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to the administrators for my account

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  • to the administrators for my account

    hi.i am from bulgaria and i have a very big problem
    i dont speak english very well because of that i think that you cant undarstand me very well...before 2 days i create my account and 2 other account for my two friends dont understand haw they can create accounts because of that i create their accounts...sry, i dont know that is forbidden.please, can you tell to somebody administrator to unbann my account and to delete 2 account for my friends and the account who i write you now, they have nothing in their accounts but i have in my... my account that was banned is gold_team
    the accounts of my 2 friends are dark_body and shark12345
    the account who i write now you are leadera

    please delete leader, shark12345 and dark_body and unbann gold_team

    thanks you for your patiencion

  • #2
    hi man, my english isn't good too but i think u can understand me

    if u wan't help from GN staff u must send a private message to Gwinneth.
    You must find a 3d where she wrote and click on .

    keep on dreaming man


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