when ?
i often stay in house like some guys stays in luna
i'm not for pvp in this house.. sometimes i attack from this house only for fun.. most time i just dismount from pets.. and nothing more.. it's ur problem if after dismounts u die..
may be u don't know but because many russians sit in house and i spent some time in this house too all gaters wanna gank me like other reds.. and if i'll become grey for one of them all other will heal this guy.. so i just make my gametime in this houses
or u suggested to me to stay on a place when 8 aots or noxs run around me ? in such situations i always run into the house.. cause i understand that 8 > then 1
in this topic we see another situation.. 1 guy run away from me.. 2nd guy saw me grey.. run up to me .. some time i remained grey.. later turned blue.. he said something like - noob go grey again.. and i turned grey.. stoods so 15 seconds near him.. nothing happened.. and i turned in blue again.
Eheheh Firts you ask "When" and then you tell the whole story about your housing Lets make it simple again:
Housing = All the things you just said "I just dismount blaa blaa I only run to house during gang blaa blaa" Why do you think ppl are called housers? Just because they attack from it? You just confessed your self here as an 100% houser :-------D Just learn to play during gang ecc.. I have been there several times and dismount isnt a problem at all it just slowers you a bit. Sometimes you die to 8 vs 1, sometimes you dont. Every faction member here knows it.
PS. Do not feel down. Russians are not the only housers at UOD. You can count over 10 True Brit pros with ya and theres always time to turn a new leaf.
funny shit about this honor in battle - NEVER RUN IN HOUSE -
i want to remind u that this shard is in italy and we have worse ping than u..
i was in situations when on a straight line some guys run down me and hit on run.. i'm archer and both my arms r busy..i haven't parry and can't drink bottles if i know that someone can hit me on run.. especially other archers .. after disarm they will have better chance to hit me again.. even 0.5 sec may be enough to pass their hit and may be this hit will be lethal..
and if u talking about honor u shouldn't forget about conditions.. they r not equal..
i do not complain of them... i ask not forget about them
but also i was in situations when i dismounted run away from 2 noxs or aots or other faction guys.. and killed both, or only one, or make them run away.. all this events happened far from house..
Vanadis u just think that u too strong.. but in real i bet u'll die if i'll want this
i think that some of us much stronger than u think and than u..
good advice: try to break off all ur contacts and come out in a buc den. there we'll look what kind ur courage and as quickly u'll be bothered with your bravery
Keffu - i ask -=when=- it means in what situation that happened
r u stupid ? i know that when someone gang u.. u can only run away or die.. and i know that i can't run away from italians.. it's checked up repeatedly... i cannot come off crowd
only because of that there were lots of them i haven't desire to fill again bottles and to collect arrs bolts and bngs
notice if i'll die like this i'll learn nothing
u realy think that u can run away after dismount ?
Sometimes you die to 8 vs 1, sometimes you dont.
Question not in that u will die or not... i ran sometimes and from plenty of players
question in that what interest to run if u can't kill anybody.. i'm not the rabbit to run
and last.. Keffu i already asked you about nickname in game. You are afraid to tell? there are reasons to be afraid, yes?
Keffu - i ask -=when=- it means in what situation that happened
r u stupid ? i know that when someone gang u.. u can only run away or die.. and i know that i can't run away from italians.. it's checked up repeatedly... i cannot come off crowd
only because of that there were lots of them i haven't desire to fill again bottles and to collect arrs bolts and bngs
notice if i'll die like this i'll learn nothing
u realy think that u can run away after dismount ?
"Are you stupid or something"? Or didnt you understand my message? I had no reason to add "When" gos you just told us when you did it didnt you "Aots attacking me bla bla bla"?. And are you so "Noob" that you dont know how to remount your hiruy? And please dont add any shit about "it will be poisoned" have you ever heard about this spell "Cure" ^-^ Then another thing, about this "We have higher ping" shit, do you think that I have any smaller ping than you? How come I survive without noob housing and you dont? Could it be that your just to "newbish"? Quit whining and Learn how to play. Btw is someone gangs you you can do much more than just run and die You can take some of the gangers with you or just survive.
BYE I LUVS U DIMITRI 4 evah <333333 and there is no reason for me to tell my name to someone like you, what would you do with it anyway? Call me noob from your house? Try to gang me?
qualcuno gli dice di farsi tradurre le frasi in italiano prima d postarle?
ps avete capito ke nn so l inglese?
+ un uomo e' gretto + le sue affermazioni sono assolute Parla in modo sensato ad uno stupido e questi ti chiamerà stupido. Accetto qualunque critica ma non accetto insulti 3. È VIETATO scrivere messaggi senza contenuto (SPAM - solo puntini, emoticons etc..) o fuori argomento, con l'intento, volontario o involontario, di creare flame ed appesantire le discussioni.
try to cure ur pet with chivalry after lethal poison..
i don't know how to remount dead hirya.. and i know it will be dead after 2-3 double shots.. 5 seconds in which i should cure my pet and mount it fast.. 2 mages in 5 seconds cast 2 explosions and 2bolts for example.. = 30x4
+ lightning in this 1 second when i'll run away.. enough to kill anyone...
btw they can fizzle my chiva spell with bleed, poison or low level spells..
it's so easy to dismount and gang
of course u can try to run away in animal form.. but what will u do in this form ? attack them ? ^^ well.. when i saw only two aots i attacked them and make them run away without hps.. but when they r 3.. run run run
but if aots or noxs or other gangs poison with poison never bleed and never kill pet - i'm sure it's realy easy to kill them all even alone.. and anyone can call them noobs ^^.. cause even i poison with deadly poison..
i think that u really fears to tell us ur nickname.. we're not so "noobish" as u think.. and even u guess about it .. some of us know about this game much more than u..
do you think that I have any smaller ping than you?
lol we have the same route.. but i have 3-4 more steps.. it says for itself..
yes i think that u have smaller ping then i..
but also i've already told that i can't run away from italians.. not u.. and they have 0-10 ping i think. against my 70-80 or larger.. and i can remind u again that my char is archer i haven't dci cap and parrying skill.. and i use two-handen weapon.
p.s. i have more than 40 hot keys for warrior ( and more than 60 for mage ^^ ).. so be sure that i have keys for mounting too
try to cure ur pet with chivalry after lethal poison..
i don't know how to remount dead hirya.. and i know it will be dead after 2-3 double shots.. 5 seconds in which i should cure my pet and mount it fast.. 2 mages in 5 seconds cast 2 explosions and 2bolts for example.. = 30x4
+ lightning in this 1 second when i'll run away.. enough to kill anyone...
btw they can fizzle my chiva spell with bleed, poison or low level spells..
it's so easy to dismount and gang
of course u can try to run away in animal form.. but what will u do in this form ? attack them ? ^^ well.. when i saw only two aots i attacked them and make them run away without hps.. but when they r 3.. run run run
but if aots or noxs or other gangs poison with poison never bleed and never kill pet - i'm sure it's realy easy to kill them all even alone.. and anyone can call them noobs ^^.. cause even i poison with deadly poison..
i think that u really fears to tell us ur nickname.. we're not so "noobish" as u think.. and even u guess about it .. some of us know about this game much more than u..
lol we have the same route.. but i have 3-4 more steps.. it says for itself..
yes i think that u have smaller ping then i..
but also i've already told that i can't run away from italians.. not u.. and they have 0-10 ping i think. against my 70-80 or larger.. and i can remind u again that my char is archer i haven't dci cap and parrying skill.. and i use two-handen weapon.
p.s. i have more than 40 hot keys for warrior ( and more than 60 for mage ^^ ).. so be sure that i have keys for mounting too
Get full karma and you will be able to cure it -.- My ping is like 190-300 all the time. I have only 30+ binds for mage, but its not about how many binds you have -_- Its about how you use them. Maybe if you would leave your house sometime I wouldnt think you are noobs. It just keeps pissing me off when your ppl runs to house when ever their dying. It doesnt matter how many opponents you have. You just have to learn how to survive. If you run to house your simply Houser. And about that archer thing. Well theres like 90% of Faction ppl at uod with arhcers these days (Look at CoMs). How can they survive without housing and you dont? How can they cure their pets with chiva and you dont? Think about that. And you know there is a bind for animal form too -.- Just simply turn into a person again and start fighting. Theres no need to house you arent even in faction so you dont suffer any kind of shit after death like we faction ppl do 20min loss + 120 noob gaters reskilling and being so big
i always have about 14 000 + karma.. and can't cure from lethal poison my pet (cleans by fire not equal to arch cure.. ).. may be after 3-4 try..
about ping.. well.. if u have 190-300 as u tell us ... ghgh.. then i have 190-300 + 20-30
with alezii our route identical.. i have 3-4 more steps.. or may be u have other provider ?
How can they survive without housing and you dont? How can they cure their pets with chiva and you dont?
but they didn't survive.. 0.o
try to poison their pets with lethal poison or deadly.. i think for deadly poison chance to cure isn't 100% too ^^
i always have about 14 000 + karma.. and can't cure from lethal poison my pet (cleans by fire not equal to arch cure.. ).. may be after 3-4 try..
about ping.. well.. if u have 190-300 as u tell us ... ghgh.. then i have 190-300 + 20-30
with alezii our route identical.. i have 3-4 more steps.. or may be u have other provider ?
but they didn't survive.. 0.o
try to poison their pets with lethal poison or deadly.. i think for deadly poison chance to cure isn't 100% too ^^
Thats the point. They dont survive always but they still dont house. You russians always whine about gang. Well theres so many of you these days that you have your own forum ecc. So why dont you kist start a guild like NoX,Aot,BL,ADE ecc.. And start ganging ppl on your own? Not from house but in other places. Or do you lack the skill so badly that your friends can only explo explo fs from their house.
After i was called repeatedly noob and suggested to shut up i replyed - fuck off
i don't see in this more insult than in calling someone noob
but i'm not such a kind of gays who will page gms after any shit in game..
just another way to insult someone ..they wrote to gmpage not because were offended ( they wrote because have been dishonoured and wished somehow to recoup that)..
i want one of two things..
u'll jail them as u jailed me for instulting
or u free me immediately
better 1st variant .. i remember all their nicknames ..
let's make them holidays in jail.. may be then they will understand that to offend others badly
i agree with you, but you must understand that a massive quantity of babyes here dont know a english word, perhaps they just dont know that " fuck off " is used as a general expression and not as a direct insult.
Siamo tutti figli del nostro coraggio, ma a volte è un cattivo padre.
Thats the point. They dont survive always but they still dont house. You russians always whine about gang. Well theres so many of you these days that you have your own forum ecc. So why dont you kist start a guild like NoX,Aot,BL,ADE ecc.. And start ganging ppl on your own? Not from house but in other places. Or do you lack the skill so badly that your friends can only explo explo fs from their house.