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question to GM's

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  • #16
    @Arkane: Ma non ce l'hanno la versione inglese dell'harassment?

    Ehm.. Ha ragione però.. Se non ce l'hanno in inglese.. come fanno?


    • #17
      l'errore l'han fatto a far diventare lo shard internazionale...

      finkè era sl italiano era meglio...

      "Grande legame di amicizia che unisce questo gruppo che è come una famiglia" is not skill.

      E poi avete perso lo skull come fessi, gran bell'idea avete avuto. (cit.)


      • #18
        Above all, goes specified that every type of valid game on UO is not harassment. In other words, kill other players, steal, ress-kill are not considered harassments.
        For validate, the count of the homicides, the guards etc. understands that there are mechanical of game based on these behaviours on Felucca, the thief abilities.
        UO is a game of role that encourages every type of interpretation, and the players must find from only methods to protect him from these problems, and not call the staff.
        Goes let notice that this does not include the murder on Trammel..
        Trammel was suitably created in order that there was a continent on which the pg were not killed. Violating this game mechanics is not considered as correct behaviour.

        Ps: This is the link with english rules:
        Ultima modifica di Feynor; 28-04-2006, 17:25.


        • #19
          Originariamente inviato da Feynor
          Above all, goes specified that every type of valid game on UO is not harassment. In other words, kill other players, steal, ress-kill are not considered harassments.
          For validate, the count of the homicides, the guards etc. understands that there are mechanical of game based on these behaviours on Felucca, the thief abilities.
          UO is a game of role that encourages every type of interpretation, and the players must find from only methods to protect him from these problems, and not call the staff.
          Goes let notice that this does not include the murder on Trammel..
          Trammel was suitably created in order that there was a continent on which the pg were not killed. Violating this game mechanics is not considered as correct behaviour.

          ma dicendo così allora dovrebbero essere jailati anke i pg ke killano gente della stessa gilda mentre è away...o sbaglio?

          "Grande legame di amicizia che unisce questo gruppo che è come una famiglia" is not skill.

          E poi avete perso lo skull come fessi, gran bell'idea avete avuto. (cit.)


          • #20
            no perchè le meccaniche di gioco te lo permettono ...

            metti war e l'attacchi...^^

            mentre uccidere un qualsiasi pg stamando un pet non è di certo la stessa cosa...
            Originariamente inviato da jonny
            qualcuno puo aprirmi una wooden chest? per sbaglio ho lasciato la chiave dentro(che idiota)


            • #21
              first this link isn't in english.. italian again
              Trammel was suitably created in order that there was a continent on which the pg were not killed.
              mobs can kill u anywhere.. and u should think how to defence urself..
              hyria noones.. and it can do that wants

              anyway i want to see this rule on which u refer in english


              • #22
                Have you ever try to push the english flag on the right of the uod homepage?


                • #23
                  *edit.. I missed a "@ RexMundi" :P

                  If you could just use a quietly tone.. everything will surely be more easy.. you know what i'm talking about..

                  I also see that page in italian, but the GMs in english.. i reported it for you.. now just wait what they decide.. remember that they are the GMs, not you and not me
                  Ultima modifica di Ospite; 28-04-2006, 17:52.


                  • #24
                    Originariamente inviato da w00fz
                    If you could just use a quietly tone.. everything will surely be more easy.. you know what i'm talking about..
                    *You see w00fx beginning to tame RexMundi* "come here...come here..."


                    • #25
                      Try now:

                      I explained you the rules.


                      Sto operando...