Ancora nessun annuncio.
La settimana prossima...
Non é morto ciò che eternamente può attendere,
e con il passare di strani eoni anche la morte muore
essi sono, erano e per sempre saranno
Vengono dall'oblio e non hanno limiti
Irragionevoli e senza scopo,
selvaggiamente errano
Messaggeri dell'occulto, essi emergono dall'abisso
Il loro richiamo e' dolce e terribile
Scusate potreste linkarmi qualcosa oaddirittura spiegarmi per bene cos'è il loot personalizzato?Trava on UoD
Council Of Mages Factions
GoodFellas - ']['rava
I In Vas Mani I M/El 20 [GfS]
Council Of Mages Factions
MSN: trava0205@yahoo.it
dalla publish 28:
Instance Corpses
* Damaging a mob and making the top attackers list allows you access to its loot in an fairly distributed fashion
o The looting rights formula has remained unchanged
* Players or parties who make the top attackers list will receive an “instanced” loot container
* This corpse container will only be accessible by the player and not viewable by others for 3 minutes
o Gold will be split evenly among all players on the top attackers list
o Generic stackable items (bolts/arrows, jewels, reagents, etc.) will also be divided among the top attackers
o Each player has a chance to receive up to 1/N (rounded up) of the creature’s total items (where N = # top attackers)
o Resources (meat, skins, etc.) will go to the player on the top attackers list who first cuts up the corpse
o Items the creature has looted from a player will only be available to the player they came from for 3 minutes
* Each player’s own Luck will play a role in determining the loot that is received
o In the case of a party, the member with the highest luck will be used
* Loot and resources left in the instance corpses will become available to everyone after 3 minutes are up
* PVP looting will not be affected by this change
* Example:
o The Dark Father (loot table: 2011 gold, 12 items)
+ Player A 670 gold 4 items (Notice player has a chance of receiving up to 1/N of the total items)
+ Player B 670 gold 3 items (Notice however players will not always receive the full amount of the 1/N items )
+ Player C 670 gold 4 items (Notice gold will always be split evenly)Take care of yourself.
Ma porca di quella ... ho appena fatto uscire il pg dal gauntled . Vabbe cmq ho sempre il primato di non aver beccato manco un arte a doom dopo circa un anno pasasto li dentro a tempo perso.Non c è da vergognarsi,il fatto che dietro i pixel ci siano delle persone non deve essere tirato in ballo solo quando devi avere i sensi di colpa quando lo reskilli