Vorrei sapere appunto quando implementeranno le virtu' mancanti: ce n'è qualcuna molto simpatica cmq ora vi posto gli effetti , direttamente da stratics:
Characters that have progressed any number of steps in Honor cannot be affected by level 1 poisons.
First step: A chance to reduce poison effects by one level, and a small chance to cure it outright.
Second step: A chance to reduce poison effects by 1 or 2 levels, and a chance to cure it outright.
Third step: A chance to reduce poison effects by 1, 2, or 3 levels, and a chance to cure it outright.
Gaining steps in Humility will grant a character some special abilities. Players will be able to access these abilities by clicking the Humility symbol on their own Virtue gump.
First step: +10 Hit Points, +10 Mana, +10 Stamina
Second step: +20 Hit Points, +20 Mana, +20 Stamina
Third step: +30 Hit Points, +30 Mana, +30 Stamina
Characters who have achieved any steps on the path of Spirituality will recover from being dead faster than other characters, resurrecting with a few more hit points and mana than normal.
The exact numbers are still to be determined, although it is not likely that they will exceed 50% of the character’s maximum natural stats.
A player who resurrects through use of his Sacrifice power will not gain these additional, post-resurrection recovery points.
Ghosts are normally only understood by those who successfully use the Spirit Speak skill. Characters who have achieved any steps on the path of Spirituality will be understood by anyone while as a ghost, including those who listeners who are not using Spirit Speak.
Gaining enough points in Valor will grant a character the ability to initiate or advance the progression of champion spawns.
Players may activate their Valor Virtue ability by double-clicking the Valor icon on the Virtue window, then targeting the Idol of the Champion which sits on a nearby champion spawn shrine.
The champion idols appear as large grey skull statues at the center of an inactive or active champion spawn shrine.
Issuing a “Virtuous Challenge” to affect a champion spawn will cost the player a number of Valor points.
Players with enough points of Valor may activate an inactive champion spawn shrine [NOTE: In the Lost Lands with the Valor virtue, you do not get to choose which champion to summon.].
A player must be a Knight of Valor in order to activate such a shrine in this manner.
The player will sacrifice a large portion of his Valor in order to activate a champion spawn shrine.
Activating such a shrine will summon forth the first wave of the respective champion spawn.
Players with enough points of Valor may advance an active champion spawn one level closer to the summoning of its champion of evil.
A player must be a Seeker of Valor or higher in order to advance such a shrine in this manner—the more advanced the spawn, the greater the required Valor title.
The first levels will require no title, while higher levels will require Seeker, Follower, or Knight titles before a character can even attempt a Valorous Challenge.
A player who advanced a champion spawn level will sacrifice a portion of her Valor based off of the current level of the Champion’s spawn.
The higher the current level of the champion spawn, the more Valor will be required to affect the spawn.
A champion spawn will only accept one such Virtuous Challenge per session.
Only one player may affect a given champion spawn session, and only once during that session.
Once a champion spawn’s level has been increased by a player, no one else can increase its level until the spawn has been completely defeated and has restarted.
Non male Honor, e nemmeno Valor, volevo avere dallo staff una risposta
Characters that have progressed any number of steps in Honor cannot be affected by level 1 poisons.
First step: A chance to reduce poison effects by one level, and a small chance to cure it outright.
Second step: A chance to reduce poison effects by 1 or 2 levels, and a chance to cure it outright.
Third step: A chance to reduce poison effects by 1, 2, or 3 levels, and a chance to cure it outright.
Gaining steps in Humility will grant a character some special abilities. Players will be able to access these abilities by clicking the Humility symbol on their own Virtue gump.
First step: +10 Hit Points, +10 Mana, +10 Stamina
Second step: +20 Hit Points, +20 Mana, +20 Stamina
Third step: +30 Hit Points, +30 Mana, +30 Stamina
Characters who have achieved any steps on the path of Spirituality will recover from being dead faster than other characters, resurrecting with a few more hit points and mana than normal.
The exact numbers are still to be determined, although it is not likely that they will exceed 50% of the character’s maximum natural stats.
A player who resurrects through use of his Sacrifice power will not gain these additional, post-resurrection recovery points.
Ghosts are normally only understood by those who successfully use the Spirit Speak skill. Characters who have achieved any steps on the path of Spirituality will be understood by anyone while as a ghost, including those who listeners who are not using Spirit Speak.
Gaining enough points in Valor will grant a character the ability to initiate or advance the progression of champion spawns.
Players may activate their Valor Virtue ability by double-clicking the Valor icon on the Virtue window, then targeting the Idol of the Champion which sits on a nearby champion spawn shrine.
The champion idols appear as large grey skull statues at the center of an inactive or active champion spawn shrine.
Issuing a “Virtuous Challenge” to affect a champion spawn will cost the player a number of Valor points.
Players with enough points of Valor may activate an inactive champion spawn shrine [NOTE: In the Lost Lands with the Valor virtue, you do not get to choose which champion to summon.].
A player must be a Knight of Valor in order to activate such a shrine in this manner.
The player will sacrifice a large portion of his Valor in order to activate a champion spawn shrine.
Activating such a shrine will summon forth the first wave of the respective champion spawn.
Players with enough points of Valor may advance an active champion spawn one level closer to the summoning of its champion of evil.
A player must be a Seeker of Valor or higher in order to advance such a shrine in this manner—the more advanced the spawn, the greater the required Valor title.
The first levels will require no title, while higher levels will require Seeker, Follower, or Knight titles before a character can even attempt a Valorous Challenge.
A player who advanced a champion spawn level will sacrifice a portion of her Valor based off of the current level of the Champion’s spawn.
The higher the current level of the champion spawn, the more Valor will be required to affect the spawn.
A champion spawn will only accept one such Virtuous Challenge per session.
Only one player may affect a given champion spawn session, and only once during that session.
Once a champion spawn’s level has been increased by a player, no one else can increase its level until the spawn has been completely defeated and has restarted.
Non male Honor, e nemmeno Valor, volevo avere dallo staff una risposta