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Usa. New to Dreams

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  • Usa. New to Dreams

    I wanted to say hi. And how much im enjoying playing here so far. I found that most american servers were full of griefers and PKs who liked to scream obscenaties about your heratige,family and yes even your family dog , allthewhile misspeaking and misspelling every other word. While being PKed is not a problem, being pked by someone named assrobber is I have been greatly helped by several people both in information and direction. I have purchased a translation program which i must say is difficult at times with tabbing out, typing in the spoken text then translating and retyping the translated text. but i do try my best
    I just wanted to say its a nice server and the connection is teriffic for me and vritualy lag free. Could someone inform me as to where the trade mecca is ? What city everyone congregates in and where to never go ?? Thanks ahead of time.


    translation to follow

    Ho desiderato dire ciao. E quanto gioco godere im qui finora. Ho trovato che la maggior parte dei assistenti americani erano pieni dei griefers e di PKs che hanno gradito gridare i obscenaties circa il vostri heratige, famiglia e sì persino il il vostri cane dalla famiglia, misspeaking allthewhile ed errore d'ortografia dell'ogni altra parola. Mentre essere PKed non è un problema, essere pked da qualcuno assrobber chiamato è Notevolmente sono stato aiutato da parecchia gente sia nelle informazioni che nel senso. Ho comprato un programma di traduzione cui devo dire sono difficile occasionalmente con catalogare verso l'esterno, scrivendo nel testo parlato allora traducente e riscrivente il testo a macchina tradotto ma provo il mio la cosa migliore
    Ho desiderato appena dire che relativo un assistente piacevole ed il collegamento è teriffic per me e vritualy il ritardo liberi. Potrebbe qualcuno informarlo quanto a dove il mecca commerciale è? Che città tutto congregates dentro e dove non andare mai?? Ringraziamenti davanti a tempo.


  • #2
    Rigà traduceteglelo O_O":

    Dunque...ho letto solo mò ... ( :O)
    Mi spiace un casino il posto in cui sei finito doveva essere orribile O_O (???ma che çazzo ha scritto sotto??) cmq per fortuna che hai incontrato brava gente che ti ha potuto aiutare O_O (ci rinuncio è contorto pure per me o_o!) ora spero tutto vada per il verso giusto. ( !?!)

    Bella pè te !_!

    Benvenuto e divertite ^_^

    ps: Ho capito giusto che sei nuovo e leggendo il titolo...per il resto ci ho rinunciato O_O! fortuna pè la versione in Ita o_O".

    ps2: stò fatto come una foca artica, tutto ciò potrebbe non avere senso. (è un avviso o avvertimento o boh in qualche modo era))
    Ultima modifica di Anarkopunk; 20-09-2004, 20:11.

    Non è colpa nostra se l'Austria non ha sbocchi sul mare. cit.


    • #3
      lol la traduzione è troppo yeah

      ICQ: 214559216


      • #4

        Italia > USA ... remember


        • #5
          heaven --> noobland
          luna --> commercial place & market
          bukkaneer's den & trinsic --> pvp
          despice --> training

          various dungeons and champion spawn


          • #6
            okay, we re glad to have u here, and, of course, u won t find any who have "obscene" names, because our staff is very serious.

            and, of course, u won t fin anyone who call all the insults of this world about ur parents etc.
            if u need any kind of info, u can call me (icq 162298128)

            bye ^__^


            • #7
              Welcome e buon gioco!!!

              Numero 6: «Che cosa volete?»
              Numero 2: «Informazioni.»
              Numero 6: «Da che parte siete?»
              Numero 2: «Questo sarebbe dare informazioni. Noi le cerchiamo.»
              Numero 6: «Non ne avrete!»
              Numero 2: «In un modo o nell'altro... le avremo.»

              «Abbiamo cannato.»
              Easy Rider

              Kurt Cobain - Ah ah ah Meninub - Jake Chambers - Dracotelli - Pg Osistyle
              Sempre e solo [PP]


              • #8
                Originally posted by asd
                Welcome e buon gioco!!!

                and remember, if u see people saying "asd", well it means "A Stupid Deer"


                • #9

                  for any problem about the market forum, just contact me via private message or ICQ (in my profile)!

                  NOTE: don't care the automatic translator, because the result is impossible to be understood.
                  Attualmente non gioco più a UO.
                  Originally posted by FuTuRa
                  Le vere "mele marce" sono coloro che sputano cattiveria, anche in un gioco...


                  • #10
                    Welcome to dreams.
                    If you need info or something in particular just ask.

                    "I can't seem to see through solid marble eyes -Sparklehorse"
                    "Come on along with the black rider, we'll have a gay old time -Tom Waits"


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        hi to you and welcome here!

                        I hope you'll enjoy this place: there are some foreign players from brazil, uk and netherlands, so you aren't alone... and most of our staff, as most of the players, speak english

                        if you are in need of anything, feel free to PM or ICQ (3548873) me: I'm the admin in charge of PRs

                        Keep on Dreamin'!




                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Admin Gwineth
                          hi to you and welcome here!

                          I hope you'll enjoy this place: there are some foreign players from brazil, uk and netherlands, so you aren't alone... and most of our staff, as most of the players, speak english

                          if you are in need of anything, feel free to PM or ICQ (3548873) me: I'm the admin in charge of PRs

                          Keep on Dreamin'!


                          and Russia


                          • #14
                            Re: Usa. New to Dreams

                            Originally posted by caracarn
                            I wanted to say hi. And how much im enjoying playing here so far. I found that most american servers were full of griefers and PKs who liked to scream obscenaties about your heratige,family and yes even your family dog , allthewhile misspeaking and misspelling every other word. While being PKed is not a problem, being pked by someone named assrobber is I have been greatly helped by several people both in information and direction. I have purchased a translation program which i must say is difficult at times with tabbing out, typing in the spoken text then translating and retyping the translated text. but i do try my best
                            I just wanted to say its a nice server and the connection is teriffic for me and vritualy lag free. Could someone inform me as to where the trade mecca is ? What city everyone congregates in and where to never go ?? Thanks ahead of time.

                            Welcome aboard!

                            Please, take your time to read CAREFULLY the SHARD RULES

                            now about your questions:

                            1)Trade mecca:

                            Facet: TRAMMEL, city Haven:
                            Haven city, filled with new players, it attracts more players, so it will be easy to find lots of novice players and skilled crafters, workers etc etc, who want to sell various stuff and services as well

                            2) Facet: TRAMMEL, city Luna:

                            A step ahead, frequented by more skilled players, Luna usually is the best place to meet friend, to share info regarding the game and why not.. to have fun

                            3)Facet Felucca, place: all

                            Actually felucca is ruled by 2 most powerful guilds [-A-] and [NOX], so if you plan to pay a visit there, watch your back and be prepared, otherwise.. black&white will rule your monitor

                            we also got faction and lots of great players in this shard (lots of great guilds too), on trammel you could play a PvM like gameplay while in Felucca pvp gameplay rule above all.

                            I suggest You to meet other people and make new friends, don't worry about language, many players speak english (or at least they will try :P ), and the staff will be ready to understand your pages as well

                            Again.. welcome to UODreams


                            • #15

                              i've already met you with my second pg, makaan. Sorry but i was quite in a hurry, and the server crashed too

                              anyway, if you need anything, information, translation, just ask me via icq (my icq number is in the signature )

                              ok, hope to see u soon

                              Mithrandir von Eilif

                              My icq number: 121800801


                              Sto operando...