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to Foreigners on UOD

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  • #16
    Yes, imho, all non-italian community (if you really claim that you're an international shard now) would appreciate its own forum, where no italian is allowed (you see, even here there're italian posts ).
    This is the real DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!
    what the hell are u saying?u said u dont wanna be discriminated in an ITALIAN and INTERNATIONAL shard and then u dont wanna any italians in ur forum....well thank u.what a wonderful comunity u're gonna create....well no more to say,bye

    EDITO:mi sono accorto che avevo scritto in maniera indegna discrimination!!!
    Ultima modifica di Dj_Amix; 02-10-2004, 21:31.
    Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
    Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
    Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
    ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
    credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
    C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


    • #17
      I don't think a specific forum would be a good idea.
      It would just break apart the community more then it already is.
      There is nothing that stop foreigners to create topics here in english... but nothing should stop italians as well from replying to foreigners threads...
      About the moderation, should there be a new non english language forum, how does is staff supposed to watch over it?
      I don't think a foreigner moderator would be appropriate, cause he could act as he please without allowing any staff member to intervene, should it be necessary.


      • #18
        before opening a new international forum i think that all moderators should be learn a bit of english
        By the way, answering to Teranos , i think that 2 many people 4 any language have 2 join the staff, so our staff will be 2 big 4 a community like this.. and this surely wouldn't be a good choice..


        • #19
          Originally posted by Doomtrooper

          This is the real DISCRIMATION!!!!!!

          what the hell are u saying?u said u dont wanna be discriminated in an ITALIAN and INTERNATIONAL shard and then u dont wanna any italians in ur forum....well thank u.what a wonderful comunity u're gonna create....well no more to say,bye
          Originally posted by Pendragon
          I don't think a specific forum would be a good idea.
          It would just break apart the community more then it already is.
          There is nothing that stop foreigners to create topics here in english... but nothing should stop italians as well from replying to foreigners threads...
          About the moderation, should there be a new non english language forum, how does is staff supposed to watch over it?
          I don't think a foreigner moderator would be appropriate, cause he could act as he please without allowing any staff member to intervene, should it be necessary.
          XaLiOvAr of Nine [-A-]
          ~ Angelo Buono ~


          • #20
            Many guilds are ready to receive foreign players, if they like: it's also a good opportunity for us to learn speaking english.

            Please look for guild's forums (in the guild list of the web site) and contact us!


            • #21
              Yes ) I want forum on English language, but i badly speak in english ) was better if you made forum on russian language ) About discrimination, in game when i speak with other russian friends on russian, a lot of players smile and say what we noobs,lols and other )
              Ðóññêèé Êîëõîçíèê


              • #22
                Originally posted by Frozen Angel
                Yes ) I want forum on English language, but i badly speak in english ) was better if you made forum on russian language ) About discrimination, in game when i speak with other russian friends on russian, a lot of players smile and say what we noobs,lols and other )
                If they insist calling you a noob or whatever, you can page a gm for harassment, like everyone else in these situations do (or at least SHOULD, of course there are always people who decide to make justice by themselves, and they often pay the consequences), you just have to type "player X is harassing me, please intervene"... they will watch the situation for a little bit while concealed, and act accordingly...
                Creating new forums for foreigners, dividing the community between nationalities it's not the way an international shard should be kept, IMHO.


                • #23

                  I will not answer to what you wrote.
                  Just try to reconsider what you just said.

                  Btw I live in Scotland since quite a while, and work with people from many country. I think to be a little bit more open minded than you are.


                  • #24
                    Tnx to you all

                    I hope we'll get even more feedback than this

                    I'll ask GN to open a foreigners forum and we'll try to put in it english-speaking and possibly foreign moderators. Be aware that this will be a slow passage, as we have to organize ourselves

                    We are not thinking of making it a close forum, but it will be compulsory not to post in italian.

                    About speaking russian... ahem... well... it's not so easy to understand or learn russian... and our staff must be able to understand the contents in order to moderate...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Admin Gwineth
                      About speaking russian... ahem... well... it's not so easy to understand or learn russian... and our staff must be able to understand the contents in order to moderate...

                      They can open a private guild forum in order to speak in

                      About the no italian...i suppose that they means the post in italian language...not the post by italian people...and they're's miseducated to speak to a person using a language that he can't understand!
                      Ultima modifica di shivasdasd; 01-10-2004, 11:52.


                      • #26
                        Imo it's a good thing opening a new forum to foreign people. Surely it would be accepted only messages in english, but I disagree with someone who said to don't allow italian people... So... OK with international forum, OK with speaking english.
                        Imo, the moderator(s) could be italian as well...

                        p.s. If someone needs an helping hand, just call me...(icq nr in my profile)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Sebastian Sorano
                          I've had no problems with discrimination... but I suppose some Italian players are ignorant... boh :S
                          i do discriminate him.

                          cmq mi sembra che, qualche settimana fa, si fosse esclusa la possibilità di creare un forum community perchè ci saremmo ghettizzati, ora mi parlate di creare un forum per gli stranieri...
                          bella coerenza =!

                          totalmente contrario


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by WoN

                            i do discriminate him.

                            cmq mi sembra che, qualche settimana fa, si fosse esclusa la possibilità di creare un forum community perchè ci saremmo ghettizzati, ora mi parlate di creare un forum per gli stranieri...
                            bella coerenza =!

                            totalmente contrario
                            Forum per gli stranieri NO... forum in cui si parla inglese SI...


                            • #29
                              if there is anybody who's got problems with english but can speak german, just call me
                              Vash U'Sgrav [LorD] - Labora et Basta [KP] on UODreams
                              ICQ: 150088146

                              MSN: iociriprovo chiocciola

                              Non contattatemi su ICQ per scambio item o aste o spam di alcun genere. Se mi serve un item faccio il post sul forum, inutile che mi spammate su ICQ.

                              This signature is powered by Gingillo


                              • #30
                                tutti che fanno li sboroni a fa vedè come sanno l'inglese...

                                Hai proprio ragione, gli esseri umani sono deboli e soccombono facilmente. Tuttavia, io sopravviverò, e lotterò con coraggio fino alla fine, indipendentemente da quanti colpi dovrò parare o subire. Sappi che non mi darò mai per vinto, non mi arrenderò e non accetterò la sconfitta....IO ADORO LA VENDETTA, NON DIMETICO E NON PERDONO, NON FA PARTE DEL MIO CARATTERE!!


                                Sto operando...