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to GMs. about punishment

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  • to GMs. about punishment

    fuck off - or another one jail story

    After i was called repeatedly noob and suggested to shut up i replyed - fuck off
    i don't see in this more insult than in calling someone noob
    but i'm not such a kind of gays who will page gms after any shit in game..
    just another way to insult someone ..they wrote to gmpage not because were offended ( they wrote because have been dishonoured and wished somehow to recoup that)..

    i want one of two things..
    u'll jail them as u jailed me for instulting
    or u free me immediately
    better 1st variant .. i remember all their nicknames ..
    let's make them holidays in jail.. may be then they will understand that to offend others badly

  • #2
    get a grip on yourself pls.

    you CAN'T seriously think that n00b is an insulting world of similar meaning as FUCK OFF...or are you just on drugs?

    anyway, edit your sign cause its illegally long (and boring)


    • #3
      ...irregular signature.

      Il p Fengyr
      : algander#6292


      • #4
        i think that even if one cm of someone's dick is in ur ass u already fucked
        so has no importance as to offend if it mutually
        and i know that if someone want to cut off ur ear u can kill him and it will be admissible self-defense

        btw Restless Soul - Shut up noob..

        p.s. It was pleasant to you?
        i hope no.. cause if else u do not have any self-esteem
        Ultima modifica di Ospite; 01-04-2006, 02:41.


        • #5
          and reading your posts, i, maybe unreasonably, continue to think that you must be on drugs


          • #6
            i understand what you mean but you risk another jail for your messages on the forum...

            ur quite offensive

            Il p Fengyr
            : algander#6292


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da Restless Soul
              and reading your posts, i, maybe unreasonably, continue to think that you must be on drugs
              I'm just irritated


              • #8
                then relax and play new age music on the cd player: i think it'll be a short term jail.


                • #9
                  in prison better approaches trip-hop


                  • #10
                    I just think you can't use this language on a public forum, AND I'd like you to notice that:
                    Noob is an abbr. for "New Bye", wich is not an offensive word..

                    Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire


                    • #11
                      Volo, negro is also just a black man.. it's not offencive at all.. why we should call them afro-americans then ?
                      btw fuck off meaning - shut up go away and noob - all in one nothing else
                      i didn't want to offend him :-P

                      [12:37:31] Rah Tha Man: jail time
                      [12:37:32] Merlin: yah
                      [12:37:34] Maxi: no
                      [12:37:35] Merlin: [age
                      [12:37:36] Maxi: no

                      he told NO two times !! )
                      so this is misunderstanding ))


                      • #12
                        1) signa irregolare
                        2) questo non è il forum internazionale
                        3) non chiedermi di scrivertelo in inglese perche di inglese non spekko na mazza
                        4) non sbroccare o se lo fai fallo in maniera moderata

                        Akira Toretto -DeaD-
                        Jeriel Dianati -DT-
                        si diventa non si nasce
                        icq: 612051506


                        • #13

                          Io mangio i bambini


                          • #14
                            Originariamente inviato da The Monkey Man

                            For Sign Thx To Darko26
                            ATTILA - Legendary Menager - Piccolo Popolo Guild(In Pensione)
                            John Pusher - [OvT] CoM Faction(In Pensione)
                            Napoletano Juventino sei peggio di quello di Torino!


                            • #15
                              Originariamente inviato da Volo
                              Noob is an abbr. for "New Bye", wHich is not an offensive word..


                              Volo un giorno andremo insieme in angleterre


                              Sto operando...