there?
Olatunji (03.30 AM): Hi!
Elita (03.30 AM): heeey! =)
Olatunji (03.30 AM): how are you?
Elita (03.31 AM): fine thanx
Olatunji (03.31 AM): are you alone?
Elita (03.31 AM): mmm what do you have in mind? =)
Olatunji (03.31 AM): nothing
Elita (03.31 AM): Duh?
Olatunji (03.31 AM): I think that you are a very beautiful girl
Olatunji (03.31 AM):
Olatunji (03.32 AM): i'm so ugly
Olatunji (03.32 AM): and you are so beautiful
Olatunji (03.32 AM): you got everything from life
Olatunji (03.32 AM): you are beautiful
Elita (03.32 AM): people say I am *LOL*
Olatunji (03.33 AM): people say you are a FUCKING BITCH
Olatunji (03.33 AM): I HATE YOU
Elita (03.33 AM): you are so sweet
Olatunji (03.33 AM): FUCK OFF
Elita (03.33 AM): Go fuck yourself
Olatunji (03.33 AM): SHUT UP!
Elita (03.33 AM): FUCK YOU TOO!!!
Olatunji (03.33 AM): BITCH!
Olatunji (03.33 AM): WHORE!
Elita (03.34 AM): Exactly WHAT do you mean?
Olatunji (03.34 AM): oh, you don't know what I mean?
Olatunji (03.34 AM): te sto a di che sei na *********
Olatunji (03.34 AM): capisci *********?
Olatunji (03.35 AM): understand?
Olatunji (03.35 AM): B
Olatunji (03.35 AM): A
Olatunji (03.35 AM): L
Olatunji (03.35 AM): D
Olatunji (03.35 AM): R
Olatunji (03.35 AM): A
Olatunji (03.35 AM): C
Olatunji (03.35 AM): C
Olatunji (03.35 AM): A
Olatunji (03.35 AM): e non fare la **** con me sai
Olatunji (03.35 AM): che te ngulo
Olatunji (03.35 AM): lol
Olatunji (03.36 AM): answer please
Olatunji (03.36 AM): You are a bitch
Olatunji (03.36 AM): only a fucking bitch
Olatunji (03.36 AM): FUCK YOU
Elita (03.37 AM): *idiot*
Olatunji (03.37 AM): FUCK YOU
Elita (03.37 AM): Go fuck yourself
Olatunji (03.37 AM): FUCK YOU
Elita (03.37 AM): fuck off!
Olatunji (03.37 AM): SOCK MY DICK
Elita (03.37 AM): No can do. Too small. *lol*
Olatunji (03.37 AM): -.-
o mio dio .... sto morendo ....ahahahahahahhahahahahaha
OWNATO DA UN BOT ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaa
per certe espressioni devo chiamare la mia dolce metà....
* - Pipino, Amooore... vieni a vedere questa tipa, dimmi cosa ne pensi...
- C.azzo, è una f.iga assurda.... un attimo, perchè mi fai vedere queste cose, mi vuoi mettere alla prova ? oppure, è arrivata con un ritardo di 10 anni la letterina a babbo natale ?
- Ok, questa sera dormi sul divano
- Noooooooooo *
muahahshasfahdafölkfaskhsdahsdahhds poretto e il sogno proibito di ogni uomo o.O
cmq bella f.i.g.a XD
cmq oddio rotolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:
Elita (09.59 PM): Hello! Anybody there?
Pene Retto (09.59 PM): me
Pene Retto (09.59 PM): cool!
Elita (09.59 PM): Exactly WHAT do you mean?
Pene Retto (09.59 PM): ass
Elita (10.00 PM): Yeah... whatever...
Pene Retto (10.00 PM): let me see your ass please
Pene Retto (10.00 PM): i m a cool boy i go even t the gym
Elita (10.01 PM): Well, spank my butt and call me Daisy!
Pene Retto (10.01 PM): uuuh yeah daisy!! liste4n i m here alone where are you from? i dont like virtual sex
Elita (10.01 PM): 24/F/Stockholm, Sweden
Pene Retto (10.02 PM): i ve been in sweden! especially stokholm
Elita (10.02 PM): You know, I'm quite busy here... OK?
Pene Retto (10.02 PM): ! oh no no wait , i need pleasure
Elita (10.03 PM): Well, spank my butt and call me Daisy!
Pene Retto (10.03 PM): what beautyful eyes you got!
Elita (10.03 PM): Yada yada yada...
Pene Retto (10.04 PM): i m getting a little boried
Pene Retto (10.04 PM): wanna play?
Elita (10.04 PM): Yada yada yada...
Pene Retto (10.04 PM): ok shut up and show me your tits bitch!
Pene Retto (10.04 PM): long cock waiting here
Elita (10.05 PM): I am not interesed in your teenie weenie whatever..
Pene Retto (10.05 PM): hurry up! it s coming
Pene Retto (10.05 PM): whaat?
Pene Retto (10.05 PM): i m a male! dont care about teenie boys
Pene Retto (10.05 PM): you re a bitch i pay you so come on start this fucking pleasure
Elita (10.06 PM): Yada yada yada...
Pene Retto (10.06 PM): oooh it s getting biiiig!
Pene Retto (10.06 PM): show me your tits !!!!!!
Elita (10.06 PM): Yeah... whatever...
Pene Retto (10.07 PM): dance for me
Elita (10.07 PM): Sure honey *lol*
Pene Retto (10.07 PM): oooh yeah
Elita (10.07 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.07 PM): i like you
Elita (10.07 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.07 PM): show me your tits now
Elita (10.07 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Elita (10.07 PM): Now you dance for me! *lol*
Pene Retto (10.07 PM): yes i m dancing with a perizoma
Pene Retto (10.08 PM): nooo!
Pene Retto (10.08 PM): elita come here
Elita (10.08 PM): Yada yada yada...
Pene Retto (10.08 PM): shoe me your tits
Pene Retto (10.08 PM): show me your tits
Elita (10.08 PM): Wanna see my boobs? Hmm... OK. A quick flash *lol*
Elita (10.09 PM): *lol*
Pene Retto (10.09 PM): what was that?? i told you to show your fucking tits!
Pene Retto (10.09 PM): not your reggiseno
Pene Retto (10.09 PM): ok ok zip it
Pene Retto (10.09 PM): show me your ass
Elita (10.09 PM): Watch this!
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): uuuh yeaaahhh
Elita (10.10 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): aaaaaaah
Elita (10.10 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): i love you
Elita (10.10 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): uuh yah
Elita (10.10 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Elita (10.10 PM): 9 out of 10 can't tell which card they saw.
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): wht a good tight ass
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): hahaha you ve got sense of humour too!
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): what s the butt?
Pene Retto (10.10 PM): anyways show me your butt
Elita (10.11 PM): Watch this!
Pene Retto (10.11 PM): mo **** che gnocca
Elita (10.11 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.11 PM): do u understand this??
Elita (10.11 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Elita (10.11 PM): extreeeme close-up *lol*
Pene Retto (10.11 PM): come here
Pene Retto (10.11 PM): and begin to fuck a black boy
Pene Retto (10.11 PM): nooo!
Pene Retto (10.11 PM): zip it
Pene Retto (10.11 PM): i only have tyo entertain me
Pene Retto (10.12 PM): show your pussy!!!
Elita (10.12 PM): Duh?
Pene Retto (10.12 PM): show me your freaking pussy
Pene Retto (10.13 PM): fammi vedere sta ***** di ****
Pene Retto (10.13 PM): show me your pussy
Pene Retto (10.13 PM): get wet
Elita (10.13 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Elita (10.13 PM): You know, I'm quite busy here... OK?
Pene Retto (10.13 PM): get wet
Elita (10.13 PM): Yes! Cool down with some cold water!
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): uuh yeah
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): aaaaaaaaa
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): huhuhuhuh
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): yeeessss
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): go onnn!
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): hahahaha
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): i love you!
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): go on
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): noooo again
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): aaah yeahhh
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): arrrrrr
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): fffffffr
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Elita (10.14 PM): What's this? I'm naked but it's all blurry!! *lol*
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): oh yeah
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.14 PM): get naked
Elita (10.14 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Elita (10.15 PM): Maybe you need to register to get rid of that blurry stuff... *lol*
Pene Retto (10.15 PM): fuck up
Pene Retto (10.15 PM): i wanna see ya like thyis
Pene Retto (10.15 PM): so get naked
Elita (10.15 PM): *lol* OK...
Pene Retto (10.15 PM): good girl
Elita (10.15 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.16 PM): uh?
Elita (10.16 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.16 PM): who s that boy there?
Elita (10.16 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.16 PM): i kille em all
Elita (10.16 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Pene Retto (10.16 PM): uuuuuu
Elita (10.16 PM): User is currently away from the computer.
Elita (10.16 PM): *blushing*
Pene Retto (10.16 PM): get coffe bitch
Pene Retto (10.16 PM): get coffee bitch!!!
Elita (10.16 PM): Good idea! Always a good time for a coffee break.
Pene Retto (10.16 PM): ok i mgoing bye bye