Da voci incontrollate si parla di un bug del core..... per inj
Ancora nessun annuncio.
Questa discussione è chiusa.
Originally posted by Reverendo Bertomanson
dovetre installare se e aggiornarlo allultima patchNeoLex: ThE ObsCuRe FaCe oF mIRC ScriPtiNg
NeoLex disse:
"...facciamo che on join parte un mex, se uno scrive quella cosa si crea un programma che pinga le macchine di scorpion tutte le sere alle 00:00..."
Re: Pre-release
Originally posted by Sofya
Ecco quanto sarà parzialmente presente su UOD da questa sera alle 22:30.
Tokuno Island e le creature di SE non saranno ancora implementate perchè ancora in attesa di fix e di completamento
Abbiate ancora un po' di pazienza... le novità non vi deluderanno ^^
- Uzeraan Turmoil, Dark Tides, Collector, and Witch Apprentice quests now give proper magical items when completed. This fix is retroactive for items given previously
- Kindling can once again be harvested from trees
- Banning players from houses now correctly bans their entire account
- The tillerman will now give a message when a boats hold cannot be opened
- Fixed item holding bug triggered when looting innocent corpses in town
- Line of sight paths are now swapped if necessary to resolve (very rare) situations where one player can cast on another but not be targeted back
- Pets can now harm other players that initiated an attack against their owner without flagging the pet or the owner criminal
- Anatomy and evaluating intelligence now properly apply the margin-of-error at lower skill levels
- Players may no longer steal from corpses
Additions:- Young system
- Contract-based player vendor system
- Moving crate system
- Speech log system used in verbal harassment pages
- Boat coarse plotting using maps
- Instant logout via camping and bedrolls
- Communication crystals
- Protocol extension system allowing Krrios' client party tracking
- Character limiting interface, allows 1, 5, or 6 characters for the server
- Items:
- Bedroll
- BroadcastCrystal, ReceiverCrystal
Samurai Expansion:- Misc:
- BookOfBushido
- BookOfNinjitsu
- BambooFlute
- Construction:
- BambooScreen
- ShojiScreen
- WindChimes
- FancyWindChimes
- Lights:
- PaperLantern
- RedHangingLantern
- RoundPaperLantern
- ShojiLantern
- WhiteHangingLantern - Furniture:
- TallCabinet
- ShortCabinet
- RedArmoire
- CherryArmoire
- MapleArmoire
- ElegantArmoire
- PlainWoodenChest
- OrnateWoodenChest
- GildedWoodenChest
- WoodenFootLocker
- FinishedWoodenChest
- ElegantLowTable
- PlainLowTable
- Decoration:
- SmallUrn
- SmallTowerSculpture - Addons:
- GozaMatEast(Addon|Deed)
- GozaMatSouth(Addon|Deed)
- SquareGozaMatEast(Addon|Deed)
- SquareGozaMatSouth(Addon|Deed)
- BrocadeGozaMatEast(Addon|Deed)
- BrocadeGozaMatSouth(Addon|Deed)
- BrocadeSquareGozaEast(Addon|Deed)
- BrocadeSquareGozaSouth(Addon|Deed) - Clothing:
- Kasa
- ClothNinjaHood
- ClothNinjaJacket
- FemaleKimono
- Hakama
- HakamaShita
- JinBaori
- Kamishimo
- MaleKimono
- NinjaTabi
- Obi
- SamuraiTabi
- TattsukeHakama
- Waraji - Weapons:
- Bokuto
- Daisho
- Kama
- Lajatang
- NoDachi
- Nunchaku
- Sai
- Tekagi
- Tessen
- Tetsubo
- Wakizashi
- Yumi - Armor:
- ChainHatsuburi
- Leather:
- LeatherDo
- LeatherHaidate
- LeatherHiroSode
- LeatherJingasa
- LeatherMempo
- LeatherNinjaHood
- LeatherNinjaJacket
- LeatherNinjaMitts
- LeatherNinjaPants
- LeatherSuneate - Studded:
- StuddedDo
- StuddedHaidate
- StuddedHiroSode
- StuddedMempo
- StuddedSuneate - Plate:
- DecorativePlateKabuto
- HeavyPlateJingasa
- LightPlateJingasa
- PlateBattleKabuto
- PlateDo
- PlateHaidate
- PlateHatsuburi
- PlateHiroSode
- PlateMempo
- PlateSuneate
- SmallPlateJingasa
- StandardPlateKabuto
Minor Artifacts:- AdmiralsHeartRum
- AlchemistsBauble
- BlazeOfDeath
- BowOfTheJukaKing
- BurglarsBandana
- CaptainQuacklebushsCutlass
- CavortingClub
- DreadPirateHat
- GlovesOfThePugilist
- GwennosHarp
- NightsKiss
- NoxRangersHeavyCrossbow
- OrcishVisage
- PhillipsWoodenSteed
- PolarBearMask
- ShieldOfInvulnerability
- ShipModelOfTheHMSCape
- StaffOfPower
- VioletCourage
- ColdBlood
- GhostShipAnchor
- HeartOfTheLion
- PixieSwatter
- SeahorseStatuette
- WrathOfTheDryad
Changes:- Stuck menu now teleports to a random location in the selected town, as well as correctly identifies when the target is in a T2A dungeon
- Misc tweaks to match OSI:
- Bola balls are now properly hued
- Small corrections in messages sent when rejecting a player from riding a mount
- TasteID now works on potions, messages now appear over the target item
- Commodity deeds are now blessed
AOS only:- Players must now wait 3 seconds to remount after -throwing- a bola
- Using the stuck menu while inside a house will teleport you outside of it
ho installato UO SE ma non mi patcha come mai??Originally Posted by Amdir:
"In omnia pericula tasta testicula, grattatio pallorum etim omnia male fugit."
Originally Posted by KILLETOR:
Se lo rivedo, quanto è vero che esiste Amdir gli apro il culo come un corriere dello sport...
Originally Posted by Prof
...Una volta le maestre tiravano le bacchettate...
Originally Posted by Alunno
...Oggi tirano le seghe...