okay i'm going to make a guild named IRT (means I R TAMER .. which means in a funny way i am a tamer...) alltho the guild name not only tamers are welcome pala bards also etc.. but must be a pure pvm pg... any way i plan for this guild to be like "pro" pvm
i have a few plans as in guantlet we will get firesteeds and a gruop of 6 firesteeds and more each firesteed does 100 damage each which kills a df in about a minute.. there are more like dooing paragons afk.. dooing some general pvm , help peeps .
i know about everything there is to know about pvm ;x
so contact me at icq 128420842 or private me in forum
and only seriouse requests please.
i have a few plans as in guantlet we will get firesteeds and a gruop of 6 firesteeds and more each firesteed does 100 damage each which kills a df in about a minute.. there are more like dooing paragons afk.. dooing some general pvm , help peeps .
i know about everything there is to know about pvm ;x
so contact me at icq 128420842 or private me in forum

and only seriouse requests please.