La lista di cose fixate è enorme,
ma la cosa più interessante secondo me è questa :
Instance Corpses.
Damaging a mob and making the top attackers list allows you access to its loot in an fairly distributed fashion.
- The looting rights formula has remained unchanged
- Players or parties who make the top attackers list will receive an “instanced” loot container
- This corpse container will only be accessible by the player and not viewable by others for 3 minutes
- Gold will be split evenly among all players on the top attackers list
- Generic stackable items (bolts/arrows, jewels, reagents, etc.) will also be divided among the top attackers
- Each player has a chance to receive up to 1/N (rounded up) of the creature’s total items (where N = # top attackers)
- Resources (meat, skins, etc.) will go to the player on the top attackers list who first cuts up the corpse
- Items the creature has looted from a player will only be available to the player they came from for 3 minutes
- Each player’s own Luck will play a role in determining the loot that is received
In the case of a party, the member with the highest luck will be used
- Loot and resources left in the instance corpses will become available to everyone after 3 minutes are up
- PVP looting will not be affected by this change
The Dark Father (loot table: 2011 gold, 12 items)
- Player A 670 gold 4 items (Notice player has a chance of receiving up to 1/N of the total items)
- Player B 670 gold 3 items (Notice however players will not always receive the full amount of the 1/N items )
- Player C 670 gold 4 items (Notice gold will always be split evenly)
In soldoni viene diviso in modo uguale tutto il loot del mostro fra coloro che hanno diritti di loot ed ognuno ha la -sua- "finestrella" con i -suoi- oggetti determinati dalla -sua- luck.
A doom, se mai sarà fixato anche da noi, finalmente non troveremo il solito furbetto con easyuo che prende tutti gli oggetti dal corpo del DF e poi lo vedete buttarli via uno a uno due metri più in là..
- Changed War Mode Toggle delay to one second.
- Added delay on remounting after using dismount special maneuver (same delay as bolas).
- Added delay on remounting after using dismount special maneuver or bolas for faction horses.
ma la cosa più interessante secondo me è questa :
Instance Corpses.
Damaging a mob and making the top attackers list allows you access to its loot in an fairly distributed fashion.
- The looting rights formula has remained unchanged
- Players or parties who make the top attackers list will receive an “instanced” loot container
- This corpse container will only be accessible by the player and not viewable by others for 3 minutes
- Gold will be split evenly among all players on the top attackers list
- Generic stackable items (bolts/arrows, jewels, reagents, etc.) will also be divided among the top attackers
- Each player has a chance to receive up to 1/N (rounded up) of the creature’s total items (where N = # top attackers)
- Resources (meat, skins, etc.) will go to the player on the top attackers list who first cuts up the corpse
- Items the creature has looted from a player will only be available to the player they came from for 3 minutes
- Each player’s own Luck will play a role in determining the loot that is received
In the case of a party, the member with the highest luck will be used
- Loot and resources left in the instance corpses will become available to everyone after 3 minutes are up
- PVP looting will not be affected by this change
The Dark Father (loot table: 2011 gold, 12 items)
- Player A 670 gold 4 items (Notice player has a chance of receiving up to 1/N of the total items)
- Player B 670 gold 3 items (Notice however players will not always receive the full amount of the 1/N items )
- Player C 670 gold 4 items (Notice gold will always be split evenly)
In soldoni viene diviso in modo uguale tutto il loot del mostro fra coloro che hanno diritti di loot ed ognuno ha la -sua- "finestrella" con i -suoi- oggetti determinati dalla -sua- luck.
A doom, se mai sarà fixato anche da noi, finalmente non troveremo il solito furbetto con easyuo che prende tutti gli oggetti dal corpo del DF e poi lo vedete buttarli via uno a uno due metri più in là..
- Changed War Mode Toggle delay to one second.
- Added delay on remounting after using dismount special maneuver (same delay as bolas).
- Added delay on remounting after using dismount special maneuver or bolas for faction horses.