Conclusioni: potete aggiornare il client.
Vecchi client:
3D Client:
Both Clients:
- Long macro name no longer causes a client crash
- Editing book title no longer causes a client crash
- Deleting multiple skill groups no longer causes a client crash
Both Clients:
- In conjunction with the Publish 29 server, floating damage number values will no longer "roll-over" at 256, and will be visible for all nearby creatures.
- InvokeVirtue macro no longer causes a client crash
- Localization updates
- UOLauncher 1.3 - 2
- Razor 18a
Se avete Razor 18 aggiornatelo alla 18a per la compatibilità con questo client. - UOGateway 1.9
Conclusioni: potete aggiornare il client.
Vecchi client: