N00b is an abbreviation for Newbie and not of New Bye, in any case it is a slight offense, but not as bad as f***k off...try to go to a big bad guy in your city...call him "n00b" and then tell him to f***k off and you will notice the difference in his reaction.
Btw you are being too much offensive in this thread so behave yourelf, stay in jail and consider yourself lucky if the GMs don't add you some days for the insults in the forum. Being angry is not an excuse for being unpolite.
After i was called repeatedly noob and suggested to shut up i replyed - fuck off
i don't see in this more insult than in calling someone noob
but i'm not such a kind of gays who will page gms after any shit in game..
just another way to insult someone ..they wrote to gmpage not because were offended ( they wrote because have been dishonoured and wished somehow to recoup that)..
i want one of two things..
u'll jail them as u jailed me for instulting
or u free me immediately
better 1st variant .. i remember all their nicknames ..
let's make them holidays in jail.. may be then they will understand that to offend others badly
sono perfettamente d'accordo conte anche se nn ho capito le utlime deu parole
Ma questi rosicano molto + di noi Pensavo che nn avrei trovato in tutto il pianeta un forum più rosik del nostro, dove le parola + usate sn lamer e "perchè mi avete jailato, io nn ho fatto nulla?" che ormai è diventata una frase idiomatica. E invece....mi sbagliavo Mi ripasso due cose di inglese e lo vado a leggere asd
Voto mio fratello miglior firmaiolo GN!!! Coitus,popolanodelSovranoOrdineCatanesedelLiotro...S.O.C.L.Regnat!! Powered by Jean Marc
N00b is an abbreviation for Newbie and not of New Bye, in any case it is a slight offense, but not as bad as f***k off...try to go to a big bad guy in your city...call him "n00b" and then tell him to f***k off and you will notice the difference in his reaction.
Btw you are being too much offensive in this thread so behave yourelf, stay in jail and consider yourself lucky if the GMs don't add you some days for the insults in the forum. Being angry is not an excuse for being unpolite.
Cheers up and remember it's just a game!
this big guy in this situation was me.. and they all just group of rosiks ^^
btw they told me that i suck before i replyed them.. may be it's ok too ? and after that i should realy suck cause they said so ? realy nothing bad in fuck off especially after - suck, noob and whine.. we spoke in this way.. but they whine to gms too.. first they whine to me that my pet is too cool ^^ and they scares to attack me bacause of it ))
so try to tell me that i suck in my city )) and u'll notice difference in my reaction ))
u right! it's just a game! that's why i don't need to offend someone ^^ i can just kill him or leave him.. but all this happened in my house ^^ and i couldnt kill them cause that was a small gang and i was alone
we all should be suspended or noone...
Koper! )) where r u ?
Sobek c'mon and take my side )) i didn't offend anyone and whine to gms after any insult.
Mazza non te ne scappa una... intendevo BUY ma a quell'ora che vai trovando...
p.s. (per il viaggetto quando vuoi )
------------------------------------------------------ Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire
After i was called repeatedly noob and suggested to shut up i replyed - fuck off
i don't see in this more insult than in calling someone noob
but i'm not such a kind of gays who will page gms after any shit in game..
just another way to insult someone ..they wrote to gmpage not because were offended ( they wrote because have been dishonoured and wished somehow to recoup that)..
i want one of two things..
u'll jail them as u jailed me for instulting
or u free me immediately
better 1st variant .. i remember all their nicknames ..
let's make them holidays in jail.. may be then they will understand that to offend others badly
from my point of view you can also be right but writing this way you make a big mistake. if they were wrong for their behaviour now you are wrong in this thread because you're too much offensive. be kind and polite, that's the right way.
one thing more: take it easy
[12:32:08] Maxi: duel_
[12:32:34] Maxi: attaccmi
[12:32:48] Maxi: ?
[12:33:30] Maxi: quintus kill me
[12:33:39] Rah Tha Man: if u get a horse like me
[12:33:44] Rah Tha Man: ill kill u in 3 secs
[12:33:46] Quintus Flaccus: ROSIK
[12:33:48] Merlin: Quintas shut up
[12:33:48] Maxi: quintus kill me
[12:33:49] Maxi: quintus kill me
[12:33:49] Maxi: quintus kill me
[12:33:50] Quintus Flaccus: ROSIK
[12:33:54] Merlin: Quintas shut up
[12:33:55] Rah Tha Man: quintus sucks
[12:33:56] Merlin: Quintas shut up
[12:34:05] Rah Tha Man: 2 explosions is all it takes to kill u
[12:34:17] Rah Tha Man: `yeah go grey noob
[12:34:25] Merlin: go grey
[12:34:26] Merlin: go grey
[12:34:27] Merlin: go grey
[12:34:33] Maxi: flaccus_
[12:34:35] Maxi: flaccus_
[12:34:35] Maxi: flaccus_
[12:34:42] Rah Tha Man: if u attack him ill heal u maxi
[12:34:50] Rah Tha Man: ill kill the pet
[12:34:53] Rah Tha Man: and u kill him
[12:34:58] Maxi: come with me
[12:35:26] Rah Tha Man: turn into wolf quintus
[12:35:31] Rah Tha Man: turn into wolf quintus
[12:36:20] Merlin: Shu tup!!!
[12:36:22] Rah Tha Man: even my tamer can kill you
[12:36:26] Rah Tha Man: even my tamer can kill you
[12:36:26] Rah Tha Man: even my tamer can kill you
[12:36:46] Merlin: we dont wann go grey thats only reason
[12:36:47] Maxi: quintus flaccus duel?
[12:36:47] Rah Tha Man: what a noob
[12:36:48] Maxi: quintus flaccus duel?
[12:36:48] Maxi: quintus flaccus duel?
[12:36:50] Rah Tha Man: WHAT A NOOB
[12:36:52] Rah Tha Man: WHAT A NOOB
[12:36:52] Rah Tha Man: WHAT A NOOB
[12:37:01] Maxi: quintus flaccus duel?
[12:37:01] Maxi: quintus flaccus duel?
[12:37:01] Maxi: quintus flaccus duel?
[12:37:02] Merlin: how noobish
[12:37:02] Quintus Flaccus: maxe we were alone
[12:37:04] Quintus Flaccus: not long
[12:37:06] Quintus Flaccus: time ago
[12:37:07] Quintus Flaccus: but u
[12:37:08] Quintus Flaccus: prefer
[12:37:10] Quintus Flaccus: to run
[12:37:11] Quintus Flaccus: away
[12:37:13] Maxi: asd
[12:37:14] Quintus Flaccus: so fuck off
[12:37:18] Quintus Flaccus: and try to find me
[12:37:19] Quintus Flaccus: next time
[12:37:20] Maxi: i was a nub
[12:37:22] Merlin: lol
[12:37:29] Rah Tha Man: jail time
[12:37:30] Maxi: but now
[12:37:30] Rah Tha Man: jail time
[12:37:31] Quintus Flaccus: u still a noob
[12:37:31] Rah Tha Man: jail time
[12:37:32] Merlin: yah
[12:37:34] Maxi: no
[12:37:35] Merlin: [age
[12:37:36] Maxi: no
[12:37:40] Maxi: asdasd
[12:37:45] Maxi: come with me
as u can see they all annoyed me )) threatened to kill me and even insult !!
Look, I'm not saying you didn't react to provocation but you have to understand that even wanting to look at the episode from your point of view, you deserve your jail becase you insulted them. You can discuss with a GM (using PM - Private messages - instead of the forum) if you think the other players involved deserve it too and then hear the Gms point of view on this matter, but starting this thread flaming and insulting is not the best way to explain your opinion.
So my suggestion is: say you are sorry about the rude words you used, convince yourself that you deserve the jail (stating that you usually don't call the GMs when you are harassed in the game is not an excuse. Everybody has the right to do that, if you don't do it it's your choice) and send a private message to the GM that jailed you or page a GM explaining that also the other players involved need to be jailed in your opinion. Be polite and hear what they tell you. If this fails (because the GMs don't agree with your point of view or else) do your jailtime, exit and when insulted next time keep your temper and if you want call the GMs. This is just a small part of your gaming experience and it can be positive if taken the right way. Felucca does not mean that you can do or say whatever you want.
This way you'll see that next time (I hope there won't be a next time) you will get much more support from the community.
I just think you can't use this language on a public forum, AND I'd like you to notice that:
Noob is an abbr. for "New Bye", wich is not an offensive word..
Noob = Newbe = New-be = Nuovo Essere = esordiente nel mondo di uo e quindi NIUBBO(eccosì via) e se detto a una certa persona e in un preciso contesto può anche essere offensivo!
A little piece of paper with apicture drawn floats... The memory now is like the picture was then. When the paper’scrumpled up it can’t be perfect again!
Noob = Newbe = New-be = Nuovo Essere = esordiente nel mondo di uo e quindi NIUBBO(eccosì via) e se detto a una certa persona e in un preciso contesto può anche essere offensivo!
Veramente deriva da Newbie e non da Newbe (che nell'accezione da te proposta, sostanzialmente corretta, andrebbe scritto New Being) ed è una specie di diminutivo scherzoso (pronuncia: NIUBI - in realtà è più simile a NUBI, da cui N00b -, in italiano NIUBBO). In determinate situazioni, essendo un aggettivo che indica scarsa esperienza e conoscenza nel gioco può essere blandamente offensivo.
stating that you usually don't call the GMs when you are harassed in the game is not an excuse. Everybody has the right to do that, if you don't do it it's your choice
for me sounds like - everybody has the right to be sh..t or not to be if u know what i mean... don't wanna be a rosik like some guys ^^ i'll never choose whining.. in any case i can answer adequately..
and in this situation i didn't exceed the limits... that was the way we talked
i even don't understand what insult in this expression..
many words has different meanings.. and FO not exception.. it only slightly rough variant of other similar expressions 0.o ( all was at night.. may be i was on drugs drunk and after good ... ^) )
this experience can't be possitive... cause now i know that i can't answer anyone who trying to annoy me or instult.
most of all irritates that they are afraid to show all on what are capable.. real rosiks ( btw i dunno what means rosik )) Lubba tolds me that rosiks r those guys who whine.. )) )
i'm just foreign player and want to play in peace and love ^) kill all with a smile )) and without any insults.. or if i said word - fuck - i became the worst man on shard ? better put in jail those fools or kids which irritate
i'm 22 year old and play on this shard not for insults. soooo )) be patient with foreigners plz :P
Noob = Newbe = New-be = Nuovo Essere = esordiente nel mondo di uo e quindi NIUBBO(eccosì via) e se detto a una certa persona e in un preciso contesto può anche essere offensivo!
è dal 1997, anno in cui ho iniziato a chattare su irc che credevo che "niubbo" stesse per "nuovo acquisto" ...asd, grazie delle info..
p.s. Bannatelo sto tipo vi prego.
------------------------------------------------------ Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire